CRESP Scholar Presents on Impact of the Healthy Beverage Policy in Wilmington and Engages in Global Research Opportunities

Nicole Kennedy joined CRESP as a Summer Scholar and spent the ten weeks working to better understand the impact of the healthy beverage policy (House Bill 79) in Wilmington, Delaware. She assisted with data collection and the creation of a CRESP research brief, as well as coordinated with researchers at the University of California. In her continued employment with CRESP during the 2019-2020 academic year, she will continue to work on statewide pre- and post-policy assessments. In addition to her contributions to the beverage work, she also helped to create recommendations for the Bahamian government centered around school feeding (forthcoming publication to be shared on CRESP's website). Nicole is thankful for these unique research opportunities, and is especially grateful to her mentors, Dr. Allison Karpyn and Research Coordinator Tara Tracy, as well as her fellow Undergraduate Research Assistants and survey partners, Henry Wolgast and Adam Apsley.