Celebrating 90 Years of Boating Clubs and Organizations!

In this Issue:

Instructions for August 15th 7pm Zoom General Meeting bottom of page:

Upcoming Events:

  1. 2024 Cruise Schedule Submission Date coming Soon!
  2. MCYC Ladies Dinner - September 14th, 2023
  3. USPS- ABC Boat Handling Class Coming in September.

In the news:

  1. Daughters of Neptune fit over 300 Lifejackets at recent event!
  2. Sand Island Shelter nearing completion! Clubs can reserve it!
  3. Boating at Green Peter Reservoir in Linn County Restricted by Fire
  4. Oregon House Bill 2914 Passes - Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Program in Department of State Lands.
  5. Coast Guard Welcomes New Commander to District 13

Links of Interest - Or at Least Should Be!

St Helens City Dock Camera  Port of Camas Dock Camera

Report Dock Damage Here Report A Boater Here


 CRYA Facebook 

 Marine Services Directory 

For advertising information contact cryanews@gmail.com

Americas Boating Club Classes

2024 Cruise Schedule Submission Starts on

September 1st, at 12pm (Noon)

Hello, I hope you are all out enjoying this gorgeous boating season. This is just an early reminder that the submission date for your club’s 2024 cruise schedule is again on September 1st . Please send me your submissions (MS Word document preferably) starting September 1st 12pm (noon on Sept. 1st) and I will process them as first come, just like in years past. If your club has not completed them by September 1st, please try to get them in as soon as possible but no later than the November general meeting. 


If there is a conflict, I will let you know as soon as I receive it and give the opportunity to work it out amongst the clubs who have that conflict. Thank you and I hope you are enjoying this gorgeous weather and time on the water. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.

Send them to me at jcoats@freshwaternews.com


Safe and Happy boating,


Jolene Coats-Walsh, Publisher

Island Creative Printing & Publishing, LLC

NW Waterfront Living tm • NW Sailing News tm

PO Box 954 • Lake Oswego, OR 97034

503.283.2733 • Fax: 503.283.1904 • Cell: 503.575.5702


The Daughters of Neptune Help to fit over 300 Lifejackets at the PCC Structurals National Parks Wellness Expo and Family Day!

It is great to see the Daughters of Neptune program moving forward with events to promote Lifejacket awareness and Water Safety! They had a great time working on this event and have already been invited to do similar events to help fit kids lifejackets at other large employers family days next year. The girls are excited to continue their community outreach and education opportunities. Upcoming events include MCYC, DYC and CRYC's Ladies nights as well as the Halloween Cruise at Sand Island. Thanks to the leaders and parents of these girls for helping to make it all work!

The New Sand Island Shelter is nearing completion and we are told that Clubs and Organizations of CRYA will be able to reserve the building for events!

As promised after using the old CRYA shelter for wood storage, we have been told that we will be able to use the shelter when it is complete. If you haven't seen all the work being done it is very impressive! We of course need to make sure we clean up after ourselves as well as honor all of the current island rules since the camping area is typically very full which is a good sign for future improvements on the island such as water and power. At some point the docks may also become a pay system similar to the St. Helens City docks. It is a small price to pay for all the enhancements and security improvements that have been established.

Boating Temporarily Restricted on Green Peter Reservoir

The Oregon State Marine Board filed a Temporary Administrative Order with the Oregon Secretary of State to:



OAR 250-020-0240


Effective: 08/08/2023 through 8/25/2023


Filing Caption: Temporary boating restriction on Green Peter Reservoir in Linn County, OR


Need for Rule: The U.S. Forest Service is currently conducting efforts to suppress fires in the area affected by this temporary rule. The fire suppression crews and partner agencies including the Linn County Sheriff's Office have indicated that boaters in the vicinity of the fires are making transportation of water from the river to the fires difficult. This temporary rule is necessary so that the fire suppression crews are able to work effectively and so that boaters are not endangered by the suppression activities.


Rule Summary: Boating is temporarily restricted on Green Peter Reservoir in Linn County due to fire and fire suppression activities in the area.

Thank you,

Jennifer Cooper, Executive Assistant

Director’s Office

Oregon State Marine Board

503-378-2617, Email: jennifer.cooper@boat.oregon.gov


Oregon Establishes an Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Removal Program!

After so many years of working hard to address the problems of Abandoned and Derelict Vessels a program is going to be started to address the issue, and was considered an Emergency! House Bill 2914 - Chapter 419, (2023 Laws): Effective date July 27th, 2023. There were many organizations and individuals that helped to keep this on track. CRYA, Waterfront Organizations of Oregon (WOOO), Stan Tonneson owner of Rocky Pointe Marina and Treasurer of WOOO, MCSO and many others. Our goal now is to help get some focus as to where to apply this money for ADV removal and goals for the future as it is meant to be a long term program and continued funding is needed so a source needs to be determined. But, it is a great success that it has gotten this far. More to come as the program begins to take shape and roll out.


News Release


U.S. Coast Guard 13th District PA Detachment Astoria

Contact: Coast Guard PA Detachment Astoria

Office: (503) 861-6380

After Hours: (206) 220-7237

PA Detachment Astoria online newsroom


Coast Guard welcomes new commander to District 13

08/01/2023 08:14 PM EDT

The Coast Guard’s 13th District held a change of command ceremony Tuesday morning at Coast Guard Base Seattle. During the ceremony, Rear Adm. Charles Fosse relieved Capt. Olav Saboe as commander of the Coast Guard’s 13th District which is headquartered in Seattle. Vice Adm. Andrew Tiongson, commander, Coast Guard Pacific Area, presided over the ceremony. 

Have you seen the New Marine Services Directory Page?

Please help us to fund your Yachting Association by including your business. It helps us keep the work going for boating safety and service improvements for all boaters in our area and State. For more information contact info@crya.us, or if you are ready to help we have a PayPal link setup just for this purpose. PayPal Link. We all Thank You for the support.

Our Sponsors - Marine Services Directory Page

Sheffield Marine Propeller Downriver Customs Rocky Pointe Marina

McCuddy's Marina Cook Engine Schooner Creek Boat Works

Following Sea Marine

General Member Meeting Information 7pm

Social time starting at 6:30

(Time to figure out how to get into the meeting!)

Zoom Meeting Details - Here

Previous Meeting Minutes - June July

Agenda for Meeting Here

Treasurer's Report - Soon, bank issues

Any inputs or request for guest speakers? Please let us know.