Still Time to Apply!
Renters who were financially impacted by the economic slowdown related to the coronavirus pandemic can now get CARES financial assistance to help with the payment of past-due rent. People who lost income due to the pandemic-related economic slowdown may be eligible for rent assistance to help them stay in their homes.
Renters who qualify the CARES Rent Relief Program may receive assistance equal to 100% of their monthly rent up to $750 a month for a maximum of six months of assistance for the period between March 1 and December 31, 2020. Payments will be made to their landlord on their behalf. Renters or landlords can apply for rent relief for apartment tenants, but renters are responsible for submitting all the documents needed to ensure their eligibility.
CSO has been designated the lead agency by both the Northumberland County and Columbia County commissioners for processing applications for their counties’ residents.
All materials must be submitted together and can be mailed to:
Central Susquehanna Opportunities, Inc., 2 E. Arch St., Shamokin, PA 17872