Celebrating 91 Years of Boating Clubs and Organizations Working Together - For Better Boating for All!

Our Sponsors - Marine Services Directory Page

Sheffield Marine Propeller Downriver Customs Rocky Pointe Marina

McCuddy's Marina Cook Engine Schooner Creek Boat Works

Following Sea Marine Boat Insurance Agency Dish Outdoors

In this Issue:

Instructions for February 20th 7pm Zoom General Meeting bottom of page:

Guest Speaker will be Stan Tonneson - Owner of Rocky Pointe Marina and the Treasurer of Waterfront Organizations of Oregon (WOOO). He will update us on the many projects they champion, and that we work together on.

Upcoming Events:

  1. ABC/USPS Classes - Date Change for Boaters Card
  2. Dolphin YC Ladies Night - March 7th
  3. MCYC - St. Patrick's Day Celebration March 15th - 17th.
  4. Opening Day - May 4th, “Dream Forward” is the theme for 2024. This is a change from previous communications.

In The News:

  1. Who would like to see clearance levels for the Steel Bridge lower lift section. We've got some news!
  2. Does your club Newsletter have articles that you feel should be available to everyone? Not a problem!
  3. CRYA has Officers that are ready and willing to come to your club/group and talk about what it is that CRYA does.
  4. NOAA to cancel all paper charts by January 2025. Complete story can be found Here.
  5. Oregon State Marine Board - Boater Feedback needed.
  6. Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Committee has requested feedback on plans for the program. You can find their homepage on activities Here.

Links of Interest - Or at Least Should Be!

St Helens City Dock Camera Port of Camas Dock Camera

Report Dock Damage Here Report a Boater OSMB Here

Report a boater incident to MCSO River Patrol Here

NEW - Pumpout Nav App for iOS for Android


 CRYA Facebook 

 Marine Services Directory 

For advertising information contact cryanews@gmail.com

Americas Boating Club Classes

New Clearance Markers for Steel Bridge?

After Last month's general member meeting where it was discussed on how to get clearance indicators on the Lower Steel Bridge lift section, Sgt. Dangler from MCSO said he would look into the matter. He confirmed since then that he has worked with a couple of contacts to move that request forward! This is great news for all boaters, but probably for the bridge tenders as well. We will continue to monitor the progress and hopefully see them attached soon.

Content in your Club's Newsletters that all Boaters should read?

We can't see every club's internal communication, but we have to think some of the articles would be great information for all boaters. If you find that article of interest, please forward it to cryanews@gmail.com after getting approval to share. We can all be more informed.

Would your club be interested in updates on Columbia River Yachting Association from its Leadership?

At the Columbia River Yachting Association, we are working on many new ideas for the organization and our boating community. If you would like to have us come and talk to you about our plans, please contact us at cryanews@gmail.com. When your club has a special event, please consider inviting the 2024 President Ron Bergmann and future Presidents to attend. As a past President, it was an honor for me to represent CRYA, and a highlight of my term served.

Boat Oregon News - Marine Board Seeks Round Two Survey Participation from Boaters

For the complete newsletter, and links to the survey the following link will take you there. Boat Oregon News. Your feedback is essential to for the future of Marine Board plans for the boating community.

Have you seen the New Marine Services Directory Page?

Please help us to fund your Yachting Association by including your business. It helps us keep the work going for boating safety and service improvements for all boaters in our area and State. For more information contact info@crya.uS. We Thank You for the support.

Links of Interest - Or at Least Should Be!

St Helens City Dock Camera Port of Camas Dock Camera

Report Dock Damage Here Report a Boater OSMB Here

Report a boater incident to MCSO River Patrol Here

NEW - Pumpout Nav App for iOS for Android


 CRYA Facebook 

 Marine Services Directory 

For advertising information contact cryanews@gmail.com

Americas Boating Club Classes

General Member Meeting Information 7pm

Zoom Meeting Details - Here

Previous Meeting Minutes - January

Agenda for Meeting Here

Treasurer's Report - January

Any inputs or request for guest speakers? Please let us know.