SB 7016 Health Care by Health Policy
SB 7018 Health Care Innovation by Health Policy
The House of Representatives passed the Senate version of the Live Healthy legislation by a vote of 117 to 1. SB 7016 and 7018 are eligible to be transmitted to the Governor for consideration.
SB 7016 revises and establishes policy relating to the state's healthcare workforce, healthcare services, healthcare practitioner licensure and regulation, healthcare facility licensure and regulation, the Medicaid program, and health-care-related education programs. The bill also provides that Florida will enter the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact.
The second part of the plan, SB 7018, establishes the Health Care Innovation Council within the Department of Health (DOH) to develop best practice recommendations for improving health care delivery and outcomes in Florida. In addition, the legislation establishes a revolving loan program within the DOH to fund innovative technologies, workforce pathways, or service delivery models. The council will review loan applications and submit to the DOH a prioritized list of proposals recommended for funding. Loan recipients enter into agreements with the DOH for loans of up to 10-year terms for up to 50 percent of the proposal costs or up to 80 percent of the costs for an applicant that is located in a rural or medically underserved area and is either a rural hospital or a nonprofit entity that accepts Medicaid patients.