Spring 2023 Newsletter

The Capital Region Food Program (CRFP) is pleased to report that the 2022 Holiday Voucher Pilot was a success!

As was previously communicated, the Holiday Voucher Pilot was strategically designed to give families and individuals the ability to tailor the assistance received in the best way possible to their own unique situation. The voucher format also provides an opportunity to maximize the impact of community donations and reduce unintentional food waste. 

This new framework resulted in a 29% increase in recipient participation over the 2021 holiday distribution. We anticipate a continued increase in participation moving forward, as this model provides more flexibility for recipients and allows for cultural, medical, life choices and other dietary restrictions.

The Capital Region Food Program is grateful for its many volunteers, contributors, and supporters. For nearly 50 years, because of you, we have been able to successfully continue our efforts in fulfilling our mission to help reduce hunger in the Greater Concord Area through the distribution of food to individuals, families, and local agencies.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, Thank You!

Timothy Grotheer, Chair
Capital Region Food Program Board
Holiday distribution looked a little different this year...
The 2022 Holiday Voucher Pilot meant a new distribution format, but the annual event was still supported by the collaborative efforts of many.
Assembly and audit
Completed voucher kits
Nourishment for the volunteers
...and community support remained steadfast
In-kind donations for printing and facilities, on hand volunteers to create and distribute voucher kits, and the continued financial support of local families, businesses and organizations, helped to ensure a smooth transition.
NH Department of Environmental Services hosted a GoFundMe campaign to benefit the Capital Region Food Program, and presented CRFP Vice Chair Elena Alois with a check for more than $3,000.
Mark and Julia from The Blanchard Family Foundation were introduced to the Capital Region Food Program by the NHCF, and they made donation of $7,500 after learning more about the organization's history, and impact of the CRFP's programs.
The Holiday Voucher Pilot deemed a success!
The Capital Region Food Program's holiday distribution format changes were years in the making, and a global pandemic became a key catalyst for the organization to turn data and research into action. The 2022 Holiday Voucher Pilot exceeded expectations for streamlining a complex initiative into a more sustainable model. Preliminary Holiday Voucher Pilot statistics analyzed to date, and early feedback from agencies and recipients, have reassured the CRFP that this change was a tremendous improvement in both experience and impact.
Feedback from agency partners

Participating families were able to customize their food selections to not only accommodate various dietary restrictions but also to accommodate their cultures and holiday traditions that are important during this time of year,” explained Karen Emis-Williams, Director, Concord Human Services, City of Concord.

The benefits of the voucher program were realized for our clients as well as our volunteers”, shared Bryan Westover, Outreach Ministries, Christ the King Parish. “We have altered our way of distributing food to better meet the needs of our clients. The voucher program provided the opportunity for the recipients to select the most appropriate items for their needs. There was no spoilage of any perishable items as the clients selected the items at Market Basket and brought them directly home”.

Our families were so grateful for the voucher. It provided more flexibility for them and the fact that it was good through January 31 allowed them to use it when really needed” said Sarah Gerlack, Boscawen Welfare Director/Tax Collector/Town Clerk.
Feedback from recipients

“This has been extremely helpful in allowing us to select the food we need.”

“I do not cook so being able to purchase prepared food has been very helpful.”

“We received food from another community group for the holiday so we were able to put the voucher to good use after the holidays. That way nothing spoiled.”

“So grateful to have the option of picking my own food.”

“Several members of my family are on restricted diets so to be able to pick out the food that works best for us was wonderful.”
Update from the
Year Round Distribution Project
The Year Round Distribution Project (YRDP) executed without disruption during 2022, and continued to serve as a reliable resource to the many food pantries and social service agencies within the greater Concord area.

The YRDP distributed more than 2,760 cases of food last year, weighing more than 31 tons. The most requested items included corned beef hash, Spaghetti O's, baked beans and macaroni & cheese.

For more information on the YRDP project, and the partner agencies we serve, please visit our website.

The CRFP trustees are closely monitoring the needs of our partner agencies, as the enhanced Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) comes to a close, and family SNAP benefits return to the pre-pandemic levels.

According to the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), it is anticipated that the state of New Hampshire will lose more than $7 million dollars of federal funds per month, impacting more than 35,300 households in NH. On average, this means reduced SNAP benefits by $82 per month, with older adult beneficiaries impacted the most.
Mark your calendar for NH Gives
The Capital Region Food Program is a registered non-profit participating in the annual NH Gives event that will take place this summer, June 6th - 7th.

NH Gives is an initiative of the NH Center for Nonprofits, designed to bring the state together as one community, raising as much money and awareness as possible for New Hampshire’s nonprofits within a 24-hour, flash-mob of giving.

Stay tuned for more information.
Did you know?
March 7th was National Cereal Day. During 2020-2022, the CRFP distributed more than 225 cases of cereal through the Year Round Distribution Project.

April 2nd is Peanut Butter and Jelly Day and May 13th is National Hummus Day. Peanut butter and chickpeas are protein rich pantry staples, and each makes for quick and nutritious meals or snacks.
Capital Region Food Program
in the news...
During the ramp up to the holiday's, the Capital Region Food Program received tremendous support from various local media outlets, helping the organization communicate the 2022 program changes.

Source: Concord Monitor
WMUR - Spirit of Giving
NHPBS - The State We're In
This newsletter has been funded in full by a grant received from
The Oleonda Jameson Trust
Special Thanks from the CRFP for the continued support
Support Us
From the beginning, every dollar donated has been used for the purchase of food. This practice continues today with monies donated to the Capital Region Food Program. Your support is vital to our success. All gifts are tax-deductible within limits prescribed by law and all dollars donated to the Capital Region Food Program are used to purchase food. Administrative costs and fees are underwritten.