Member Newsletter - March 2024
Volume 4, Issue 3
A Message from Jen Belnap, CRWF President
March Madness brought us a fiery State of the Union address by President Biden. With anger and fist thrusts, he shared a vision that sends our country straight into socialism. Money for housing for everyone, more taxes on our citizenry and corporations, a call to unionize the American workforce, more government subsidized healthcare and an open border, which Biden tried to blame on Republicans, but we all know that the porous Biden border is a direct result of the Executive Orders that he signed on Day One of his administration. Club members and guests who were here in January when Congressman Issa paid us a surprise visit also know that the porous Biden border is part of a purposeful plan to skew the 2030 census results in favor of the Democrats, which will in turn positively impact their candidate’s electoral votes for the office of the presidency.
The good news is that the month of March also brings us something to celebrate and honor. It’s Women’s History Month! In the CA state legislature, we have 50 female senators and assemblywomen out of a total of 120! Several of those women are Republicans serving in Orange County and San Diego districts. On our home turf, we just had 3 female candidates in the D-49 Congressional primary. Three of five San Diego County Board of Supervisors are female, and four of five Carlsbad City Council Members are female as well.
As women, we bring compassion, service, strength, knowledge, drive, experience and so much more to the table. So, put on your power suits ladies, it’s time to save our communities.
In Service,
Jen Belnap
President, CRWF
Carlsbad Republican Women Federated
Invites you to attend our next meeting
Tuesday, March 26th
Doors open at 10:30 am - Event begins at 11:00 am
2725 Palomar Airport Road, Carlsbad, CA
CRWF Members (including Spouse and Associate Members): $39
Non-Members: $44
CLICK HERE to make a reservation and select your entree
Reservations must be paid by credit card.
Reservations deadline is Noon - Tuesday, March 19th
or call Joy Noonan at 714-390-7662
CRWF Welcomes Local Mayors to speak about
FIX Prop 47 Campaign!
At the March 26th meeting, CRWF welcomes the Honorable Richard Bailey, Mayor of Coronado, and the Honorable John Franklin, Mayor of Vista, as our speakers on the FIX Prop 47 campaign. Passed in 2014, Prop 47 or the “Homelessness, Drug Addiction and Theft Reduction Act”, changed particular low-level theft and drug offenses from felonies to misdemeanors and lowered the threshold for serious drug crimes, including fentanyl. Reforming Prop 47 will fix the unintended consequences of Prop 47 by addressing smash-and-grab organized retail theft and the distribution of hard drugs such as fentanyl.
Join us to learn more about FIX Prop 47 and how CRWF is collecting signatures during March to place this important proposition on the November ballot!
Richard Bailey graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a degree in Business Finance, and later graduated from the University of North Dakota with a Master of Science in Applied Economics. In 2012, he was elected to the Coronado City Council, and in 2016 at the age of 30, he was elected the 31st Mayor of Coronado. He is also an Adjunct Professor of Economics at the University of San Diego, and sits on the SANDAG Board of Directors.
John Franklin was elected as Vista Mayor in 2022, after having served on Vista City Council since 2014. During his tenure on the City Council, Franklin was twice elected as Deputy Mayor by a majority of the Council. A graduate of The American University in Washington, D.C., Franklin served nearly a decade as a congressional policy advisor before opening his own small business in Vista. John and his wife are residents of Shadowridge in Vista.
One or two additional local mayors supporting FIX Prop 47 may also attend and speak at the meeting.
It’s March – Let’s wrap up our 2024 Renewals!
Andrea Ryon, Membership Co-Chair
Renew your CRWF Membership for 2024!
Thank you to all CRWF members who have renewed their membership, or have recently joined our club in 2024! We appreciate you and look forward to working with you this year!
If you still have not renewed your membership, please do so as soon as you can! I would like to have all renewals in within the next week or so. Then I can turn my focus to helping recruit new members to our club!
ONLINE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION and PAYMENT. CLICK HERE to complete your membership application online and pay by credit card. If you have questions about the categories, please contact Membership Co-Chair, Andrea Ryon, at or 760-518-8238.
2024 Member Renewals and New Members
As of March 8th, 149 or 73.4% % of our year-end 2023 regular members have renewed for 2024! PLEASE RENEW TODAY IF YOU HAVE NOT YET DONE SO!
But we are very happy to have 6 more new members since the February 2024 newsletter! Please welcome Linda Bibbins, Boni Buscemi, Dawn Dickinson, Heather House, Cristina Iacobelli, and Leight Oakley as NEW members!
TOTAL FULL MEMBERS SO FAR in 2024 = 173 members (149 renewals and 24 new members).
We also have 9 Associate members and 18 Spouse members in 2024. Please welcome new Associate members Ana Maria MacKay and Mitsuo Nakai, and new Spouse member Kelly House (husband of new member of Heather House).
Member Gifts
We have some very generous CRWF members! As of March 7th, we have received a total of $ 553 in donations from renewing and new 2024 members! THANK YOU!
Let's Get 2 Propositions on the Ballot!
Judy OConnor, 4th VP – Election Integrity / Voter Registration
Terry Carpenter, Volunteer Coordinator
Club members will be at the Boardwalk in Carlsbad gathering signatures to get 2 propositions on the November ballot.
- Curbing crime by re-writing prop 47
Giving parental rights back to parents of school age children. Refer to this website for more information:
There will be a pop-up tent at the grassy knoll on the Carlsbad Boardwalk just south of Harbor Fish Cafe. All supplies and information will be provided, we just need you to talk with people and gather signatures.
There are 4 weekend dates:
March 16 & 17 and 23 & 24
It's always time well spent and lots of fun along with ocean views.
There is another opportunity to get involved!
The mailing parties after our meetings have returned!
The first one is after the March 26th meeting from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.
If you can join in the fun, CLICK HERE to reserve your spot at the table.
News from Sacramento!
Teri House, Legislation Chair
As I sit to write this legislative report, the angry tones of Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech still ring in my ears and I can become frustrated with the current state of our union. Instead, I choose to use that frustration to inform and hopefully inspire others to act on issues where we can do our part by letting our voices be heard by our elected representatives who will then take corrective actions to improve the state not only of our union but also our state of California, our County of San Diego and our local cities.
We should keep a watchful eye on AB1840 which would expand the California Dream For All; a grant loan program for first time homebuyers. AB1840 would amend existing law to allow undocumented immigrants to compete for and receive the same government monies for down payments for first time homebuyers as those who are United States Citizens. This would greatly impact citizens who are also trying to buy their first homes as well as further increase housing prices.
SB923 is heading for an early April hearing with the Senate Public Safety Committee. SB923 would require that a person with two or more prior theft convictions who is again convicted of shoplifting be punished by imprisonment in county jail for 1 year up to 3 years. This is in response to and an attempt to weaken the voter approved Prop 47.
And let's not forget SB59 which requires FREE menstrual products be provided in all buildings owned or used by the State in not only the women’s restrooms but all gender neutral restrooms and at least one MEN’S restroom.
Menstrual products in restrooms seems an issue almost as silly as Joe Biden running for re-election based on the number of potato chips in a bag. However, we must continue the effort to restore normalcy on every level. We must work to make criminals pay for their crimes. And we must endeavor to have government benefits go to those who are legal citizens. There is much work to do to improve the state of our union and have a representative government that reflects the common sense of the majority of its citizens.
Doing our part for the Next Generation
Judy Rees, Republican Central Committee Member
Our CRWF Team joined San Diego Republicans at “Super Tuesday’s Watch Party “ held at the US Grant to share the first results of the Presidential Primary Election with the crowd!
The Primary Election is almost behind us! The Registrar of Voters will certify those candidates that go on to the November 5th Presidential Election by April 4th. Looks like as of today, Congratulations is extended to Matt Gunderson to battle it out against Mike Levin for the 49th Congressional District!! We wish Kate, Sheryl & Margarita the best and thank them for taking the challenge to run and for joining our CRWF Forum this past January.
WE WON, again! We at CRWF helped Republicans Brian Erickson and Valerie Summers captured Judges Seats 41 & 43! Both of these candidates worked with us in our CRWF Booths’ at street fairs last fall and helped us make the difference!
We also must take care of our own backyard with a very important supervisor race!! Unseat Remer and elect Kevin Faulconer as our District #3 Supervisor!!
CRWF Members, seriously, we have seven months until the first week in October when “ballots drop”. We need good leadership! With some hard work we could make a difference in our future and our children’s future. Every able-bodied person in Carlsbad should consider working to get Republicans elected and volunteer to join CRWF activities; Street Fairs, signature collecting for petitions, mail parties, helping candidates and more. Get active and let’s get this done!
CRWF Team at the US Grant for “Super Tuesday”: Jen Belnap, CRWF President; Teri House, Legislation Chair; Mary Huber, Newsletter Editor & Webmaster; Andrea Ryon, 2nd VP; and Judy Rees, 1st VP
When we all work together we win!
News from the California Federation of Republican Women
CFRW has arranged for the CAGOP to present virtual training statewide for all our members. We need to have the knowledge and information to help get our candidates elected in November. This training will help us reach all Republicans in California to urge them to vote. CLICK HERE to register - CRWF is in Region 9.
Nancy White, Membership Co-Chair
March 3 - Danielle Buether
March 5 - Paula Yokoyama
March 6 - Tina Goldsmith, Megan Merkt
March 7 - Bonnie Hester
March 8 - Lois King
March 9 - Mary Azevedo
March 10 - Nancy Amador, Cheryl Telles
March 12 - Patricia Eggleston Laura Bassett, Scott Davison (assoc)
March 15 - Corrine Busta
March 16 - Karen Zerlaut, Barbara Pregmon, Beth Barnum
March 20 - Jo Spradley, Barbara Dietz
March 28 - Niki Coates
March 30 - Dana Kuzniar
March 31 - Charlotte Alberton, Cathie Tierney
Refer to our website for information on monthly meetings, membership, and our board of directors. Share with your friends and family when they ask about our club!
Articles for the newsletter are welcome, however,
published under the discretion of the Editor Mary Murphy Huber,
Website Manager & Newsletter Editor