December 2024


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Quality Assurance Program: Book a consultation

Do you have questions about your mandatory obligations under CRPO’s Quality Assurance Program?


We can help. Book a QA consultation call with a QA Team member: 

2024 PD CYCLE 

If you were registered in 2016, 2018, 2020 or 2022, your PD reporting cycle ends on December 31, 2024. This means you will need to submit an attestation form declaring whether you completed the required PD activities during your reporting cycle. 

The attestation form is now available to complete in your CRPO account

If you need to complete your professional development attestation, please make sure you do so before December 31. 

Unsure of your initial registration date? Review your entry in CRPO’s public register


The CBA is designed to be an educational tool to help registrants identify potential gaps in their knowledge, skill and judgment and make effective use of their professional development activity hours. The CBA does not affect registration status.  

2025 Spring CBA: April 25 to May 4, 2025 

The 2025 Spring CBA is scheduled between April 25 and May 4, 2025. All selected registrants have been notified and must complete a CBA questionnaire before December 31, 2024, to confirm their availability to complete the CBA.  

2024 FALL CBA: October 25 to November 3, 2024 

1021 registrants completed the CBA between October 25 and November 3, 2024. Staff have sent all participants a CBA feedback report. Depending on the CBA outcome, participants receive guidance for professional development that is either self-directed or peer assisted. 

The CBA is intended as a tool to help CRPO identify potential risks in practice and determine where and how to direct College resources in a way that ensures registrants are providing safe and effective care to Ontarians. 

Information shared through participation in the QA Program is confidential and, with limited exceptions, the information provided can only be used for QA purposes. CRPO will not post CBA or other PPR activity results on the Public Register or share your information with current or future employers. 

Here is a breakdown of the overall 2024 Fall CBA outcomes. 


# of RPs 

% of total RPs (n=1021)




Self-Directed Review



Peer-Assisted Review



Detailed information about peer and practice reviews and CBA outcomes is available on the peer and practice page of our website. 

Committee Member Recruitment

Are you an RP looking to contribute your knowledge and skills as a CRPO committee member appointment? We are currently looking to appoint up to fourteen (14) RPs to CRPO committees and the DEI Working Group. For more information regarding the committees, eligibility criteria and time commitment, please visit our website. Applications close January 10, 2025. 

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

CRPO is currently developing guidance on the topic of psychedelic-assisted therapy.  


In the meantime, here are some general principles to consider. They are drawn from CRPO’s existing standards. Registrants would need to apply clinical and professional judgment in applying these to their specific situation:  



Finally, when considering expanding your competence in any area, we would encourage you to review Standard 2.1: Seeking Consultation, Clinical Supervision, and Referral


You can access all the CRPO Professional Practice Standards at the following links: 



Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) Webinar

On November 14, CRPO hosted a webinar sharing information on Medical Assistance in Dying for RPs. If you missed attending and would like to view the webinar, you can find the recording here: MAiD Webinar November 14, 2024 


The Q&A, slides, and transcript of the meeting are also available. 

January Town Hall

CRPO has been hosting monthly virtual town hall meetings since April to engage with registrants on a variety of topics. If you missed any of the previous town halls, recordings are available via CRPO’s YouTube channel


On Wednesday, January 22 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST, CRPO staff will be hosting a Town Hall on Professional Conduct Issues (that is, the CRPO complaint and investigation process regarding allegations of professional misconduct, incompetence, and incapacity about registrants).  


The town hall will be held virtually, and you can sign in using this link: 


Before the session, please take a few minutes to let us know what questions you would like us to answer about the above topic. You can access this pre-town hall survey using this link: The survey will close January 17 and responses received will be integrated into the presentation. 

Private Practice and Self-Regulation

On November 18, 2024, CRPO hosted a Town Hall on the topic of Private Practice and Self-Regulation: Issues for RPs who are in (or thinking about going into) private practice. 

See our Practice Matters page to access a recording of the session, the presentation slides, and some frequently asked questions on the following topics: 

  • Who can open a private practice 
  • Types of businesses 
  • Inter-professional relationships 
  • Fees 

Supervisor Professionalism

In this year’s Communiques, we have been highlighting aspects of the Professional Practice Standards, which came into effect on January 1. This final highlight is about updates to CRPO Standard 4.1: Providing Clinical Supervision. One of the main requirements under the standard is for supervisors to provide supervision that is “appropriate.” In considering what is appropriate, the updated commentary now includes a section on supervisor professionalism. While supervisees are not clients, the commentary explains that a similar power imbalance exists between supervisor and supervisee. Professionalism in supervision includes, but is not limited to, avoiding conflicts of interest, maintaining professional boundaries, and ensuring confidentiality subject to appropriate limits.

Reminder About Scam Targeting Health Professionals

CRPO is reminding registrants to be alert against scams. One form involves a supposed client attempting to book and pay for multiple sessions in advance. The idea is to later request a ‘refund’ from the registrant for what turns out to be a fraudulent method of payment. Be vigilant if you receive unusual requests regarding multiple bookings and large payments, and a sympathetic background story aiming to elicit a careless response. 

For CRPO registrants: Please do not unsubscribe. CRPO uses email to communicate with registrants about important College updates. If you choose to unsubscribe, it is then your responsibility to regularly check our website to keep yourself informed about your College obligations. It is the responsibility of each registrant to make sure CRPO has your current contact information, updated within 30 days of a change, and ensure that the organization you work for does not block CRPO emails. CRPO may collect information about whether a recipient has read a message. CRPO may use this information for communication planning and record-keeping.