Week 2 of the semester! Hope the start is going well!

Computer Sciences Advising Team!

Michael Radloff and Shelby Arkin are excited to continue working with Computer Sciences students. Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Do not hesitate to connect with your assigned advisor or schedule an appointment via STARFISH! 

Fall 2022 Dates and Deadlines Reminder!

Wednesday, September 14 - First Drop Deadline: Drop a course without receiving a "DR" notation

Friday, September 16 - Add Deadline:  Last day to add a course to your schedule

Friday, September 16 - 100% tuition refund deadline:  Last day to drop a course and receive 100% tuition adjustment

Friday, September 30 - Last day to request pass/fail for courses

Friday, November 25 - Final Drop Deadline:  Last day to drop a course for the term

Friday, November 25 - Withdrawal Deadline:  Last day to withdraw from the Fall term

More dates and deadlines can be found here:  Office of Registrar Dates and Deadlines

Waitlist FAQs

A course shows “available seats”. Why can’t I enroll? If a course is waitlisted and shows “available seats”, those seats will be given to students on the waitlist. If you enroll or swap into a course that is waitlisted with available seats, you will be placed on the waitlist.


When are seats given away? Waitlists are managed daily. If you are given a seat off the waitlist, you will get an email inviting you to enroll. Make sure to check your wisc.edu email address at least once a day to not miss your chance to enroll.


How do I enroll? You will not be automatically enrolled in the course – you must enroll through the enroll app. The waitlist invites expire after 1-2 days, so make sure to enroll right away.


What if I absolutely need this course? Please work with your advisor. Advisors cannot let you off a waitlist in appointments, but can discuss options with you.

Planning to Graduate Fall 2022?

Plan to graduate in Fall 2022? Don't forget to submit your Apply to Graduate information in your Student Center! More information on applying to graduate can be found here.

Feel free to e-mail your assigned Computer Sciences advisor to double check your readiness for graduation! 

Check out CS 402!

We are thrilled that our after-school clubs for 4th and 5th graders are all going to be *in-person* this Fall semester. Therefore, we are looking for a few more UW students to co-lead those activities at two Madison elementary schools!

CS 402 - Lab 321 (Tuesdays at Stephens Elementary) 2:30 - 3:30pm

CS 402 - Lab 324 (Tuesdays at Van Hise Elementary) 3:25 - 4:25pm 

Many students find CS 402 to be a uniquely rewarding experience at UW-Madison! Our clubs have been incredibly successful for the past few years and many kids, parents, and teachers are interested in learning more. We usually teach more than 200 kids about computation and programming each semester! 

Please check out this video of CS 402, and considering enrolling to participate!

Women of the ACM

WACM (Women of the ACM) is the CS Department's student organization for undergraduate and graduate women and non-binary students. We hold a variety of social, professional and outreach events throughout the year. This fall, we're planning a pizza part kickoff on September 15, a biweekly lunch series (including special guest speakers Tijana Zrnic of UC Berkeley on September 26 and Rosanne Liu of Google Brain and ML Collective on October 17), a mentoring program, corporate events, and more!

To become a member of WACM, simply join the mailing list!

Data Science Club Kick Off!

dotData, UW-Madison's Data Science Club, will be hosting our Fall Kickoff meeting on Monday, September 19th! Join us from 6 -7pm in room 1240 in the Computer Sciences building. Hope to see you there!

Sales & Trading, Asset Management Club (STAM)

The Sales & Trading, Asset Management Club (STAM) is looking to inform and encourage students with a passion for finance, engineering, data science, or computer science to learn more about what our club has to offer!

STAM provides a structure curriculum and development process to prepare you to successfully recruit and succeed in a sales, trading, or asset management role. Club members gain knowledge on what STAM is, interview preparation, an educational case competition, and weekly discussions about current events. Utilizing STAM and UW-Madison's alumni network are a terrific resource in attaining sales, trading, or asset management internships.

Below is a list of important dates related to the Fall 2022 recruiting process for STAM:

September 12 - BBA Org Fair (located in Grainger Hall)

September 14 at 7:00pm - Information Session at Grainger 4151

September 21 at 11:59pm - Applications Due

September 25 - Final Round Interview Day

October 2 - First General Club Meeting

Any questions on STAM or the recruitment process, please connect with Nicholas Byrnes at nsburnes@wisc.edu.

Looking to Advertise Your Student Org Event?

Does your student organization have a kick-off coming up? Maybe there is a cool event happening you want others to know about!

Feel free to send an announcement to advising@cs.wisc.edu!

We will add it in our next newsletter!

The International Internship Program

The International Internship Program offers international internships with organizations all over the world. Applications are still open for virtual international internships this semester! Virtual Internships are 5-15 hours a week and can be a great addition to your fall class schedule.

Fall virtual internships opportunities for Computer Sciences students (deadline September 18):

  • The FIEN Foundation in Tanzania is looking for a Virtual Web Design Intern. The internship is an opportunity for hands-on experience designing, testing, and maintaining websites. Apply here.
  • Health Access Connect is a non-profit in Uganda that connects Ugandans living in remote areas with essential health care services. The organization offers virtual Media & Evaluation, and Management & Operations internships. Apply here.

Have more questions or want more information? Get in touch with the International Internship Program at internships@international.wisc.edu

Recruiter Talk! General Mills

Join a UW-alumni web developer for a talk about what it's like to work at General Mills! Learn about what kind of technology is used at a Fortune-500 company, what to expect in the internship process and early career program, the sustainability and volunteer initiatives at the company, and more! There will also be plenty of time for any questions you have about General Mills or a career as a developer. Talk is virtual over Microsoft Teams on Thursday, September 15 at 7:00pm.

You can find the link to join here.

Career Development Workshops for International Students

The International Students Career Development Committee is pleased to offer multiple career development workshops for international students this Fall! Check out the dates and locations below!

Tell Me About Yourself:  Developing a Personal Brand for the Job Search

Thursday, September 22

5:00-6:30pm, Memorial Library Room 126

Building a Strong Personal Network:  An Effective Way to Land a Job

Thursday, October 13

5:00-6:30pm, Memorial Library Room 126

Preparing Applications for Jobs in the US

Monday, November 7

5:00-6:30pm, Memorial Library Room 126

Scan QR code or visit go.wisc.edu/w1z9p9 to register. Registration recommended but not required to attend.

Career Tips from L&S Successworks!

Be sure to check out the Technology, Data, and Analytics Career Community for some AMAZING resources!

A resume is a long list of every experience you’ve had, plus where you worked and when. 

Your experience does NOT have to only be paid experience -- classes, projects, student orgs, volunteering and personal projects are all valid! 

Key Question to Ask: What does [this experience] demonstrate or add to my whole profile? 

You’ll find templates, tips and more on constructing a resume at SuccessWorks’ website

Check out the Successwork's career community for Technology, Data, and Analytics for more great resources regarding resumes!

Computer Sciences Undergraduate Program
cs.wisc.edu / advising@cs.wisc.edu