CRA Member Newsletter
June 14, 2023 | CRA Newsletter: Legislative, Budget, Regulatory, Local, Political & Other Updates
Message from the President
It has been a whirlwind couple of weeks as we focused on the House of Origin deadline and the CRA team has been traveling to promote our programs focused on PAGA reform and Organized Retail Crime. Huge thanks to NRF for including CRA at the Employment Law Forum to discuss our efforts to reform PAGA and the NRF Protect where Ryan on the CRA team met with and answered questions about our efforts to combat retail theft and ORC in the state.

Speaking of retail theft, I have been very active on the media front highlighting a bill that passed the State Senate (SB 553) that will essentially eliminate the ability of loss prevention professionals in California to engage with individuals who are stealing from a store. While the author maintains that is not his intent, we have not seen clarification on this issue and are pushing the Governor to engage by encouraging the author to drop the bill and instead follow Cal/OSHA as we have been working with them on workplace violence regulations.  I will be meeting with the Senator next week to share our concerns in more detail.

Another bill that we had hoped would not make it out of the first house was SB 707- the textile EPR bill. While we share the intent of what the author is trying to do, the bill is very complicated and will be difficult to implement. Additionally, the bill leaves the implementation details up to CalRecycle, which is currently still working through SB 54, which was passed last year. We have had direct conversations with the author, and I will be meeting with him again next week. It is my hope that we can convince him to make this a two-year bill and work on detail over the fall break. As a show of CRA’s willingness to work with him on this important issue, we are inviting the author for a special EPR workgroup meeting in the Fall as part of the 2023 CRA Annual Meeting.

While the House of Origin deadline was not kind to the business community – only one bill died on the Senate and two in the Assembly – the CRA team is actively engaging on several bills on behalf of the industry. I do hope you will take a moment and read through all the good work highlighted in the newsletter below.

As we look to the next few weeks the state legislature and Governor will debate the budget and how to resolve a $25 billion+ deficit. Look for some creative budgeting and negotiating. While the Assembly and Senate have agreed to a budget plan, the Governor has yet to sign off. In addition, we have our final deadline before we break for Summer Recess. July 14th is the deadline to pass bills out of policy committees. Look for a busy week of negotiations.

As always, if there is anything I or the CRA team can do for you in California, please do not hesitate to reach out.  


In this Issue:
  • Legislative Updates
  • Regulatory Updates
  • CA Community Pharmacy Coalition Updates
  • PAGA Reform Updates
  • CRA Outreach, Activities & Other Updates
  • CRA In The News
  • Cal-ORCA Updates
  • CRA Member Portal
Legislative Updates
Regulatory Updates
California Community Pharmacy Coalition Updates
AB 1286 Closing a Pharmacy
The CRA team and CA Community Pharmacy Coalition pulled out all the stops for getting this bill killed in the first house. Unfortunately, and as we expected, AB 1286 (Haney) was sent to the Senate. We reached an impasse with the Board of Pharmacy and UFCW leading up to the Assembly floor vote and, as such, the CRA team is working with the CCP Coalition to continue the opposition effort.

Board of Pharmacy
Due to CRA’s advocacy efforts, the California Board of Pharmacy released a policy statement allowing stakeholders to submit documents with digital signatures in lieu of a wet signature. View the statement here.

In addition, Governor Newsom reappointed Maria Serpa to the Board of Pharmacy. Details below: 
Maria Serpa, of Elk Grove, has been reappointed to the Board of Pharmacy where she has served since 2018. Serpa was an acute care pharmacist and Senior Pharmacist of System Support for Sutter Medical Center from 1993 to 2021. She is a member and fellow of the American Society of Health System Pharmacists and the California Society of Health System Pharmacists and past President of CSHP.  She earned a Doctorate in Pharmacy from the University of the Pacific. This position does not require Senate confirmation and the compensation is $100 per diem. Serpa is a Republican.
PAGA Reform Updates
As a member of the PAGA Reform campaign's Executive Committee, CRA President and CEO Rachel Michelin continues to fundraise and educate around the campaign efforts. The campaign recently released a Retailers version of the initiative video, which includes a breakdown of the initiative. Watch the video here.

Michelin also attended an editorial board meeting with Comstock's Magazine in Sacramento, presented on PAGA at the National Retailers Federation AP/LP conference NRF Protect and presented to Govern for California.
CRA Outreach, Activities & Other Updates
CRA President and CEO Rachel Michelin to Receive
2023 Business Makes LA County Work Award

Congratulations to CalRetailers' President and CEO Rachel Michelin for her 2023 Business Makes LA County Work Award (the Bizzis), which will be presented later this month by the Los Angeles County Business Federation. The Bizzis honor extraordinary business community leadership including leaders who lead small businesses to take on big advocacy challenges, head organizations that take a stand for entire industries, and serve in elected offices that consistently empower businesses to grow.
CRA Addresses Crime Issues at League Of Cities Meeting in Los Angeles

CRA's Director of Government Affairs Ryan Allain spoke at the League of California Cities' Los Angeles County Division General Membership Meeting regarding Retail Theft and Organized Retail Crime and CRA co-sponsored legislation AB 1708 (Muratsuchi), which did not get out of the Assembly Public Safety Committee earlier this year, but was held for reconsideration at a later date. Ryan was joined by Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi and the California Police Chiefs Association.
CRA President Attends California Chamber of Commerce's Annual Host Breakfast

CRA President and CEO Rachel Michelin attended the California Chamber of Commerce's Annual Host Breakfast, which which included keynotes from California Governor Gavin Newsom and Former Assembly Speaker and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. The event focused on issues facing California's business community.
CRA President Rachel Michelin Speaks at the
97th Annual World Trade Week
SoCal Kickoff Conference

CRA President and CEO Rachel Michelin spoke at the 97th Annual World Trade Week Southern California Kickoff Conference and shared engaging information about the regulatory issues and challenges faced by the regional supply chain. Rachel was joined by global trade panelists Paul Granillo, Vince Iacopella, Chris Shimoda, Lupe C. Valdez. CRA board member Fran Inman moderated the panel.
Additional CRA Team Activities

CRA President Michelin attended a Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) Speaker Series luncheon and heard from PPIC President and Former Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye and guest speaker California Attorney General Rob Bonta.

CRA Director of Comms and Public Affairs Sarah Pollo Moo attended a professional networking luncheon with local Sacramento area communications professionals representing dozens of local business groups and trade associations.

The CRA team continues to work with NRF on bringing their RISE program to California.

CRA President Rachel Michelin attended a Moderate Democrats Caucus fundraising event.

The CRA team continues to play a leading role in planning the CSRA Annual Conference, which is coming to San Diego this August. Stay tuned for details.
CRA Monthly Policy Calls

The following includes the remainder of the 2023 monthly policy call calendar covering this year's legislative session (dates are subject to change). For CRA members' designated contacts who are not regularly receiving these policy call reminders and calendar invites, please email to be added moving forward. Policy calls are held on Fridays at 11:00am PT (new time!).

  • July 14
  • No call in August
  • September 8
In The News
Cal-ORCA Updates
For all Auror Platform Users:
An important and significant security update to the Auror mobile app was recently made. Users can no longer take screenshots of the Auror platform while using the mobile app. This is one way to help prevent the unauthorized sharing of information outside Auror.
What happens if someone attempts to screenshot?
  • For iOS app, the screen will capture a blank screen
  • For Android, you see the message “Can’t take a screenshot due to security policy”
Please email questions to
NRF Protect
The CRA team prepped for and attended the National Retailers Federation AP/LP conference NRF protect where CRA Government Affairs Director Ryan Allain joined seveal members of the Cal-ORCA board in representing Cal-ORCA.
Conference Planning
The CRA team continues to work on Cal-ORCA's virtual conference planned for later this year and an exciting, new opportunity for Cal-ORCA to partner with the Coalition of Law Enforcement and Retail (CLEAR) on an in-person joint conference next year, in 2024. Stay tuned for more details.
Local Outreach
The CRA team attended the San Francisco Bay Area ORCA meeting at the Pittsburg Police Department to provide information on the local law enforcement grant applications as well as promote the Cal-ORCA 2023 virtual and 2024 in-person conferences that CRA is planning with Cal-ORCA.
CRA Member Portal
CRA members get access to CRA's exclusive online member portal, which contains coalition letters, floor alerts, regulatory comments and testimony that California Retailers Association gave, authored or signed on to during the current and previous Legislative sessions. The portal also contains newsletter, news alert archives, advocacy materials (including our new digital advocacy packet) and important association governance documents for your reference. If you have not yet received your login credentials and access instructions please email We are also available to answer any questions you may have regarding portal navigation.