2024 Cruise Schedule Submission Starts on
September 1st, at 12pm (Noon)
Hello, I hope you are all out enjoying this gorgeous boating season. This is just an early reminder that the submission date for your club’s 2024 cruise schedule is again on September 1st . Please send me your submissions (MS Word document preferably) starting September 1st 12pm (noon on Sept. 1st) and I will process them as first come, just like in years past. If your club has not completed them by September 1st, please try to get them in as soon as possible but no later than the November general meeting.
If there is a conflict, I will let you know as soon as I receive it and give the opportunity to work it out amongst the clubs who have that conflict. Thank you and I hope you are enjoying this gorgeous weather and time on the water. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.
Send them to me at jcoats@freshwaternews.com
Safe and Happy boating,
Jolene Coats-Walsh, Publisher
Island Creative Printing & Publishing, LLC
NW Waterfront Living tm • NW Sailing News tm
PO Box 954 • Lake Oswego, OR 97034
503.283.2733 • Fax: 503.283.1904 • Cell: 503.575.5702