Black Student Union members Trinitee, Adriana and Autumn pose with family members at their Breast Cancer Awareness bake sale fundraiser.

"Be Transformed: Men and Women for Others" is the theme of the 2023-24 school year, and it was put into action during in a recent school fundraiser. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the members of the Black Student Union (BSU) club decided to put together a fundraiser with that in mind.

Junior Adriana and her family baked desserts and sophomore Artavian used the technology in the Northwestern Mutual Innovation Center to create stickers for students to purchase. Adriana said, “A member of my family and one of our teachers at CRJ are both breast cancer survivors so we felt compelled to do something to celebrate their wins over cancer.”

The money that was raised will be donated to After Breast Cancer Diagnosis (ABCD), a local organization that provides professionally-trained mentors who share similar diagnosis and treatment. BSU faculty advisor Dennis Marshall said, “BSU chose ABCD to donate the money raised because the students felt passionate about helping a local organization dedicated to helping women who are fighting against cancer.”

The fundraiser was a BIG success! Adriana said, “We sold out in less than 10 minutes. It made me feel like my efforts really meant something to our community. A member from ABCD will be in attendance on November 3rd to accept the donation during a student assembly.


CRJ students and faculty participate in a Salsa lesson during this month's Hispanic Heritage Celebration.

When I was in elementary school, I can distinctly recall the large ancestry project that was required of me and all fifth graders. It was a rite of passage that we as fifth graders were excited to do and one that parents were just as excited to be finished with! It included interviewing grandparents, discovering family origins, researching the culture, language, customs, and food of the country of the family’s origin, and putting all of that into a poster presentation. Then, on a special day, parents and classmates would circulate around a classroom while listening to these poster presentations. To this day, I remember how excited I was to share all that I knew about my Italian heritage with my classmates. 

Learning about and sharing one another’s cultural heritage in school is an important part of student development. Students have the opportunity to learn about their ancestral roots while having a chance to bring their family’s traditions, language, food, and cultural customs to others in the school community. All good schools work to create a connection with a student’s family life. At Cristo Rey Jesuit, while we celebrate a variety of cultures at points throughout the year, there are certain months dedicated to more deeply celebrating the cultures represented in our school.

We just concluded Hispanic Heritage month with a large assembly featuring Latino cultural traditions, language, dress, music and dancing. Some of our girls modeled ornately decorated quinceanera dresses. We also had a guitar band of three of our young men entertain the student body with some Spanish language music. We also had a LOT of dancing! There were traditional solo dances and some group folklorico dancing. At one point, several of our staff members and some students were invited to the gym floor to learn the basic Salsa steps. The lead dancer modeled, “1-2-3 (pause) 5-6-7 (pause)” and repeated first slowly, then faster as the group learned. The group stepped side to side and front to back in this cadence to the beat of the music. There were many missteps, and we definitely learned who had rhythm and who didn’t! Everyone had smiles on their faces as they tried to move to the beat of the music. It was a moment where culture brought us all together, even those who were just learning!

Cristo Rey Jesuit prepares its students for a world that is intricately and globally interconnected. We know that learning about and celebrating the different cultures and customs of our students and families creates a stronger family and school community. When students and families proudly share cultural identities and heritages with one another, this can be a powerful unifying force. I know that when I shared my cultural background with my classmates, I felt more a part of the community even though our class had students with a variety of backgrounds. Sometimes when we are unfamiliar with a culture or its customs, it can feel like a risk to be curious or learn about them. It may mean we make a wrong dance step once in a while. If we take a chance, stay humble, and keep moving with the music, though, we can all begin moving in the right direction.


"I LOVE CRISTO REY!" was one eighth grader's answer when asked if he enjoyed his tour of Cristo Rey Jesuit during the annual Open House. The event gives prospective students and their families the opportunity to tour the school, meet teachers, students, and alumni as well as discover what makes a CRJ education so unique. Over 800 members of the Milwaukee community attended to learn more about becoming a Trailblazer!

Attendees were greeted by cheerleaders as they entered the school. “I felt welcome from the moment we entered the building. We were greeted with lots of excitement. It felt like we won the World Cup!” said the father of a prospective student. Led by CRJ students and alumni tour guides, families toured the school to learn more about the Corporate Work Study Program, faith formation and student clubs and organizations.

The Northwestern Mutual Innovation Center was an area of particular interest and excitement. Prospective students experienced first-hand 3D modeling, printing, laser engraving, and vinyl printing. They were also able to see all the technology in the digital production studio used for video editing, podcast recording and photography. See more about how current CRJ students use these areas in their education in this promotional video that was put together to promote the Open House.

With the early application deadline to apply to CRJ approaching in mid-November, we look forward to welcoming the next class of Trailblazers. One prospective student shared, "I am so excited to be here. I hope I can come to Cristo Rey.


For the sixth consecutive year, Milwaukee Stars Merengue is the hottest ticket in town! There is still a chance for you to see our eight Milwaukee Stars take the stage on November 4th. You can get your tickets here! If you're unable to join us, use the buttons below to bookmark the live-stream link and cast your votes for your favorite Milwaukee Stars to support Cristo Rey Jesuit students.

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