August 2020
CSBC Newsletter - August 2020
In This Issue

  • Message from the Chair
  • Virtual Symposium
  • Better Boater
  • Boating Safety Speaks Update
  • More Good News!
  • CASBA Nominations
  • New Transport Canada Order re Passenger Vessels
  • Boats We Love
  • In Brief  
Message from the Chair
Since this is my first message to you since our Annual Meeting in May, I want to thank you for the honour of serving as Chair of the CSBC for another year. I do have to say that it was a real pleasure the way we started this year compared to last year, with the new programs that were announced in the June News Splash and the one more being previewed in this Newsletter.

With all of the excitement of having new programs to focus on, I realize that we are all facing daily challenges with the COVID pandemic. I appreciate the changes it has made in our personal lives and in the way we traditionally manage the busines of the CSBC. What makes me proud is the way we have adapted and the continued presence we have as a result. As COVID set in mid-March, the question became what do we do with the Safe Boating Awareness Week? Well, with the technology available, the message did get out and social media ensured that the five key messages of the CSBC were front and centre. As we are all now aware, boating has become one of the few activities that really ensures safe “physical distancing”.

In May we hosted our first ever “virtual” Board Meetings and Annual Meeting with great success. Virtual never replaces face to face, but the attendance was excellent, and the interaction and discussion were as if we were around the table. My personal thanks to Secretary Ron Kroeker, Executive Support Officer (ESO) John McMullen and Cheryl Gallagher, Playsafe Productions for all of your preparatory work to ensure these meetings went flawlessly.

I know there was a summary in the June News Splash, but at these meetings we had two Directors retire and I personally want to thank Peter Garapick and Jay Morrison for their service to the CSBC and to safe boating in Canada. The new Directors were introduced and I thank Daniel Breton, Bob Chabot, Peter Heard and Michelle McShane for joining the Board and the various committees they have volunteered for. And to the returning Directors and Executive Committee, thank you and I look forward to the year ahead and the challenges we will face and overcome.

In this Newsletter, you will read about our Virtual Symposium being held on October 1. Lawrence Jacobs and his team have worked hard to prepare this alternative to our usual face-to-face event and if you have the time, it’s free, you can join us from your home or office and the program is excellent. Registration is now open…..I have already registered, why don’t you?

Brenda Reeve is looking for nominations for the Canadian Safe Boating Awards (CASBA’s). There is an update in this Newsletter….even though we cannot commit at this time to a date, we still need you to keep your eyes and ears open and please submit your nominations.

We will soon have Membership cards and I know everyone has been asked for some additional information. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Thanks to ESO John McMullen, Membership Chair Clara Reinhardt, Treasurer Denis Vallée and Cheryl Gallagher, Playsafe Productions for all of your efforts on this.

To our Sponsors and Partners, THANK YOU. We are not able to deliver our key messages without your support.
In closing, I would like to thank you for taking the time for being our partner….whether you are a Member, Director, Sponsor, Partner or just a friend. Your support is appreciated.

May you have fair winds, calm seas and enjoy the balance of your summer. Keep well and be safe.



Joe Gatfield
Virtual Symposium
Do you have plans for October 1 this year? The right answer is Yes, I’m attending the CSBC’s Virtual Symposium on Shared Waterways! If you didn’t answer yes, then why not plan to join us? The event will run from 0930-1245 PDT (Pacific Daylight Time), 1230-1535 EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) and is free! You can join from anywhere in the world, provided you’re good at working out time zones ……
At the Virtual Symposium we will be following up our discussions at the 2019 Symposium in Port Credit with additional perspectives from experts, both at home and abroad, and a look at the range of tools we collectively have to address shared waterways issues. Among these are some exciting new ideas we are considering at the CSBC for future projects that could contribute in this area.
Better Boater
By Project Manager Ted Rankine, Playsafe Productions
In the June 2020 News Splash we reported on new boating safety projects approved under the New SAR Initiatives Fund: Research That Floats/Boating Safety Speaks and SARSmart, both starting this year. We are now delighted to report that with funding from Transport Canada’s Boating Safety Contribution Program, the CSBC has been “green lighted”’ to create a 3 year program targeted at boaters across Canada with a special emphasis on the generally "under-reached" audience of Generation Y and Z.

Called Be a Better Boater, the program will focus on the CSBC’s 5 proven key messages: Wear your Lifejacket, Boat Sober, Be Prepared, Take a Boating Course and Be Aware of the Risks of Cold Water. The messages will be delivered though a mix of traditional advertising platforms and an extensive use of social media inviting boaters across Canada to engage and participate.
The first year of the program is primarily a building one that will focus on strategy, content development and a modest level of direct outreach and messaging. CSBC’s extensive library of boating safety videos and programming will be tapped to allow a quick start-up of the initial messaging and a content platform to enhance the development of a Better Boater on line presence and message outreach.

In years two and three Better Boater will move into high gear with messaging and boater involvement, through programs where boaters themselves are invited and encouraged to share their own experiences, knowledge and lessons learned about boating and boating safety.

One of the planned programs is “Boating Q and Eh’s” where the Better Boater community can ask questions about boating safely and receive responses in the form of simple answers, or for more popular questions, demonstrations or on-water experiments.

Another planned program is "I Learned about Boating From That!" This particular program will be developed to encourage interactive engagement from the boating community to share their own stories with others and help them learn from the experiences (good and bad) of others.

As with every CSBC program, partnerships are the key to help get the message out. During the initial proposal phase, members of the CSBC community - traditional and boating media, boating and other water-focused associations, marine enforcement and marine companies - stepped up to make their support known. Over the next 3 years the CSBC will be working with its extensive community to engage them all in helping make Better Boaters all across Canada.
Boating Safety Speaks Update
By Project Manager Mary Nicholl, Playsafe Productions
The Canadian Safe Boating Council has launched an innovative boating safety program – Boating Safety Speaks (BoSS). BoSS is a national outreach program that will deliver boating safety messages and tips using Augmented Reality, with key information being delivered in short videos, and engaging and interactive presentations. This information is presented via posters which then “come to life”.

This particular one focuses on the need for boaters to be more independent and be aware of how to ‘boat better’ during the current COVID-19 situation. COVID-19 has changed almost everything and that includes boating. To reduce pressures on rescue personnel and resources, you have to be more independent. Check your boat before you go, have sufficient fuel, load your boat properly and keep a weather eye out. Getting through COVID-19 is up to all of us, being a responsible boater is up to you alone.

If you are interested in sharing this information with your community, please click here to download and print the attached file.

For more tips on boating safety, visit
More Good News!
Good news! CSBC Membership cards will be coming soon! If you haven’t yet renewed your membership for 2020, please do so at If you’re new to the CSBC, we’d love you to join us. Individual and group memberships are available. As a volunteer-based organization, we need your support to continue to bring forward our boating safety programs and community-building activities that make a difference to saving lives on the water.
Canadian Safe Boating Awards (CASBAs)
Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, we are not yet sure about the timing and format of the next Canadian Safe Boating Awards celebration. What we do know is that there are boating safety heroes out there all the time, and that they deserve recognition. So as you are out on the water this summer, keep your eyes open for someone who is making a significant contribution to boating safety – an individual, a group or an organization, and nominate them for a Canadian Safe Boating Award. Watch this newsletter and the CSBC website for updates.
Transport Canada has issued a new Interim Order : Interim Order No.3 Respecting Passenger Vessel Restrictions Due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) It puts in place measures announced by Minister Garneau on May 29, prohibiting passenger vessels that are certified to carry more than 100 persons (including passengers and crew) AND are equipped with overnight capacity for passengers (bunks, cabins, etc.) from operating in Canadian waters until October 31, 2020.

Vessels certified to carry more than 12 passengers will be prohibited from entering Canadian Arctic waters (waters north of the 60th parallel, including the territorial sea in the vicinity of Nunatsiavut, Nunavik and the Labrador coast), also until October 31, 2020.

Essential passenger vessels and ferry vessels will continue to operate with mitigation measures in place to reduce to the spread of COVID-19. All other vessels will be permitted to operate, subject to restrictions from their provincial, territorial, or local health authority.
Boats We Love
Conceived during the initial dark days of the COVID-19 restrictions, this is an ongoing series in which CSBC Directors and project leaders share what they love about boats and boating. We are all a community, committed to staying safe on the water together.
Lawrence Jacobs, CSBC Director

These are two of three patrol boats that the RCMP South Island Integrated Marine Unit (SIIMU) uses to patrol the waters around southern Vancouver Island and all the lakes on Vancouver Island. As NCO In Charge of SIIMU from 2006 to January 2020, when I retired, I was instrumental in securing these vessels for these waters, which had come to be quite treacherous.

The T-TOP is a Zodiac with twin 175 Evinrude Engines. The other vessel is a Titan cabin boat with twin 175 Evinrude engines. They have top-of-the-line equipment, including FLIR (forward looking infrared radar). These vessels are on the water for 10 hours a day, with at least 15 vessel checks per day, all summer long. They operate less frequently during the off season, when traffic on the water is reduced.

SIIMU is called “integrated” because it works closely with partners, doing hundreds of joint patrols with Transport Canada, Parks Canada, Fisheries and Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard. Among the range of tasks these vessels perform are safeguarding American aircraft carriers in Canadian waters, escorting American oil platforms while in Canadian waters and RCMP dive operations. They were even used to escort the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge when they visited Victoria.
John McMullen, CSBC Executive Support Officer

Our Floating Cottage
When I became President of the Georgian Bay Association (GBA) a number of years ago, my partner Beth and I decided to take our sailboat Annie’s Song up to Georgian Bay. Annie’s Song is an Aloha 32 (1986), a solid, comfortable yet fun to sail cruiser designed by Mark Ellis.

We were very familiar with a certain part of the Bay – Nares Inlet, north of Pointe au Baril – where both families have cottages. However, we decided that this would be an excellent occasion to cruise the rest of the Bay and the equally beautiful North Channel.

There was the expectation that as President, I should of course stop in at each of GBA’s 19 member associations and partake of their presidents’ and others’ hospitality. We are now into our 6th season on the water and a few adventures later, the welcome mats are still out – we hope! We anchor out almost all of the time and only dock every fortnight or so when we need to drop in at a marina for supplies and the all-important pump out. As for communications and work, more often than not I am able to stay in touch, internet “dead spots” and weather (read “distractions”) permitting.
In brief
The CSBC runs Cold Water Workshops to train those who serve as first responders or who work around cold water on how to rescue and treat potentially hypothermic victims. Our 2020 workshops are currently on hold while we adapt to the COVID-19 situation. Please contact Ian Gilson at if you are interested in hosting or attending a cold water workshop in the future. In the meantime, we have plenty of cold water resources available on the CSBC website, including the Cold Water Boot Camp and Beyond Cold Water Boot Camp DVDs, available for purchase at

The Oceans Protection Plan newsletter is now available. If you would like to receive more information on marine safety and marine environmental protection actions, subscribe to their newsletter.