With the holiday season before us, the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Canadian Simmental Foundation would like to thank all of those involved in our campaigns this year to grow and develop the Foundation. With your continued support we have been able to move forward with supporting youth through our scholarship programs, leadership development and research with our Platinum support of the technical day at the Federation of the Americas Conference.
Often during the holidays we look for positive,meaningful ways to contribute to organizations that we believe in and have a passion for. If you would like to see the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation grow, and help benefit youth in education, leadership and learning we ask that you please consider making a cash donation. As we are a registered Charity you will receive a charitable tax receipt.
- Charity number #82695
with Revenue Canada
How To Contribute
The most important members on the FCSF, are those who give their support through financial contributions. The tax-deductible contributions of Canadian Simmental Association members and partners who see the potential of the FCSF in bettering our Foundation make-up the vast majority of the FCSF support system. The most common methods of giving include traditional methods such as: cash donations, sponsorship and memorials.
Deductible Cash Donations
The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation was established so that tax-deductible donations could be made by Canadian Simmental Association members, or by individuals who support programs for youth in Agriculture. Individual and corporate contributions can be made to the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation through several means of contributing avenues. Your investment will make a continuing difference in the future of the Simmental breed and the future of all youth in Agriculture.
Contributions to the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation provide helpful benefits to all youth in Agriculture. Below are just a few of the areas that the HYFA support.
- Scholarships and Awards
- Leadership training and development
- Support of the National Young Canadian Simmental Program
- Research and Development through technical training events.
Make your gift to the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation today; please make your check payable to:
Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation
#13, 4101-19th St. N.E. Calgary, AB, T2E 7C4
Donations can also be processed through your Canadian Simmental Association account by contacting the office at 403-250 - 7979.
2018 Friend of Canadian Simmental Foundation & Donation Heifer
We are pleased to announce the 2018 Friend of Canadian Simmental Foundation and donator of the Lot 1 heifer in the 2018 Foundation Auction to be Lewis Farms of Spruce Grove, Alberta. We are excited to host the 2018 Foundation Auction in Olds, Alberta next August. Watch for more details in the months ahead in anticipation to this exciting lot!
Lewis Farms Joins these previous Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation recipients:
2017: Tyron Simmentals, PEI
2016: MRL Ranching, SK
2015: Elm Tree Farms, ON
2014: Bonchuk Farms, MB
2013: R Plus Simmentals, SK
2012: Gibbon Farms, ON and More Bros, MB