In this Issue:

This month's guest speaker is Doug Vandecoevering with
Performance Systems Integration
Topic: USCG Rule changes with non-serviceable Fire Extinguishers


  1. MCYC/DYC March Madness Weekend Event March 18th-19th
  2. CRYC/CRYA presents "Going North for the First Time" May 1st.
  3. Opening Day is coming May 7th! A "Rose City Reunion"
  4. JJ Collins Marine Park Clean up - June 17th-19th

Stories in the news:
  1. Sand Island Navigation Dolphin has been compromised. Read more below.
  2. NOAA Satellites helped save 330 lives in 2021!
  3. Coast Guard Vessel Alert in the news again! Getting it off the bottom.
  4. Do you get Notice to Mariners? Changes are coming!

CRYA Website with links to events and local information on boating

For America's Boating Club Classes (Formerly Power Squadron) Click Here

Follow this link to sign up!
Opening Day - "Rose City Reunion"
Saturday, May 7th

Fleet Captains Meeting:

On April 12th at 7pm we will be having a Fleet Captains meeting via zoom. It will include the needed materials for bringing your club into the parade area for the day, as well as other important information on the day's activities. Please make sure to have your club representative attend this meeting. More information with the specifics for the zoom meeting will be coming shortly.

For more information, or to provide your Fleet Captain's contact information
Bev Hamlik is this year's Opening Day Coordinator.

JJ Collins Marine Park Clean up and repairs June 17th-19th

Come join us for a weekend of fun as well as special upgrades for the Island park. This year's plan is to clear trails as in the past, but also to replace aging boards on benches and picnic tables with new material provided by CRYA. The weekend event has been traditionally hosted by NOTS and GBYC so we will look forward to more detail as the date gets closer. If you would like to help and have ideas let us know and we can get you hooked up with the group leaders for the event. Get out and help!!!
Rebuilding the Daughters of Neptune program

Welcome to the “New Daughters of Neptune” program 2022. We have had our first meeting and currently PYC and MCYC are on the list with members for the program. We really could use all clubs to put in some extra effort this year to find a young man or woman to help us get this year off to a great start as well as build it for the future. We have some new possible names as well so come and join the start of something new.

Changing the tradition, the representative must be related to a club member as, daughter, son, grandchild, niece or nephew, between the age of 14 and18.
Please contact Diana for information on how to sign up:

Diana Blatter - DON/Boater Safety and Education Program Lead
Use Care in the Sand Island Upriver Entrance area
The upriver Dolphin marking the upriver wing dam at Sand Island which is the entrance area to St. Helens and the Multnomah Channel has been hit by a vessel and is not in its required position for safe navigation. It is important that if you are heading to Sand Island docks, St. Helens docks, or transiting up the Multnomah channel that you are aware of your location to avoid issues in this area. We don't have any links to share yet, but will when they are available.
In 2021, NOAA Satellites saved 330 lives by getting distress signals from EPIRB transmitters and sending them on for help. To read the article, use this link.
Ex Coast Guard Vessel "The Alert" is once again in the news.
After sinking last fall near the I-5 Bridge on the Columbia River it has had efforts to get it raised off the bottom and removed. It appears that will be happening at this point as news from our MCSO River Patrol office said the Coast Guard is making plans to get it floated, then towed out to sea to be once again sunk but in a location where it won't be a hazard to navigation. Sadly, the Tug Boat Sakarissa is not on the list to be removed. But, efforts are underway to get the illegal campers also removed from the Beach area as well. We can all agree that the image of that camp is not what we want visitors coming to Oregon to see first! We'll update these stories as more information becomes available.
Notice to Mariners URL links changing
Get all the updates from their recent letter here:

General Member Meeting Information 7pm
Social time starting at 6:30
(time to figure out how to get into the meeting!)

Zoom Meeting Details Click Here

Previous Meeting Minutes - Click Here

Agenda for Meeting - Click Here

Treasurer's Report - Click Here

Any inputs or request for guest speakers? Please let us know.