In this Issue:

Instructions for January 17th 7pm Zoom General Meeting bottom of page:

  1. Special Meeting for voting in of 2023 new Officers.
  2. Confirmation of 2023 Commodores and Delegates for all Clubs.
  3. Club Dues Notices Being Sent Out
  4. Fundraising - Please support our Marine Services Directory.
  5. Any Interest in the Daughters Program?

In the news:

  1. Dolphin Yacht Club Super Bowl Party - Open Invitation to all clubs!
  2. Inflatable Paddle Boards sold at Costco Recalled!
  3. US House Passes Marine Liability Law Updates after devastating loss aboard the Dive Boat Conception - Read More
  4. Crossing the Columbia River Bar? Here is an excellent video just released from the USPS/ABC. This was created from a request by the USCG and we might see other locations in the future. View the video Here

St Helens City Dock Camera  Port of Camas Dock Camera

Opening Day Picture Gallery

 CRYA Facebook 

New - Marine Services Directory 

For advertising information contact [email protected]

Americas Boating Club Winter Classes

Updated Jan. 8, 2023

Special Meeting called to vote in Officers for 2023

At the beginning of the January General Member Meeting, we will convene a special meeting to present the candidates for positions that are being filled by new member officers. There is still time to get nominations on the ballot if you have interest in volunteering time to help out CRYA.

Current Applicants for Open Positions to Vote on:

Executive VP - Doug Romjue

President - Alicia Robinson

Treasurer - Doug Vandecoevering

Open positions:

VP - 2-year term, any member club (president in 2024)

Standing Committee - 4-year term, emphasis on future goals.

Thanks in advance for your participation in this process.

Please provide your 2023 Club Bridge Information for the Cruise Guide

We are almost complete with the Cruise Guide but could still use some updates. Please make sure to include Commodore (with contact information, First Lady/Gentleman, Club Delegate w/contact information. Any other information is greatly appreciated, but only the above will be in the Cruise Guide. If you haven't already, send them to Jolene Walsh, our Cruise Guide Coordinator.

Invoices going out now for 2023 CRYA Dues. Thank you for your support of the Columbia River Yachting Association as we enter into our 75th year!

Have you seen the New Marine Services Directory Page?

Please help us to fund your Yachting Association by including your business. It helps us keep the work going for boating safety and service improvements for all boaters in our area and State. For more information contact [email protected], or if you are ready to help we have a PayPal link setup just for this purpose. PayPal Link. We all Thank You for the support.

Is there interest in restarting the Daughter's of Neptune program?

We have been getting feedback that many clubs have such interest, and one club has a person who might be willing to help. That doesn't mean she can do everything by herself, but that she would work with others to revive the program. In her thinking, it is a daughter's program. If you have questions, Our President Alica Robinson will be the point person for this. She can be reached at [email protected], or at [email protected].

Inflatable Paddleboards Sold at Costco Being RECALLED

For Complete Story, follow this LINK

General Member Meeting Information 7pm

Social time starting at 6:30

(Time to figure out how to get into the meeting!)

Zoom Meeting Details - Here

Previous Meeting Minutes - November December

Agenda for Meeting Here

Treasurer's Report - November December

Any inputs or request for guest speakers? Please let us know.