CSBC Newsletter - February 2023
In This Issue
- Message from the Chair
- Canadian Safe Boating Awards (CASBAs)
- Last Call: Virtual Cold Water Workshop
- Lifejacket Wear: Police Support Mandatory Wear!
- CSBC Membership – Time to Renew
- Symposium 2023: St. John’s, Newfoundland
- In Brief
Hi everyone and welcome to a new year. I hope that this year will be better than last and I hope that we are able to feel more comfortable getting together in person much like we did at the CASBA awards on January 22. It was a great event and the location at the National Yacht Club in Toronto was even better this time than the last. The room set-up worked well, the dinner was excellent and the awards presentations were just right. Congratulations to all our nominees and winners.
Also my sincere congratulations go to Brenda Reeve and all her CASBA team. An excellent job enjoyed by all. We are already anticipating next year's event and to that end I am asking that everybody consider submitting a nomination(s) over the next 6 months until nominations close at the end of October. Nominations are key to the success of the CASBAS so please check the CSBC national web site and follow the nomination process as soon as something deserving comes to your attention.
When our AGM comes up in May I think we will be trying to come up with a hybrid format that will allow for both attendance in person and virtually. Also, remember Safe Boating Awareness Week that starts before the long weekend in May.
I closing I wish you all a safe and enjoyable boating season in 2023.
Canadian Safe Boating Awards (CASBAs)
With thanks to Andy Adams for photos
We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2022 CASBA awards, who were recognized at the annual ceremony on January 23, 2023 at the National Yacht Club in Toronto, Ontario.
Marine Professional of the Year
An outstanding act of boating safety by a marine organization professional
PC James (JJ) Lyman is being recognized for his years of dedication with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Marine Unit. JJ’s passion to be on the water educating and assisting boaters saw him join the Marine Instructor ranks, where he instructs and develops training for law enforcement agencies and partners to learn best practices of safe boating and to ensure officers are prepared for the start of a new marine season. With the hundreds of vessel stops he does a year and the numerous media interviews, JJ continues to spread his knowledge of safe boating and goes out of his way to help boaters, whether in a crisis or not. He wants everyone to enjoy the waterways and come home at the end of a safe, fun day on their boats.
Top Volunteer Dedicated to Boating Safety
An individual who consistently practices and promotes safe boating in Canada
This year we recognize Alice Baratta for the over 36 years she has spent as a dedicated member of the Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons (CSPS). Alice has held numerous roles over these years; but it is her role as an educator that really shines through, as she has delivered numerous boating safety courses to thousands of people over the years.
Special Recognition
This award recognizes an individual, organization or company who deserves special recognition for the work they do.
We recognized two individuals this year:
Christina Scheuemann (Camper Christina) for the promotion of boating safety on her social media channels, YouTube videos and on-line courses.
PC Jodi Haugh for her work in organizing the Splash for Southlake, a fundraising event for cancer research while promoting water safety tips.
Visible PFD in Advertising
An advertiser that consistently or innovatively promotes visible PFD wear
This year we recognize Princecraft Boats, for promoting the wearing of PFD/lifejackets in their advertising. This is also a company policy.
Rescue of the Year
A heroic deed or rescue executed on the water in Canada
Elizabeth Errington and Arthur Wynans are being awarded Rescue of the Year in recognition of performing a life-saving water rescue, from their kayaks. The couple were enjoying an afternoon in their kayaks near Sydney, BC when they came upon a boater unconscious in the water. Their swift actions saved the victim’s life and facilitated a quick response from a rescue team.
Best Boating Safety Initiative
A successful safe boating initiative that was conducted in Canada
Dr. Audrey Giles’s work with The Inuvialuit Settlement Region project is being recognized as a successful safe boating initiative conducted in Canada. Dr. Giles’s work includes collaborating with Indigenous communities to co-create water and boating safety programs reflective of community members’ traditional knowledge, land- and water-based practices, and geographic and cultural environments.
Best Media Contribution to Boating Safety
Awarded to a media outlet that promotes boating safety
This year we recognize Danny Peled of Boreal River Rescue for sharing boating safety messages, tips and free videos on social media channels.
Marine Industry
A company or individual who has introduced a boating product or technology improving boating safety
This year we recognize Virtual Marine of St. John’s, Newfoundland for 18 years of delivering high fidelity simulation and training solutions, improving the safety of personnel and assets and changing the face of maritime safety.
Last Call: Virtual Cold Water Workshop
This last of this winter’s Virtual Cold Water Workshops is coming up from 8:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. EST on Tuesday March 21 and Thursday March 23. Learn from renowned cold water and thermophysiology expert Dr. Gordon Giesbrecht how cold water immersion affects the body and what to do if you or someone else falls into the water. Register at Cold Water Workshops (csbc.ca)
Lifejacket Wear: Police Support Mandatory Wear!
In the last year both the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) and the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) have come out in favour of regulations requiring wearing of lifejackets/personal flotation devices when boating. Both organizations cite research, experience and the safety rationale as the basis for their position, and have included references to the CSBC’s work on this issue over the years.
For more detail and background, read their resolutions here:
In addition to these developments, over the past year both the CSBC and Transport Canada have been conducting research on lifejacket wear. Transport Canada is currently soliciting the views of key partners, including the CSBC, on the issue of mandatory wear. Responses are due in February and following this, Transport Canada is planning broader consultations with stakeholders and the public through their Let’s Talk Transportation portal. Let's Talk Transportation (letstalktransportation.ca)
CSBC Membership – Time to Renew
Our mission is to promote safe and responsible recreational boating throughout Canada. We know we are making a difference, and that’s because of your support. The number of boaters continues to grow. So has the need for the highly-regarded programs provided by the CSBC – such as STARTboating, Rental Boat Safety, Safe Boating Awareness Week, Cold Water Awareness, Northern Youth SuperSAR and more (www.csbc.ca). But these programs are only possible with your support.
Please renew your 2023 membership in the CSBC today. The corporate/group membership fee is $250, the individual membership $75. If you are a member, please consider renewing now. If you are not a member, we need your support if we are to continue delivering CSBC’s many worthwhile programs. Go to https://csbc.ca/en/about-us/membership
Symposium 2023 St. John’s, Newfoundland
Mark your calendar now and plan to join us at the next CSBC Symposium from September 26 – 28, 2023 in St. John’s, Newfoundland! The networking opportunities and energy of our in-person symposiums are always special, and we can promise you a stimulating program covering new developments in boating safety in Atlantic Canada, as well as in Canada and further afield. The planning committee is already working hard, inspired by the spirit of collaboration and enthusiasm that is characteristic of Newfoundland and Labrador!
More details to follow, in the newsletter and on our website: www.csbc.ca
Transport Canada has issued a new Ship Safety Bulletin re extending the service period for inflatable survival equipment. More information at:
Transport Canada is currently working on Regulations Amending the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (submission 2021). The draft proposal can be found at the following link VORR consultation. TC is currently holding pre-Canada Gazette, Part I consultations until February 6, 2023. These proposed amendments to the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations are targeted to be pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, in spring 2023. For comments, please send directly to MSSRegulations-ReglementsSSM@tc.gc.ca.