Amahia, Angely, Augustin, Aydee, Carlos, Fiorela, Jasmine and Kevin were joined by Mr. Rangel, Ms. Scordo and Mr. Suhar at the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice in Washington D.C.
From November 6-8, eight Trailblazers and three teachers attended the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice (IFTJ) in Washington D.C. IFTJ is an annual gathering for members of the Ignatian family (those affiliated with both Jesuit institutions and the larger Catholic Church) to gather in the context of social justice and solidarity to learn, reflect, pray, network, and advocate together. This year’s conference focused on ecological justice, criminal justice reform and migration justice.

Sophomore Jasmine shared her experience at IFTJ in her own words:

"I decided to join the delegation because as a Catholic I found myself mostly drawn to the liturgy, but not so much social justice. IFTJ ignited a little spark in me that now wants to engage more with aspects of social, ecological, and racial justice. IFTJ opened my eyes and made me deeply reflect on how my time, talent, and treasure could be used at my school and my daily life." 
Sophomore Jasmine performing a solo during mass at IFTJ
"I felt most grateful to be a part of this opportunity when I joined the choir to sing for mass. I love to sing even though I'm also shy, and there were so many people, but I just felt compelled to sign up. We met to practice the songs, and as soon as I got there, I received the psalm to sing as a solo. I was surprised and scared, but I decided to do it because I wanted to use this opportunity to praise God and help others praise God as well, through song. I will admit I was really nervous and my knees were shaky, but like any other time I sing, I'm doing it for God; not for others. I really realized how fortunate I was to be able to participate in this event and be able to take it back to my school community."
Iggy the Golden Eagle poses with members of CRJ's senior class who have been accepted to Marquette
It's that time of year, where many of us pause and think about the people and things for which we are thankful. Recently, we've experienced some fairly remarkable moments in our community. A few weeks ago, we welcomed nearly 700 people to our open house. Prospective parents and students were able to tour our halls, learn about our programs, and interact with students and their interests throughout the building. From podcasting in our Innovation Center to acting in our "black box" theatre to kicking the soccer ball with our conference champion soccer team, the building was teaming with interest and excitement. 

We've also welcomed colleges and universities to campus for on-site admissions interviews. On one morning at our assembly, Iggy the Golden Eagle, from Marquette University, surprised our student body with the earliest acceptances MU announced anywhere in the country. Student names were called up to the front of the gym in our assembly and students with big, proud smiles received their acceptance paperwork. Just that morning alone, one third of our senior class was accepted to Marquette University. We are so grateful to our students for teaching us and giving us energy as we walk with them and help them to grow throughout their high school careers. 
Our students certainly work hard and use their God-given talents but there are so many people who step up to help create the conditions for students to avail themselves of these opportunities. 95 work sites provide students with work opportunities and a chance to hone their professional skills. The supervisors at these worksites help our students receive and enjoy a positive work experience. We are tremendously thankful for these corporations and organizations for investing in the professional development of Cristo Rey Jesuit Trailblazers.
We have a governance board and an army of donors who ensure the necessary leadership and financial resources of our school. With a school that is only in its seventh year, these are the pioneers who we must have along with us to keep our commitment to excellence in all that we do for our students and families. We have benefitted from the time and hearts of many and this belief speaks volumes. Of course, all these wonderful achievements don't happen without an incredibly driven and dedicated faculty and staff. Especially in the last couple of years, these professionals have given of themselves in monumental and sacrificial ways. I am grateful to the many ways they help position our students to exhibit their incredible potential, whether it is in the classroom, in athletics and clubs, in the workplace or as students are recognized for incredible college scholarship opportunities. Lastly, we recall our gratitude for the Jesuits who have provided an educational and faith foundation and tradition for us to build upon as we look into the future. We are truly thankful for every single member that makes up the Cristo Rey Jesuit community!
On Saturday, November 6th, eight Merengue stars, more than 40 sponsors, and countless individuals, came together to raise more than $593,000 to affect generational change through transformational education at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School!

Congratulations to Geri “Nana” Fotsch for earning the 2021 Merengue Champion Trophy. Shining bright were dancers Bill O’Toole and Katie Falk as they earned the first and second runners-up spots, respectively. Al Araque received the Judges Choice award for his routine. You can watch all the incredible performances by clicking on the button below.

Don't miss the story of the Moreno Family as they shared why Cristo Rey Jesuit was the best fit for their daughters Melissa '19 and Karla '25.

Thank you to the entire CRJ community for investing in the lives of students and families at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School Milwaukee!
Junior Jade, Sophomore Angel and Freshman Fatima (left to right) share what they are thankful for
"I'm thankful for the teachers who teach us and show us how much they care for us. A specific teacher I'm thankful for is Mr. Rodrigo Pertierra de Rojas because he has always checked in on me since freshman year. Having a teacher like him makes me feel important because, when someone takes the time to help you outside of class, it means a lot."

"A few other things I'm thankful for is my CWSP work experience because the people I work with are kind and wonderful. They teach me new skills every week that I will need in the future. I am very thankful for all the staff members who help and support the students like the lunch ladies who provide us breakfast and lunch. I am thankful for the after school learning support students get when they are struggling. I'm thankful for our safe learning environment, for our athletic opportunities and for my great friends here at Cristo Rey. I am proud to be a member of the CRJ community." - Junior Jade V.
"I'm very thankful for many things including my family, my friends and my education. I know that not everyone gets to have an education like mine. I'm thankful that I was given an opportunity to attend Cristo Rey, and I'm so happy I took it. I'm thankful for my parents because not everyone has both a mom or dad and I'm fortunate enough to have both. My friends are always there for me when I need them, like a second family."

"I'm also thankful just to be alive and healthy. I don’t want to take anything for granted, and I try to be thankful for everything that I have. I’m very thankful for everything my family has given me and for my education and friends at Cristo Rey." - Sophomore Angel R.
"Cristo Rey has given me a great group of friends and teachers. I like the feeling of waking up everyday knowing I am loved by my teachers and friends. The teachers help you grow as a person and work with you through everything. My friends at school bring me the same joy as opening gifts on Christmas morning. I wouldn't have met them if I didn't go to Cristo Rey. I'm really thankful for having been accepted into Cristo Rey Jesuit and meeting all of these amazing people." - Freshman Fatima S.
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