Canadian Coast Guard -Moving Forward:
Sylvain Vézina, Regional Director, Programs, CCG Central and Arctic Region
Transport Canada Update:
Ian Campbell, Manager, Small and Fishing Vessels, Design and Equipment Standards and Boating Safety
Safety in the Harbour: a Shared Responsibility: Panel Discussion:
Capt. Yoss Leclerc, Former VP and Chief of Maritime Operations, Port of Quebec, Logistro Consulting International
Stacy Dufour, Superintendent, Search and Rescue, CCG Central and Arctic Region
Capt. Alain Arsenault, President, Corporation Pilots Saint-Laurent Central
Ian Campbell, Transport Canada
Boating Safety in New Zealand:
Pania Shingleton, Education and Communications Manager, Maritime New Zealand
Nicole Botherway, Education Manager, Farming and Maritime Services, Waikato Regional Council
Tourism Québec:
Philippe Trempe, Direction des politiques et de l'intelligence d'affaires
Strength in Social Media, New Promotions on Safe Boater Behaviour:
Alain Roy, Executive Director, Association Maritime du Québec
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary (Quebec):
Ted Smith
Boating Safety Developments in the United States:
U.S. Coast Guard: Jeffrey E. Decker, CIV, Office of Boating Safety
U.S. National Safe Boating Council: Rachel Johnson, Executive Director
Video Messages from France:
Pierre Brugnon, Head of Mission: Prevention, Societé Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer
Red Cross Projet VFI/Personal Flotation Device Project:
Clarence Therrien
Canada/U.S. Lifejacket Harmonization Update:
Roxanne Standefer
Quebec Lifesaving Society Public Education Programs:
Raynald Hawkins, General Manager
Canadian Boating Safety Education Projects: Extending our Reach:
Barbara Byers, Public Education Director, Lifesaving Society and Ted Rankine and Stephanie Rankine, Playsafe Productions
Junior and Adult Canadian Ranger Programs in Quebec:
Carl Wolfe
Roxanne Standefer
Outside the formal sessions, Symposium participants had the opportunity to tour the Canadian Coast Guard Marine Communications and Traffic Services Centre and the Marine Rescue Sub-Centre, and observe firsthand the diversity of marine traffic in the harbour.
At the banquet, Ron Kroeker, CSBC Director, presented highlights from Christopher Wright's research on the history of marine transportation in Canada's North.
Here are highlights of what Symposium delegates said about this year's event:
"This symposium was packed with useful and inspiring information on the world of boating safety"
"Excellent speakers, great fellowship, networking"
"Easy to interact with people. You are not just a number in the crowd"
"Best ever program!"
"Excellent location and agenda, very relevant topics"
"Presentations excellent, great interaction with people with great programs and ideas"
"Very friendly and welcoming atmosphere"
"The best symposium I have ever been to"
What would you like to see changed? "It's pretty damn good as it is!"
99% of the delegate evaluations rated the presentations Relevant or Very Relevant. 51% of the evaluations rated the presentations Very Good and 46% rated them Good.
Many thanks to the Symposium Committee, led by Committee Co-Chairs Cyndi Hodgson, Rick Cassels, John Gullick, Larry Jacobs and Clara Reinhardt, Carl Wolfe, Ron Kroeker, Ian Gilson, Ted Rankine, Barbara Byers, Robert Dupel, Vahe Vassilian, Alain Roy and Jean Murray, as well as the local organizations who supported the Symposium activities. Our thanks go as well to the following industry sponsors, whose financial support made the Symposium possible:
Symposium Presenting Sponsor:
Gold Sponsors
: Cook-Rees Memorial Fund for Water Search and Safety, Yamaha, Association Maritime du Québec
Silver Sponsors
: Mustang Survival, Salus Marine
Bronze Sponsors:
Canadian Tire Corporation
We are already working on plans for next year's Symposium, to be held at the Inn at Laurel Point in Victoria, B.C. Plan to join us next year from October 4 - 6, 2018!