In this Issue:
Instructions for February 20th 7pm Zoom General Meeting bottom of page:
Guest Speaker will be Stan Tonneson - Owner of Rocky Pointe Marina and the Treasurer of Waterfront Organizations of Oregon (WOOO). He will update us on the many projects they champion, and that we work together on.
Upcoming Events:
- ABC/USPS Classes - Date Change for Boaters Card
- Dolphin YC Ladies Night - March 7th
- MCYC - St. Patrick's Day Celebration March 15th - 17th.
Opening Day - May 4th, “Dream Forward” is the theme for 2024. This is a change from previous communications.
In The News:
Who would like to see clearance levels for the Steel Bridge lower lift section. We've got some news!
- Does your club Newsletter have articles that you feel should be available to everyone? Not a problem!
- CRYA has Officers that are ready and willing to come to your club/group and talk about what it is that CRYA does.
NOAA to cancel all paper charts by January 2025. Complete story can be found Here.
- Oregon State Marine Board - Boater Feedback needed.
Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Committee has requested feedback on plans for the program. You can find their homepage on activities Here.
Links of Interest - Or at Least Should Be!
St Helens City Dock Camera Port of Camas Dock Camera
Report Dock Damage Here Report a Boater OSMB Here
Report a boater incident to MCSO River Patrol Here
NEW - Pumpout Nav App for iOS for Android
CRYA Facebook
Marine Services Directory
For advertising information contact
Americas Boating Club Classes