April 17, 2018
Message from the Registrar
Deborah Adams Registrar
You'll see in this Communiqué that the 2018
election process
is underway and the call for nomination of professional members closes on April 23rd. I'm writing to encourage you to consider putting your name forward to stand for election if your primary practice site or residence (if not practising) is in District 1 - West, 5 - South West or 6 - Central West.
The College's Council is made up of nine elected Registered Psychotherapists (RPs) from regions across the province and five to eight members of the public who are appointed by the Government of Ontario. RPs on Council are nominated and elected by their peers and typically serve a three-year term.
Elected Council members are an important part of the regulation of RPs in this province since it is Council members who make decisions related to:
Council members are also involved in setting policies to ensure that College operations are aligned with our mission, mandate and values.
As an elected member of the Council of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, you would have the opportunity to contribute to the profession by participating in the work of ensuring that the public interest is protected.
If you are not in a position to stand as a candidate, please participate in the election by voting. It is through this process that every member of the College has an opportunity to influence the profession, its practice and its regulation.
Upcoming Council Election - Nomination Period Still Open
ominations are still being accepted for positions on Council for Districts 1 - West, 5 - South West and 6 - Central West.
Members whose primary practice site is located in these districts (or primary residence if not practising) are eligible to become a candidate or vote in the election. Voting will take place from May 23, 2018 to June 22, 2018.
Those wishing to become a candidate for election must submit a completed Nomination Package no later than 12:00 p.m. on April 23, 2018. All three items in the
Candidate Information Nomination Package
(Declaration of Nomination, Eligibility to Stand for Election and Conflict of Interest Questionnaire) as well as the
Candidate Statement
must be submitted together as a package. Members are responsible for ensuring that they have followed all instructions for submitting their nomination. Nominations that are incomplete or that are submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
The Nomination Package documents, as well as information about the role of Council members and the election process, can be found on the
Council Elections
page of our website.
Questions about Council elections can be sent to
Update on the Controlled Act of Psychotherapy
In response to the Minister's direction to CRPO to provide further clarity regarding the controlled act of psychotherapy, the College has been working hard to draft consultation documents and obtain feedback and suggestions from stakeholders.
A survey inviting feedback on the College's
Controlled Act Task Group Draft Consultation Documents
launched in mid-March and was sent to approximately 7,500 stakeholders (including members). Many stakeholders submitted their input on the consultation documents. Council was provided with a brief presentation on the most current consultation results at their March 29th meeting and final survey results will be reviewed by the College's Controlled Act Task Group as part of their work to finalize the documents.
At the meeting on March 29th, Council approved, in principle, the following proposed regulation, Categories of Prescribed Therapies Involving the Practice of Psychotherapy:
1. The following are the categories of prescribed therapies involving the practise of psychotherapy:
- Cognitive and Behavioural therapies
- Experiential and Humanistic therapies
- Psychodynamic therapies
- Somatic therapies
- Systemic and Collaborative therapies
The proposed regulation will be circulated for the required 60-day consultation process before it is approved and submitted to government for their approval. Get more information on our website, and fill out the survey here.
Save the Date: CRPO Member Town Halls, October 2018
Attention CRPO members: CRPO is hosting in-person town hall-style meetings at various locations across the province throughout the month of October 2018. The goal of these meetings is to engage with members as we launch a strategic planning cycle for the College.
We have scheduled four dates and are hoping to assess the level of interest to determine event venues, seating capacity and agenda content.
Please answer a
few short questions
about which location you would be most likely to attend and what subjects you would be interested in hearing about. This will assist us in making the town halls as useful and engaging as possible.
Thank you in advance for your participation; we look forward to meeting with you in October.
Reminder: Public Consultation - By-law Review
At the February Council meeting, College staff and Executive Committee recommended amendments to CRPO's By-laws, which fall into two categories: (1) technical, administrative changes and (2) fee changes.
1) Technical, administrative changes
These proposed amendments are intended as 'housekeeping' items, removing out-of-date content and correcting non-controversial issues.
2) Fee changes
These proposed amendments are intended to incorporate reasonable fee changes, which are in alignment with other regulatory bodies with similar membership size, to best position the College to carry out its regulatory mandate over the longer term.
Council discussed the proposed amendments and approved their circulation for 60-day public consultation in accordance with CRPO's By-laws: "
Circulation of certain by-laws
(2) A by-law shall not be made under clause (1) (l.2), (l.3), (s), (t), (v), (w) or (y) unless the proposed by-law is circulated to every member at least 60 days before it is approved by the Council. 1998, c. 18, Sched. G, s. 22 (5)."
To provide your feedback, please review the
proposed amendments
and then complete our
short survey
. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and will be open until May 14, 2018.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide your feedback.
Using Your Title Appropriately
When a member is accepted for registration with CRPO, they are conferred the title that represents their qualifications. Using the title that was conferred to you - and using it appropriately - is required because the title communicates important information to clients, colleagues and the broader public.
Not using the title when acting in a professional capacity and using it inappropriately are considered acts of professional misconduct.
Members of CRPO belong to one of four registration categories: Registered Psychotherapist, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), Registered Psychotherapist (Temporary), and Registered Psychotherapist (Inactive). Each of these categories is associated with a particular title and specific requirements that determine a member's eligibility to enter into the category and remain in it. Some categories of registration will also include restrictions on the member's practice. When a member obtains sufficient training and experience, they can apply to have the restriction lifted, or apply to move into a new category that represents their newly acquired qualifications.
The chart below shows appropriate and inappropriate uses of the titles for the most common categories. More information can also be found in the
Registration Categories
section of our website.
Registration Category
Appropriate Use of Corresponding Title
Examples of Inappropriate Use of Title, based on Registration Category
Registered Psychotherapist |
Registered Psychotherapist or the abbreviation RP |
Reg. Psy.
Registered Therapist
Registered Counselling Therapist
Qualifying |
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) or the abbreviation RP (Qualifying)
Qualifying Psychotherapist RPQ RP |
Temporary |
Registered Psychotherapist (Temporary) or the abbreviation RP (Temporary) |
Temporary Psychotherapist RPT RP |
Inactive |
Registered Psychotherapist (Inactive) or the abbreviation RP (Inactive) |
Please do not unsubscribe. CRPO works on the assumption that our members receive all of our emails. CRPO uses email to communicate with members about important College updates. If you choose to unsubscribe, it is then your responsibility to regularly check our website to keep yourself informed.
It is the responsibility of each member to make sure CRPO has your current contact information, updated within 30 days of a change, and ensure that the organization you work for does not block CRPO emails.