Fall 2023: Week 2

Advising Updates

Add/Drop Deadlines

The deadline for students to drop a course or withdraw from the university without a DR notation appearing on the transcript is September 13, 2023.

The deadline for students to add, swap, or change sections in a Fall term course without department permission is September 15, 2023.

Pop-Up Career Advising with SuccessWorks!

Upcoming Events

Computer Sciences Student Org Fair

Tuesday, Sept 12th: 1 pm - 3 pm, CS Building Lobby

DOE Quantum Information Science Career Fair

Wednesday, September 13: 11 am - 5 pm

Alpha Omega Epsilon Fall Recruitment Events

Wisconsin Quantum Computing Club Kickoff

Thursday, September 14: 7 pm - 8 pm, CS Building: Room 1221

Check the link below for up to the minute WQCC Updates: https://forms.gle/S8rinQRktYga1sBk9

CS Major Declaration Info Session

Friday, September 15: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm, CS Room 1325

dotData Fall Kickoff

Tuesday, Sept. 19th @ 6 pm, CS Building: Room 1240

Enjoy a welcome to or back to dotData! We'll introduce who we are and what we will be doing throughout the semester, as well as helpful tips to start the school year and internship search.

Looking to Advertise Your Student Org Event?

Does your student organization have a kick-off coming up?

Planning an event you want others to know about?

Feel free to send an announcement to advising@cs.wisc.edu!

We will add it in our next newsletter!

Thinking Ahead: Fellowships, Certificates, and Grad School

Wisconsin AI Safety Initiative (WAISI) Program Pipelines

The Wisconsin AI Safety Initiative is a community that aims to mitigate the risks that increasingly capable artificial intelligence brings to the world. (see our programming and apply here!)


Already, we can see some unintended negative consequences of AI advancement causing harm today: discrimination in housing, healthcare, and policing, political deepfakes and misinformation, empowering surveillance capabilities of oppressive regimes.


For the same reasons that preventing these outcomes are difficult – alignment and governance challenges – we can expect that even larger scale risks are on the horizon. 


Nearer term, we can expect bad actors to be empowered by AI technology to potentially engineer novel bioweapons that could spark pandemics, launch larger scale cyberattacks than ever before, and more. 


Longer term, we ought to worry about potential risks from autonomous self-directed AI agents which may be deceptive in behaving well under observation but pursuing its true goals when not surveilled or power seeking in instrumentally disempowering humanity in order to more optimally pursue its terminal goals.


Come join the Wisconsin AI Safety Initiative to gain a holistic understanding of the risks and then build the skills to solve them in AI alignment and AI governance.

See our infographic above for more information and apply here :)

Sandia Labs Critical Skills Recruiting Program

(Grad School Funding Available!)

Application Deadline: September 21st!

Interested in Doctoral Studies?

McNair Scholars Program Opportunities Available!

Internship, Job & Co-Opportunities

Software Development Positions

New Mexico Water Data Initiative

Career Events

Career Tips from L&S Successworks!

Be sure to check out the Technology, Data, and Analytics Career Community for some AMAZING resources!

Career Fair Prep Night

September 19, 2023 @ 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm Gordon Dining and Event Center

Register on Handshake

Fall Career and Internship Fair

September 20, 2023 @ 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Kohl Center

Register on Handshake

CDIS Panel: Internships, Jobs, & Experiences for Your Career

September 21, 2023 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Computer Sciences 1240

Register on Handshake

Technology, Data & Analytics Career Fair

September 28, 2023 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Register on Handshake

Virtual Employer Mock Interviews: Tech, Data & Analytics

October 6, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Alumni Career Panel: User Experience (UX) & User Interface (UI)

November 1, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Register on Zoom

Career Tips

Resume Basics

A resume is a long list of every experience you’ve had, plus where you worked and when. 

Your experience does NOT have to only be paid experience -- classes, projects, student orgs, volunteering and personal projects are all valid! 

Key Question to Ask:

What does [this experience] demonstrate or add to my whole profile? 

You’ll find templates, tips and more on constructing a resume at SuccessWorks’ website

We’re also hosting a Career Fair Prep Night on Tuesday Sept 19th.

Bring your resume and your questions!

Computer Sciences Undergraduate Program
cs.wisc.edu / advising@cs.wisc.edu