Dear CSK Chaverim,

The Annual Congregational Meeting of Congregation Shaarei Kodesh will take place on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 7:00 PM. This meeting will be conducted via Zoom. The Zoom Meeting ID is 843 3834 4592 and Passcode is 839836.

The purpose of the Annual Congregational Meeting is as follows:

I.        Annual review of the Congregation, and

II.     Elections and installation of the slate of officers and trustees listed below.


The Nominating Committee is pleased to propose the following slate of officers and trustees:

EXECUTIVE OFFICERS – Continuing a Two-year term ending January 2026

President: Ariella Reback      

Executive Vice-President: Betsy Uliss

VP, Membership: Sharon Lubin

VP, Fundraising: Gloria Morenstein

VP, Programming: Karen Katz

Treasurer: Ralph Foreman

Recording Secretary: Janice Wertheim

Immediate Past President: Nancy Spivack

TRUSTEES – Beginning a Two-year term February 2025 – January 2027:

New to the Board

Brandon Simon

Lori Rabinowitz

Carol Simon

Ryan Oistacher

Jessica Friedman


TRUSTEES – Filling a vacancy for a One-year term ending in January 2026

Michelle Foreman


TRUSTEES – Continuing in the Second Year of a Two-year term ending in January 2026

Ann Fils

Byrna Klur

Nan Berkowitz

Ron Murstein

Aviva Menachof

Shayna Skarf

Harvey Stoler


Nancy Goldberg will be leaving the Board of Trustees. We thank her for her service to our congregation.

We also thank Adam Dier for his service to the Board of Trustees.

We thank the members of the nominating committee for their very important service to Congregation Shaarei Kodesh: Eve Nasetti, Michelle Foreman, Nancy Spivack, Betsy Uliss and Elaine Aronoff.


Please join us on Zoom for this very important meeting.


Janice Wertheim

Recording Secretary, Board of Trustees

Congregation Shaarei Kodesh

Click Here to Register
Click Here to Join the Zoom

Meeting ID: 843 3834 4592

Passcode: 839836

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