Quick Links
CSA Contacts
 #13, 4101-19th St. NE 
Calgary, AB T2E 7C4
Tel: 1 (866) 860-6051
Tel: (403) 250-7979
Fax: (403) 250-5121
General Manager
Office Manager

Programs Coordinator
Meghan Black
Simmental Country Sales Representative

YCSA Coordinator
Registry & Member Services

Reception & Member Services 

Administrative Assistant
Simmental Country
General Manager
Bruce Holmquist
(403) 988-8676

Programs Coordinator
(506) 324-4825   

Simmental Country Sales Representative
(780) 818-3452
Board of Directors
Garth Rancier
First Vice-President
Blair McRae
Second Vice-President

Canadian Simmental Association Enewsletter
October 2017
In This Issue

The Simmental Federation of Americas Conference Registration is open
until November 1st!
For a full week's worth of events join us for the Federation of Americas Conference! Be sure not to miss our 50th Anniversary Banquet Tuesday, November 21st.
Click here for a schedule of events.
Click here for the registration forms

The Double Tree Hotel has special pricing avaliable until Saturday, October 21st, 2017 at $152 a night. A limited number of rooms are avaliable at this price!

For further questions please contact Rae-Lee Erickson.

Thanks to Our Sponsors for the 2017 Simmental Federation of Americas Conference!



Total Herd Enrollment 2nd Installment Billing OCTOBER 2ND: 
** Members with credit cards on file with CSA - please note the 2nd half of your THE fees owing will be processed at the time of billing.

** Members without credit cards on file, payment is due upon receipt of invoice

CSA Mail Out 
This month member packages will be mailed out to all active CSA members. Included in the package is 2018 female enrollment forms for THE participants, online enrollment instructions for online Simmental.com users, and application for registration forms for non-THE (registration only) members. Please note, online Simmental.com users will not receive female enrollment forms in this package. THE participants using the online system are required to submit enrollments through the online program. Deadline for 2018 female enrollment submission at the regular fee is December 15, 2017. If you are not a THE participant but wish to join the program, please call our office today. 
Credit Card Users
Please ensure your credit card information is current in the office. If your card expires or you change numbers, please contact the office so we can continue to process all your work with no delays. Online.Simmental.com users are required to keep a credit card on file with the CSA.

Maternal Upgrade Registration Requests
The steps involved to import Non-Simmental pedigrees into the CSA herd book are as follows:

1. Please fax (or email) the Registration ID for the animal that needs to be entered. 
2. To avoid delays in the staff returning the unique CSA identification for these animals, please ensure that you also include the Breeder Copy/DNA certificate showing the current DNA/SNP results for any males that are being entered.  ** Important Note: If you were not the person that originally submitted the hair sample for the bull in question, you must obtain a copy of the DNA results by contacting the breed association office and speaking to someone in Registrations.  Without a copy of these results, we will be unable to complete the pedigree entry. 
3. For more information pertaining to Simmental fractions, please go to www.simmental.com and navigate under - Resources |  Upgrade Table

Click here for how to order your Canadian Simmental CCIA approved back button RFID Tags!

Canadian Simmental CCIA approved back button RFID tags are now available for purchase and we want to see your tags in action! 

We Want to See Your Calves Tagged With Simmental Pride This Fall!
Post images of your tagged calves with your Simmental back buttons on our Facebook page using the hashtag 


50th Anniversary Celebratory Events
It's hard to believe that it's been 50 years since the first Simmental bull, Parisien, was imported to Canada. This was an event that created history and changed the Canadian Beef Industry. Since then, the Simmental breed has been a tremendous success story as it has progressed into becoming one of the most influential beef cattle breeds in North America.
Simmental breeders from across Canada are preparing to celebrate our 50th Anniversary during these events. Be sure to mark your calendar and plan to join the excitement!

Watch for more details to come in the upcoming months. For any questions please contact your Provincial Simmental Association or Rae-Lee Erickson at the CSA office 403.250.7979 or rerickson@simmental.com.

December "Winter" Issue of Simmental Country Advertising Deadline  - October 15th!!!
Contact Ryan  (780) 818-3452 to reserve your spot today!!

**New For 2017**
We will be combining the October/ November Issue of Simmental Country, and having a December Issue. Booking deadline for the December Issue of Simmental Country is 15th. For further information please contact your Simmental Country representatives!

**NEW Simmental Country Pricing
As of October 1st new pricing will take into effect for Simmental Country advertising. 
Simmental Country Pricing Changes- Effective October 2017 Issue
Simmental Country Pricing
Full page             $ 1050.00
½ page                $600.00
¼ page                $400.00
Card ad             $400.00
Commercial Country Pricing
Full page          $1300.00   
½ page              $950.00  
¼ page              $650.00  
Contract Information
Contracts are available for 4 issue full pages, 7 issue full pages and 7 issue 1/2 page. Please contact Ryan Cook for further questions.
Click here for contract information.
Membership Announcements
Please send any membership announcements to  mblack@simmental.com .
What's Happening
If you'd like to have your sale or event listed in 'What's Happening' in Simmental Country and on the website please send to Meghan.
For a listing of Simmental events visit the Simmental Country website.

A reminder to all the Provincial and Regional Associations that all Simmental cattle need to be tattooed and registered not only to qualify for points but as per CSA regulation rules at all shows. It is up to each association to ensure that registration papers and tattoos are being checked and to send the complete show results to rerickson@simmental.com within two weeks after your show is complete.

The CSA AOE program promotes and recognizes the top Simmental bulls and females that are exhibited at shows across the country each year. 
For rules and regulations click here.

Below is a list of the Provincial Awards of Excellence Qualifying Shows still to come for 2017:
-  Olds Fall Classic, Olds, AB, October 6-8, 2017
-  Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB, November 8-11, 2017
- Lloydminster Stockade Roundup, Lloydminster, SK, November 1-4, 2017
- Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK, November 20 - 25, 2017
- Manitoba Ag Ex, Brandon, MB, October 26-29, 2017
-  The Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, ON, November 3 - 12, 2017
-  Expo Boeuf, Victoriaville, QC, October 7-9, 2017  
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Rae-Lee Erickson.

YCSA Leadership Conference Is Back!
What: 2nd Annual YCSA Leadership Conference
Where: Calgary, AB
When: February 22 - 24, 2018
Who: Any youth 14-25 years of age - you do not need to be a YCSA member to attend!
Stay tuned and like the "Young Canadian Simmental Association" on Facebook for more details.

Like us on Facebook under "Young Canadian Simmental Association and you can stay connected to the YCSA and follow us through the events and be up to date on opportunities that are available!
The Board members of the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation are extremely pleased with the response to the scholarships that we are offering.  2017 has seen the largest number of applications for the 5 scholarships totaling $12,000. Applications were received from across Canada from very worthy youth with backgrounds in Agriculture. Our independent selection committee will now review them and the recipients will be announced towards the end of the month. Thank you to all of those that applied.

The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation value all of those that support the philosophy and work the Foundation is committed to. With the FCSF having Charitable Tax Status we are able to provide those who donate to the Foundation with a charitable tax receipt. FCSF supports the programs and activities that not only benefit the agriculture industry today but also helps establish the future of the agriculture industry for tomorrow's youth. The most common methods of giving include traditional methods such as: cash donations, sponsorship and memorials. To discuss the possibilities please contact one of the Board of Directors of the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation. Contact information can be found at www.simmentalfoundation.com.
Office Holiday Schedule
The CSA office will be closed for the following 2017 holidays.
Thanksgiving - Monday, October 9th
Christmas - Monday, December 25th
In lieu of Remembrance Day - Tuesday, December 26th