Mini InTouch March 2020
This issue is dedicated to
Continuing Competence Opportunities
both required (under Bill 21)
and curated for you by CRDHA

e-learning course for Alberta dental hygienists related to
 Bill 21 An Act to Protect Patients
now available online

Qualifies for 2.0 CE credit hours
Course MUST be completed in one session
On April 1, 2019, Bill 21 – An Act To Protect Patients  – officially took effect in Alberta. As part of the legislation, all regulated health professionals in Alberta must successfully complete training on preventing and addressing sexual abuse and sexual misconduct towards clients.

As a registrant of the CRDHA, you must complete the e-learning course “Protecting Patients from Sexual Abuse and Misconduct” by December 31, 2020.
CRDHA has assembled a collection of FREE online learning resources
in recognition of the current challenges we are all facing as a result of the extraordinary circumstances the globe is now experiencing
Program credits for the courses listed below and in the table summary at the end of this newsletter will be awarded hour-for-hour according to the CRDHA CCP Rules. Some courses will provide a certificate for uploading. If one is not provided, please complete the CRDHA Self-Reflection Document (one per course) and upload it with your online CE submission to CRDHA.

REMEMBER, if you have more than one CE submission to make to CRDHA, do NOT press the submit button until you have added all your activities.
COVID -19 Infection Control Protocols and Procedures Webinar

On March 20, 2020, the American Dental Association (ADA) teamed up with leading infection control experts from the Organization for Safety, Asepsis, and Prevention (OSAP) to provide the dental community with practical guidance and education as we navigate the challenges COVID-19 is presenting to our profession.

You will need to register as a non-dental provider to access the webinar and receive a certificate of completion.

Alberta Health Services Courses

AHS provides a selection of online training modules and courses related to Infection Prevention and Control.
Understanding the Legislation on Workplace Harassment and Violence
This CRDHA-developed resource outlines the legislation for harassment under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Completion of the CRDHA Self-Reflection Document is required as supporting documentation when submitting for CCP credits.

Table of CRDHA curated online resources
View the complete table, as of March 26, 2020, for more online opportunities.


WE are ALL in this together and you are not ALONE