Class of 2024 Trailblazers Julisa (left) and Jazmin (right) on Georgetown's campus

Rising seniors Julisa and Jazmin recently returned from a three week pre-college enrichment program at Georgetown University. “This experience was the longest time I had been away from home and my family and what felt scary at first ended up being an amazing and enlightening experience for me,” shared Julisa. They were joined by 40 other Cristo Rey students from around the country. The tuition costs for the Summer College Immersion Program (SCIP) were covered thanks to the generous support from the Marineau Family Foundation and the Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies.

SCIP offered a variety of classes to choose from, and both Julisa and Jazmin both selected Anthropology and Business. “The anthropology class imitated a college-level course where we learned about the history of human societies and the development of cultures,” said Julisa and Jazmin. “For our business class, we learned how to build our own personal brand, how to network, and we heard from many guest speakers. In addition, we had mentors who were all current college students at different universities across the U.S. They gave us feedback on our essays and life advice - like finding the right community in college and the challenges of college life. We also learned more about the Jesuit traditions and values as Georgetown is a Jesuit university.”

The students heard about SCIP through CRJ's Director of Post Graduate Success Zuleyka Rios. Julisa said, “This program was perfect for me as an upcoming senior because I gained more confidence when thinking about the college process, especially as a first-generation student who is just beginning the process. My experience at Georgetown definitely has convinced me to apply there this fall.”

While the trip out to Georgetown was Jazmin’s first time on an airplane, the more memorable part of the arrival experience took place on campus. “It was around 90 degrees, and I had made the mistake of bringing two suitcases. So there I was lugging around 70 pounds of luggage in the heat. Our dorm, as it turned out, was the farthest dorm from the main part of campus. And even worse, it was uphill.”

The rest of her time at Georgetown went much smoother, and Jazmin found the experience educational and exciting as she prepares for her college journey. “I learned a lot about what college really looks like. Living on campus for three weeks showed me what my life will look like in a year, and it gave me a good idea of the type of university I'd like to attend. We learned how to be independent and manage our time. Although I did feel homesick at times, I would never trade this experience for the world.”


Over 130 Corporate Work Study supervisors, from over 100 organizations, attended the

CWSP Supervisor Orientation program in August

I was watching a movie with my family the other night and we couldn’t finish the entire movie because it was time for bed for my youngest kids. I turned off the television and a chorus of groans emerged. My son said, “But dad, why do we have to turn the movie off, it was just getting good!”

Recently we hosted 123 supervisors who’ll supervise Cristo Rey Jesuit (CRJ) students at their workplaces this coming school year. I was asked to do the welcome message for this event. As I reached the podium and turned towards the crowd, I glimpsed a familiar face tucked into the sea of attendees. It was an alumni from our first graduating class! 

I am always excited to speak with CRJ graduates so, at the risk of starting a few minutes late amidst the lingering conversations, I ventured into the crowd to specifically greet our alumna. Angie Sandoval, '19 (pictured right during her sophomore year) was seated at a table with professionals from one of our founding corporate sponsors. I greeted her, “How are you, Angie?” She replied, “I am doing well. I am here with my coworkers. I was hired by Johnson Controls after I graduated college over the summer.” I asked her, “Was this where you worked in your time at Cristo Rey Jesuit?” She answered affirmatively, “Yes, I was assigned to Johnson Controls, and we kept in touch through college.” I asked, “What connection will you have with our work program and our current students in your position?” She smiled and said,Mr. Stith, I will be our internal point of contact for our relationship with Cristo Rey Jesuit, our supervisors, and our students. This will be part of my role going forward.” Before I left, I thanked Angie for coming and asked one more question. "Could I mention you in my welcome? It might be a little embarrassing, but I think it would be meaningful." She laughed and said, "Sure, Mr. Stith."

As I got back to the podium, I quickly reprioritized some of the points I was going to make in my welcome. That morning, I shared with everyone that when we launched Cristo Rey Jesuit in 2015, we had a vision. I told the supervisors present that the vision we articulated nine years ago would not exist without their partnership. Then I told them about how the vision was among us today through Angie’s story. Nine years ago, Angie started with our founding class of freshmen. She was assigned, like all her peers, to a work study role at a company. She grew academically, in the workplace, and as a person. Angie then attended and graduated from UW-Madison, all while keeping in contact with her coworkers, whom she met when she worked with them as a student at Cristo Rey Jesuit. Angie now has her bachelor's degree, works for Johnson Controls, and is tasked with shepherding the program and future CRJ leaders through her company just as someone did for her. 

While there are a lot of good causes in Milwaukee, there are very few where you can actually see the difference your support makes. In this case, Angie, Cristo Rey Jesuit, Johnson Controls, and the Milwaukee community were positively impacted by all those who worked to put this CRJ Corporate Work Study experience together from the beginning. Even better - Angie is not the only student with a story emerging, there are others. With the first members of CRJ's Class of 2019 crossing the graduation stage this past spring, we now have stories of how students starting as high school freshmen have grown to become young professionals, and welcome current Cristo Rey students into the same journey. The Cristo Rey Jesuit vision in Milwaukee is emerging, and just like the movie the other night, it is just getting really good!


Hundreds of students and their families gathered on CRJ's campus on August 12th for the school’s inaugural Grill and Greet event. President Andy Stith was on the grill as those in attendance enjoyed fun activities and good food with CRJ faculty and staff to celebrate the start of the school year.

August 16th marked the first day of school at CRJ. 123 new freshmen joined returning students on the first day of school, filling the hallways with over 470 CRJ Trailblazers. This total marks the highest number of students in school history. We look forward to sharing the news and accomplishments of these students throughout the school year!

View TMJ4 First Day Coverage


Milwaukee Stars Merengue

Saturday, November 4, 2023 | Kohl's Innovation Center

W165N5830 Ridgewood Dr, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051

Don’t miss this opportunity to see Milwaukee celebrities take the stage with a professional dance partner to entertain and raise funds to benefit Cristo Rey Jesuit High School’s rigorous academics, innovative Corporate Work Study Program and faith formation.


Is your business interested in partnering with our work study program?

We would like to speak with you about how your business or organization can partner with our Corporate Work Study Program! Contact Everette Fernandes at 414.436.4600 Ext. 3141 or [email protected].

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The generous support of Cristo Rey Jesuit donors like you makes it possible for us to offer a Catholic, college-prep education combined with unique professional work experience to young women and men of all faiths and limited financial means.

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