September 2022 Newsletter
Save the Date ~ Thursday, Sept. 22nd
CSDS Virtual Town Hall Meeting, 8-9 pm ET
(See our Agenda; Zoom link will be sent the morning of 9/22.)
Join the Board of Directors to chat about the club's current state of affairs,
Swing Swap and upcoming Board of Directors election, followed by Q&A!

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Our next dance is Saturday, September 17th at Ivy Creek United Methodist Church with instructor and DJ Didi Jennings. Didi did such a great job DJing our well-attended August dance that we've invited her back to the booth. She's also looking forward to making her teaching debut with CSDS ~ go Didi!

7-8 PM Lesson (inc. in admission): Motion Study/Line Dance
  • Learn "Shivers," a fun choreographed solo routine that is all the rage these days at swing dances across the country, plus how to apply the movements/patterns to your West Coast Swing!
8-11 PM Social Dancing

DANCE ADMISSION (inc. Lesson):
- $10 CSDS Members
- $13 Non-CSDS Members
- $5 Students w/ID, First-Timers
- $5 CSDS Members with September Birthdays

CSDS no longer requires covid vaccinations and masks are optional. We continue to monitor current conditions and reserve the right to make changes to our attendance and health policies at any time.

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Website Update!
CSDS now has online registration for our events! Everyone has the ability to create an account, manage your membership (for those who elect to be CSDS members) and sign up to attend CSDS events! Special thanks to our webmaster, Kyla Miller, for all of her hard work to make the CSDS website more user-friendly and state-of-the-art!

CSDS Returns to $15 Annual Membership
CSDS has returned to our $15 annual membership fee. Membership is completely optional for attending CSDS events; however, members do get to enjoy discounts to CSDS dances. To renew your membership, please visit the CSDS website or renew on site at a CSDS dance. If you have any questions regarding the status of your membership, please contact CSDS.

September Member Birthdays
Happy birthday to the following CSDS members: Arielle Boguslav, Barbara Haskins, Kathryn Babbin and Kyla Miller. If you attend our dance the month of your birthday, admission is just $5! Members, if we've missed your birthday, let us know!

ISO Board of Directors
We have several vacant Director positions and per the CSDS Bylaws, Directors may be elected to fill these vacancies for the remainder of the term, by vote of the majority of Directors in office. If you are interested in filling one of these vacancies to serve on the Board, let us know (our Nominating Committee is Alyssa Lundgren and Maria Ferrara) so we can fill you in on the roles and responsibilities of being a Director!

Code of Conduct
CSDS has a Code of Conduct. All CSDS attendees are expected to be familiar with and abide by it. We will have printed copies for your review at our in-person dance events.

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CSDS keeping in touch ...
We will announce updates by email, update our website and post on our Facebook page. Please help us spread the word by sharing these announcements with your friends.  
The next Board of Directors meeting is Thursday, October 6th at 7 pm ET. Please contact the Board with any questions/concerns. Our Annual Membership Meeting/Board of Directors Election is at our October 15th dance during the break.

Dates of Future Dances (subject to change): October 15th, November 12th, December 17th.

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CSDS Board of Directors (2022)
(1st Thursday Meetings @ 7 pm EST)
Didi Jennings (President)
Leigh Gordon (Secretary)
Jim Naffin (Treasurer)
Adela Su
Kristin Wenger
Lois Love