The following states have serious tax proposals pending within their state legislatures that need to be defeated. If you live in these states, get involved. Call and write your member of the legislature, to do your part in preventing these tax increases on cigars.
H.B. 142 would raise the OTP on cigars from 15% to 40% of the wholesale price.
HB 683 and SB 700 would raise the OTP on cigars from 30% to 95%, with cigars with a wholesale price of less than $20 taxed at 95% or $3 cap.
HF 91 would increase the OTP on cigars from 70% to 90%. Also, SF 552 and 677 in Minnesota need to be defeated.
LB 439 would increase the OTP from 20% to 31%.
New Mexico
HB 428 would increase the OTP on cigars from 25% to 53%.
HB 2481, HB 2870 and SB 119 would allow Oregon local governments to impose their own levels of tobacco taxation.
Smoking Ban Update from the States
Join us in helping to defeat statewide smoking ban legislation in Kentucky, Alabama, Texas, Indiana, Iowa, and Missouri!
SUPPORT HB 1750 in the State of Washington! Let’s work together to get the simple enjoyment of a great cigar back into Washington cigar shops and lounges! Call and email your legislators in Olympia!
SUPPORT HB 2219 in the State of Kansas! This legislation would allow smoking back into select private businesses that meet certain (reasonable) criteria. A step in the right direction, and a potential model for others. |