CRPO Communiqué
October 2016
October 11, 2016

Dear CRPO Member or Stakeholder;

This month's Communiqué includes information about the release of our 2015-2016 Annual Report, upcoming stakeholder consultations, results from our first communications survey, as well as important updates to information and documents available on CRPO's website. We hope this month's Communiqué proves to be useful and informative.
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Annual Report 2015-2016

We are pleased to announce that CRPO's 2015-2016 Annual Report is now available online and includes important information and reports about key activities and accomplishments from April 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016.

Stakeholder Consultations
CRPO is asking for participation from stakeholders in upcoming consultations about:
    1. Amendments to the by-laws.
    2. Criminal record check requirements.

1.  By-law Amendment Consultations

Council has approved a set of by-law amendments which would require publishing additional information about Members on the Public Register. The proposed amendments would require CRPO to publish:
  • criminal charges which are relevant to a Member's suitability to practise psychotherapy;
  • applicable undertakings, in-person cautions and specified continued education and remediation programs (SCERPs); and
  • information about former Members on the Public Register for an extended period of time (change from two years to five years).
A minor amendment also approved for consultation would stipulate the specific registration category changes that are subject to a transfer fee of $78.00 +HST. RP (Qualifying) or RP (Inactive) Members moving to the RP category would be required to pay the transfer fee. Registered Psychotherapists entering the Inactive category would not be subject to the transfer fee.
Consultation materials will be available on CRPO's website until December 12.
2.  Criminal Record Check Requirement Consultations
As part of CRPO's ongoing review of registration requirements, Council is seeking stakeholder input regarding possible implementation of a requirement that applicants and/or Members be required to submit a completed criminal record check to CRPO. Stakeholders are asked to provide feedback on whether this should become a requirement, which type of police record check should be required and the frequency of submission.
Consultation materials will be available on CRPO's website until December 12.
First Communications Survey a Success!

CRPO conducted its first communications survey in September to help evaluate our current practices and assist with future communications planning. Over 400 Members and stakeholders responded to the survey and we cannot thank you enough for your participation and feedback!
All responses are anonymous, but some interesting trends emerged from the results. From the survey we learned that:
  • While many of you find the website easy to navigate, a different organizational design may be more user-friendly.
  • Over 90% of respondents read the monthly communiqués and find them to be a useful source of information.
  • Over 85% of respondents would also read a quarterly online newsletter.
  • If CRPO had an annual education day, over 80% of you would attend or view a video of the event.
Overall the results of the survey were very positive and provided us with a lot of useful information about the current preferences of our Members and stakeholders. The responses will be a key tool used to guide the future of CRPO's communications initiatives. We are busy analyzing all of the results and planning our next projects, so stay tuned!
CRPO Website Updates

We are frequently updating our website with new and relevant information for Members, stakeholders and the public. Some items that have been recently added that are important to note include:
  • The 2015-2016 Annual Report
  • Resource Manual (English and French) for the Registration Examination
  • CRPO Policies
Annual Report 2015-2016
As mentioned above, CRPO's 2015-2016 Annual Report is now available online.

Registration Examination Resource Manual
The next sitting of the Registration Examination is taking place on Oct. 20, 2016. Information about the development, structure and format of the Registration Examination can be found in the newly developed Entry-to-Practice Registration Examination Resource Manual which is available on CRPO's website in both English and French .
CRPO Policies
In the interest of transparency, a new page containing some of the policies approved by Council and its various committees has been added to CRPO's website. The policies available on the website page will change and grow over time as CRPO develops and posts additional policies.