February 2021
CSBC Newsletter - February 2021
In This Issue

  • Message from the Chair
  • Canadian Safe Boating Awards (CASBAs)
  • CSBC Membership – Time to Renew
  • New! Zoom Cold Water Workshop!
  • Boating Safety Speaks
  • New Minister of Transport
  • SAR Partnership with Indigenous Coastal Communities in B.C. and N.W.T.
  • Snapshot: Growth in Boat Sharing 
  • New Zealand SAR Annual Report
  • Boats We Love
  • In Brief
Message from the Chair
As I write this, our neighbouring country and our friends have turned a page in history on a few fronts. These historical moments are all as a result of our democracies and our abilities to set the path of our future. There were many highlights during the day with multiple folks participating from the very young to the very senior. The day was marked with legalities, traditions and change, ultimately leading to celebrating what has been for well over two hundred years. I also write this as we persevere through the pandemic and through lockdowns, that many are finding different and often difficult. What we do have to realize is that we will stand strong through these times and we too will turn our page in history and be able to look back at what was the difficult times of 2020-21 and once again celebrate our traditions and fellowship. For the past year, the CSBC has not lost sight of any of its traditions nor of any of the programs we offer….they may look different but the message is still the same….Safe and Responsible Boating.

As we head into the final stages of winter, and hopefully out of the various lockdowns many are in, the CSBC has been very active. We are not able to meet face to face, however with technology your Executive Committee and Board have not missed a beat. Meetings continue with excellent participation and enthusiasm. I might say we probably are having more meetings than in the past. Although the Canadian Safe Boating Awards (CASBAs) did not happen this year, they are still scheduled for next year, and we encourage you to submit nominations.  Please see the article in this newsletter.

We have created a new sub-committee, the Revenue Generation and Branding Sub-committee, whose members have varied backgrounds and are meeting regularly. All of the safe boating programs introduced in previous newsletters are well underway, and the PlaySafe team continue their great work as well as contributing significantly to the resources of the CSBC overall. In summary, the CSBC, as noted above, stands strong and committed in times of adversity.

Although the CSBC has been able to operate at reduced costs this past year and into the near future, there is a basic overhead to continuing to deliver our Safe and Responsible Boating message, whether it is in person or virtually. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Stearns/Coleman for their continued support of the Canadian Safe Boating Council. We affect a lot of individuals and groups through our work and with the support of Stearns/Coleman we are able to continue to deliver our five key messages:

  1. Wear your lifejacket
  2. Boat sober
  3. Take a boating course
  4. Be prepared – you and your vessel
  5. Be cold water safe

THANK YOU Stearns/Coleman….please do not forget to take advantage of the member benefits provided.

In this past year, boating has become the way many individuals and families have found to have staycations in their home area and to do something acceptable outdoors as a family bubble. Boat sales of every sort….power, sail and human powered….have soared. This is not only true for Canada, but the U.S. have reported the same and we know it is equally the same in many of our partner organizations from other countries. In seminars and from sessions at the Canadian Marine Advisory Council, we hear ‘Educate, Educate, Educate’. The CSBC is being proactive in response to this plea and reaching out to various groups and organizations to get everyone to acknowledge the number of ‘New Boaters’ across the country. Our Annual Symposium in the Fall will carry the theme “Welcome to new boaters: how can we help?” It is all of our responsibility to ensure Safe and Responsible Boating and in whatever role or capacity you carry, please keep this in mind as a priority as the CSBC certainly has made it a priority.

Recently many of you received your Membership renewal notice, and I hope that you have renewed your support of the efforts of CSBC….we need your support as an individual, organization or corporation to continue not only the messages of CSBC but the influence we have on boating safety in Canada. New Memberships are always welcome. Further information on Membership follows in this Newsletter.

In closing, thank you to the CSBC Board, our partners and sponsors….your efforts, commitment and contributions are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support and if you have any interest in supporting the CSBC or becoming involved, please contact the Immediate Past Chair John Gullick at jrag@nexicom.net

Remember….”The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large part of one’s self to others”.



Joe Gatfield
Canadian Safe Boating Awards (CASBAs)
For the Canadian boating community, January means the Toronto Boat Show and the Canadian Safe Boating Awards, which honour and celebrate the contributions of our award winners to boating safety and environmental stewardship. Sadly, COVID-19 meant that we were not able to gather in person this year, and the CSBC has postponed the CASBA awards ceremony to 2022. Of course, the importance of boating safety continues, and this has been highlighted by the explosive growth of boating over the past year, with more and more people out on the water. This is reflected in the theme for this year’s CSBC Virtual Symposium on October 1: Welcome to new boaters: how can we help?

As you are out on the water this year, keep an eye out for people and organizations that are making a significant contribution to boating safety and environmental stewardship, and nominate them for a CASBA! We accept nominations anytime. The award categories are:

  • Marine Professional of the Year
  • Top Volunteer Dedicated to Boating Safety
  • Safeguarding the Environment
  • Marine Industry
  • Best Boating Safety Initiative
  • Best Media Contribution to Boating Safety
  • Stearns Rescue of the Year 
CSBC Membership - Time to Renew
We need your support!

You know our mission - to promote safe and responsible boating throughout Canada. The past year witnessed a significant increase in the number of boaters and especially new boaters of all types – power, sail and human-powered vessels. 2021 will no doubt be the same. Helping you and others stay safe on the water becomes even more important. 

Membership renewal notices were recently sent to current CSBC members. If you are a member, please consider renewing now. If you are not a member, we need your support if we are to continue delivering CSBC’s many worthwhile programs. We can only do it with you!  

Renewing your membership is simple. Go to https://csbc.ca/en/about-us/membership
New! Zoom Cold Water Workshop!
It’s not too late to register for the CSBC’s Zoom version of our Cold Water Workshop, to be held
on Tuesday March 23 and Thursday March 25 from 8:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. EST. Taught by Dr.
Gordon Giesbrecht (aka Professor Popsicle), it’s a bargain at only $50.

Boating Safety Speaks

Cold Water Awareness has been chosen as the theme of the second BoSS campaign because cold water messaging is suitable for the fall, the winter in B.C. and areas where boating is year-round, and into the spring to help early season boaters. Content for this campaign includes preparing for the effects of an accidental cold-water immersion, tips on how to reduce the onset of hypothermia and self rescue strategies. This program is sharable, and we encourage you to check it out and distribute it widely to your own communities to get a jump on this year’s boating season.

Click here to download and print this poster to learn more and to share this information with your community.

As another part of the overall BOSS campaign, a new “repository” website has been created for both the public and for boating safety stakeholders to view, access and download materials for their own outreach. Keeping in mind the fun and enjoyment of boating, as long as it is done safely and responsibly, the site has been called www.enjoyboating.ca. Visit us for more tips on boating safety!
New Minister of Transport
On January 12, the Prime Minister announced that Omar Alghabra has been appointed as Minister of Transport. Marc Garneau has been appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Find the Minister’s refreshed mandate letter below, which is supplementary to the December 2019 mandate letter. Neither has specific commitments re boating safety.

SAR Partnership with Indigenous Coastal Communities in B.C. and N.W.T.
Through the Oceans Protection Plan, the Government of Canada is working in partnership with Indigenous coastal communities to improve marine safety and responsible shipping to protect Canada's marine environment.

As part of this $1.5 billion plan, in 2017 the Canadian Coast Guard launched the Indigenous Community Boat Volunteer Pilot Program. Under this program, communities are provided with funding to purchase boats and equipment to enhance their marine safety capacity as members of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary.

On November 6, under year three of the program, the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard announced $312,815 for Nisga’a Nation and $214,156 for Ahousaht Nation to each purchase a search and rescue boat and related equipment for the communities in British Columbia. The Minister also announced $255,178 for Hay River to purchase a search and rescue boat and related equipment, and $276,632 for Inuvik to purchase a search and rescue boat and a life raft. .

Through new equipment and training, Auxiliary members are better equipped and prepared to respond to marine emergencies, helping to enhance the safety of their communities and the surrounding waters and coasts. 

The Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary is a national non-profit organization of 4,000 volunteer members with access to 1,100 vessels that boost the Government of Canada's maritime search and rescue response capacity. The Canadian Coast Guard funds the Auxiliary through a contribution program totaling $7.7 million each year. The Auxiliary responds to approximately 25 per cent of maritime calls for assistance each year, providing an often life saving service.

For more details, click here:

Snapshot: Growth in Boat Sharing
The following is an extract from the US Coast Guard’s National Recreational Boating Safety Survey Participation Report, October 2020. The report is expected to be published on the USCG website https://www.uscgboating.org in due course.

Shared ownership and innovative rental options are making boat ownership and use more
affordable and convenient. Shared ownership arrangements are an increasingly popular option
for both reducing the cost (e.g., purchase price, maintenance costs) and enhancing the
convenience of boat ownership. Shared or fractional owners pay a portion of the boat’s purchase price and then divide up the maintenance and storage costs. In return, each owner (individual, family, company) is allowed a proportion of usage (often a few weeks throughout the year). An additional benefit is that many of the leading shared ownership companies/syndicates allow potential new shared owners to test boats before they commit to purchasing a share. Sharing a boat between multiple owners reduces the cost and still allows the shareholders multiple weeks of boating. In addition to fractional ownership companies, there is a significant growth in membership clubs that offer their members opportunities to use various types of boats during different times of the year. Fees are based on how long and when (e.g., time of the year) one wants to use a particular type of boat. Boat manufacturers and recreational boating associations actively support and encourage boat-sharing services.

The CSBC has been involved in discussions with Transport for New South Wales on the development of their updated Maritime Safety Plan, and growth in boat sharing is also being seen in New South Wales.
New Zealand SAR Annual Report
North Shore Rescue in the Hauraki Gulf, Auckland (photo credit: Coastguard New Zealand)
Volunteers from Coastguard Papakura, Auckland (photo credit: Coastguard New Zealand)
photo credit: New Zealand Defence Force
The New Zealand Search and Rescue Council’s Annual Report covering June 2019 – June 2020 is now available and it makes interesting reading. A few highlights:

  • 12,831 people are involved in the NZ SAR sector (8,038 water, 3,897 land, 312 air and 384 coordinated support)
  • The NZ SAR Region is one of the largest in the world, covering over 30 million square kilometers. NZ SAR authorities also assist neighboring Pacific Islands nations, which increases the area to 70 million square kilometers
  • Between June 2019 and June 2020 NZ SAR authorities responded to 2,246 incidents in the NZ SAR Region and 40 in neighboring regions
  • In response to the Government of New Zealand’s call to “unite against COVID-19”, NZSAR participated in a joint communications campaign over the heightened alert level period to deliver clear messages to the public: stick to the rules and avoid any activities where you may unintentionally end up needing emergency services
  • In July 2020 the Minister of Transport announced a NZ $58 million investment in SAR and water safety services over the next four years. A wide range of projects and initiatives are planned, with common threads being volunteer support and training, health and safety, wellbeing, interagency collaboration, technology improvements, communications and innovation, SAR training and SAR readiness.
Boat We Love
Conceived during the initial dark days of the COVID-19 restrictions, this is an ongoing series in which CSBC Directors and project leaders share what they love about boats and boating. We are all a community, committed to staying safe on the water together.
Ian Gilson, CSBC Director
The ideal boat for me had to satisfy 3 major criteria: firstly, allow me to answer a persistent call to get out on the water. Secondly, be able to easily accommodate my family of 5 and finally, of equal importance, satisfy my wanderlust. That led me in 1996 to purchase a ’91 Sea Ray 21 foot bowrider with tandem trailer.

My family and I love being able to load up the boat and vehicle with fishing equipment, water toys and other provisions just to get away for the day, weekend or even longer. Being able to trailer a boat allows you to take in the beautiful vistas of many different Canadian waterways, be it to cruise, fish, water ski, wakeboard or just drop the hook in the solitude of a deserted anchorage. A huge part of the overall enjoyment also comes from meeting new friends who share your passion around a campfire, marina or just while grabbing a quick bite in a quaint small town restaurant.

So, I challenge you to make a pact with your family that, when we finally put this COVID-19 in the rear view mirror, you’ll take out your marine charts and set out to make new memories.
Michelle McShane, CSBC Director
There is a snow-covered trailer loaded with canoes in my backyard. It’s January, and we are now skating on the lake across the road - the small lake that we often go for a short paddle on three seasons of the year. The canoes don’t belong to my family, they are part of the fleet of our school board that has an extensive outdoor education program that my husband works for. In a typical year these canoes travel 1000’s of kilometers in a summer, filled with students ranging in age from 12-18, at various stages of their own paddling journey. They are currently in my yard because sadly, they did not get to see much water this year as they need some TLC. My husband did not spend these past 10 months taking students outside, but he is spending some time doing minor repairs on these canoes.

The canoe. This is the boat I love. Not any particular canoe (although I did immensely enjoy the lightweight Kevlar canoe that I had the pleasure of paddling and carrying this past summer on an 8-day journey throughout Killarney Provincial Park in Ontario). I was introduced to the canoe when I was 12, by a boy. (well, a man really…my Mom’s boyfriend at the time) and I never looked back. I was blessed with teachers in both elementary and high school who saw a spark and found programs for me to pursue.

After a couple of summers of canoe tripping with my family, I took some courses at an outdoor centre (where I learned we were doing it all wrong!) Eventually I found a job as a canoe trip leader at a summer camp and discovered the joy of teaching and introducing others to my love of the canoe, and backcountry camping trips. I spent several summers guiding canoe trips, eventually got married, bought the house, and had kids. The canoe led me to this life that I had never imagined as a child growing up in Toronto. The canoe has allowed me to explore many lakes and rivers, see skies full of stars, listen to the call of the loon, and find strength (mental and physical) that I never thought I could possess. My sons are growing up in canoes, and I have loved watching them grow and explore. They both have a self confidence that I did not at their age.

When paddling my canoe, I leave the plugged in, stressful parts of life at home. The only thing that matters is each stroke. Gracefully gliding through the water, I can notice all the little things around me; the smell of the air, the way the water drips off my blade, the warmth of the sun, the sounds of simple life. I encourage everyone to settle into the seat of a canoe, pick up a paddle and pull that blade through the water - see where it takes you!
In brief
The Regulations Amending the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (2018) were published on December 9, 2020 in the Canada Gazette, Part II. Canada Gazette, Part 2, Volume 154, Number 25: Regulations Amending the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations

Under Project Horizon, the New Zealand Coast Guard is amalgamating its four regional entities with the national body. This will allow the organization to get smarter with their charity dollar, increase effectiveness and efficiency, address increasingly complex training, and retain and attract volunteers, against a backdrop of volunteer numbers declining by nearly 20 % over the last six years.

The International Boating and Water Safety Summit 2021 will be held virtually, and will run from May 17 – 19, with sessions 1300-1600 EDT daily. The CSBC is working with the National Safe Boating Council, Maritime New Zealand and other boating safety organizations to plan a World Forum session to be held during the conference. Registration is free. More information at Home - International Boating & Water Safety Summit (ibwss.org)