October 2022 Newsletter


As we work together to bring our shared vision into reality, we remain deeply grateful to each of you for your love, your support, your commitment, and your passion. Thank you for being part of this adventure!


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            A Special Message from Rev. Gwen

Jambo! Jambo! I arrived in Kenya on October 17th. It was an early morning arrival, the skies a soft pink with the dawning of the light of day in Nairobi. It was so wonderful to step into the fresh air after two very long flights.  

When traveling, things don’t always go the way we plan! On this trip, life gave me plenty of opportunities to practice being patient and flexible and to remember the truth . . . 

Why I Serve

Rev. Eileen Brownell, Course Facilitator

“I have never had the pleasure or joy of teaching such a magnificent group of individuals as I’ve found at CSL Kenya. Their hunger for SOM teaching pushes and nudges me to new levels of my own spiritual understanding. Being with these students on a weekly basis continues to humble and amaze me.”  

 Why We Give

Fred, Dorothy, and Janice Blunden, West Kelowna, BC, Canada


As a family, we give because we’re committed to CSL’s Global Vision of a world that works for everyone. Having seen the great need when we visited Kenya, we’re now thrilled to support the deserving Kenyan student we’ve chosen. We look forward with joy to the difference we know his education will make for himself, his family, his community, and the world.   

What I’ve Received


“When I use Affirmations, I feel happy and my day goes well.”



Share with us why YOU give! Email us why YOU support CSL Kenya. 


We know our thoughts have power. Recently, Christine Okili Khatima, one of our ministerial students in Nairobi, demonstrated what’s possible when we use our creative power, trusting and knowing that all is always working together for our good.

Luanaswa, Christine’s village of origin, had no reliable water source, causing significant challenges for those who had to walk miles every day to obtain water. Christine began to hold in her mind the idea of a well to serve the village. As this idea became clearer and clearer in her mind, her excitement grew, despite having no idea of how this might manifest. Filled with an expanding sense of what difference this well would make, she couldn’t help sharing her vision with everyone she met.

One person shared with another, and through a seemingly unlikely series of connections, a woman Christine had never met, inspired by the vision, stepped forward with an offer to pay the full cost for the well.  

“We live in the midst of eternal good, but it can only be to us what we believe it to be.

We are at the mouth of the river, but we must let down our buckets

if we wish them to be filled with the pure waters of Reality.”

                                           --- Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, 469-2


What Your Ongoing Support is Making Possible

Discovery Class! Fifteen students, from four different countries (Kenya, Belgium, Egypt, and the U.S.) participated in our new four-week Discovery Class, taught by Rev. Gwen Smith. This class focused on useful, practical tools students could begin using immediately to change their lives. Students experienced the power possible when we seek and accept support along our personal paths of spiritual growth and development.   

New Classes!  Our classes are one of our most powerful ways to transform lives. Three short classes started in October: “This Thing Called You,” “Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life,” and “Living Your Life Purpose.” We look forward to seeing the amazing results experienced by the students in these classes.

SOM Podcast! Practitioner Student Philip Osumba is deeply committed to doing his part to spread true principles that change lives. His new podcast will be releasing its first episodes soon. Watch for more details.

Kiswahili Translation Projects!   Our Swahili translation team continues its amazing work in support of our ongoing commitment to spreading Truth. We are immensely grateful to all who have generously supported this project, as we know this is an important first step toward our vision of SOM teachings expanding throughout all of Africa.

Update: The team just finished the student workbook for This Thing Called You and they are in the final revision of the Ernest Holmes book "How to Change Your Life"!

Our Place!

Coming Together. Students and friends in Nairobi now have the opportunity to meet in person once a month at the Paul Kinuthia's compound every month, usually on the last Saturday of each month. For more information, contact Nancy Ngugi at the CSL Kenya Office.

Kisii SMILE Youth Program

 This exciting project involves a new interactive youth curriculum called SMILE (See My Inner Life Everywhere), developed specifically for Kenyan young people ages 11–17 (many from disadvantaged backgrounds) who are new to the teachings of SOM. Check out our website for more photos!



Save this date! KENYA: THE HEART OF AFRICA, our 2024 Conference will be held in Nairobi, Kenya from February 1 – February 4, 2024. Opportunities to attend cultural events, go on Safari, participate in service projects, and visit other areas of Kenya will be available a week before and after the conference. Keep checking our website for updated information about the Conference.  

 What You Can Do


CSL Centers around the globe share an expansive vision. Each of us, in our own way, adds our energy and passion as we share our unique gifts to make this vision a reality.

Our Vision: A World that works for everyone and all of creation.

Secret Santa

Many of us love the joy that comes by anonymously supporting one individual child or family during the holiday season. For our holiday project this year, CSLKenya, invites you to sponsor one of our Science of Mind families or one of the students at the Briton SOM School in the Mukuru Kwa Njega slum in Nairobi, Kenya.


Your donation will provide families with much needed food. Inflation, drought, and lack of resources have left more families than usual in need of our support.  For many, your gift will be the only one these families receive.  

We appreciate all of your support! 

Thank you! 

Secret Santa


Because students who show up at the Briton School to learn are not turned away for lack of funds, desks intended for three or four students sometimes have five or six students crammed into them, and some students are still using inadequate wooden desks. We’re currently raising money to buy 15 new desks from a manufacturer in Nairobi, who is giving us a special rate of $80 US per desk. To be part of this exciting project, put your donation in the “Change for Children” jar. 

Update: We have received funds for 8 desks so far! Seven more to go!

Donate for Desks


1.Go to cslkenya.org or scan the QR code below, Choose "Donate Now" and you will see five jars where you can choose where you'd like your donation to go.  

2. Mail your cheque or check to:

Centre for Spiritual Living Kenya

15411 Deer Side Rd SE

Calgary, Alberta, T2J 5N1

3. “In Canada” you can etransfer to our email: centreforspirituallivingkenya@gmail.com

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