How disappointing it is when the job you wanted so badly suddenly disappears from "I'm the one." to, “We’ve decided to go in another direction.” It’s hard to avoid feelings of rejection. And it’s easy to begin to cultivate self-doubts. “What did I do wrong?” “Why don’t they want me?” “Did I mess up my interview?” Here are some alternative thoughts.
Most Likely, It is Not About You
Some thoughts for you to consider:
· Someone who knows the position context better may be doing you a favor by selecting someone else more suited for it.
· Perhaps you were competing against a candidate a little closer to what they need. At least you got a shot at it.
· Maybe the organization is in a situation where you are better off landing somewhere else.
· There are always variables at play outside your control.
· You cannot control the wind, but you can adjust your sails and land in a better destination.
· Maybe you never really had a chance and they were already settled on someone inside the organization. You were their “due diligence.”
Extract What You Can Learn from the Experience
· Consider contacting the hiring manager to see what learning points you can salvage: “I am not coming back to you to ask you to change your mind. But I would really be grateful for any advice you can give me.” This might lead to another position within that organization, or maybe some additional contacts or ideas for job direction.
· Do an After Action Review of your last interview and objectively ask yourself (and write answers to) these questions:
o What happened of note in the interview?
o What do I think went well in it?
o What did not go well in it?
o What might I do differently in the next interview?
Continue the Search!
Don’t let this hurdle become an obstacle. Continue to use a blend of online job applications and locating unlisted needs for your talents through Strategic Conversations with others.
- Jack Bigelow, CRC Advisor