Career Resource Center strives to help change lives and strengthen communities with confidence-building, results-focused employment resources.  CRC's semi-weekly newsletter is intended to help you address the turmoil you may be facing regarding your current job situation.  Our career experts will address the questions and issues you may be facing now.

We are here for you.

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Are companies still hiring?
Are companies still hiring as the economy comes to a near halt? We can all agree COVID-19 has significantly changed the dynamics of job searching. Every day we hear how the unemployment rate has skyrocketed to an all-time high. So many people are being laid off or furloughed. However, even in the midst of these challenging times, some employers are still hiring. Healthcare, pharma, grocery, public safety, weapons dealers, shipping and delivery are just a few of the industries that continue to recruit and hire talent. 

As an HR professional, what has changed most is the recruiting process. Recruiting is accomplished almost entirely via phone, email or video conferencing. The on boarding process has evolved into a virtual ecosphere with New Employee Orientation, I-9 verification, access to company information, training and other processes transitioned into that environment.  

If you are beginning a job search, or are in the middle of one, there are some important tasks you must embrace. Continue to network, apply for positions, become more comfortable with online interactions and/or enhance your skills with online training. Rehearse speaking and presenting in an upbeat manner and project a good, solid, positive, can-do attitude and spirit. You may only get one chance to virtually meet a potential employer and you have already proven yourself on paper. Nail the presentation and take the job you rightly deserve. Remember, the employer is making a determination as to your fit in addition to your skill set. Finally, ensure you repeatedly check your email (including spam) and voicemail – master the new norm.

- Tywnia Brewton, Director, Human Resources and CRC Board Member
-Harvard Business Review
We want to hear from you!
If you would like to suggest topics for us to cover in a future newsletter, please email your suggestions to
Friends, please consider a donation to CRC.

Your contributions will enable CRC to provide much needed services for those with jobs impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Career Resource Center is celebrating 29 years of transforming careers, having assisted nearly 14,000 individuals in their quest for employment.
Career Resource Center is the proven confidence-building, employment resource featuring individualized attention, education, training and coaching by industry professionals.  
This nonprofit is able to make a significant impact because of over 100 volunteers who deliver services and assist with operations and the diversity of donors who believe in our mission. 

We are sorry that we cannot meet you face-to-face.

These are unprecedented times. CRC wants you to know that as soon as the stay-at-home order is lifted and it is safe for businesses to reopen, CRC looks forward to helping job seekers in its Lake Forest office.
Career Resource Center

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