Charter Schools Office

May Newsletter

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Below are standing resourceful items for our schools to stay up-to-date. Click below!

Building Community, Teaching Tolerance & Talking Race Resources

Calendar of Collections

Charter School Manual

Charter School Payment Calendar

Charter Sector Updates

City of Philadelphia’s “Safer at Home” Guidelines

CSO School FAQs

Enrollment Codes


Click here to view the CSO April 2022 Newsletter. We encourage you to share this sign-up link with colleagues who wish to become newsletter subscribers!

Please email the CSO at charter[email protected] if you have feedback, questions, submissions, and/or if you would like to have your school or one of your scholars featured in an upcoming CSO newsletter.

May 9, 2022

Greetings Sector Leaders,

As you and your colleagues round the corner into the final stretch of the 2021-22 school year, the Charter Schools Office is grateful for all of your work in supporting students through another uniquely challenging year. This month’s newsletter includes brief but critical updates for schools across the sector. There are a number of deadlines that have recently passed that require attention, and some upcoming deadlines that require specific action (e.g. graduating students in Infinite Campus).

The month of May will be an important time for students and schools with the conclusion of various PSSA and Keystone testing windows. The CSO will also be working diligently to complete ACE-R reports with renewal recommendations for the 2021-22 renewal cohort and launching the renewal process for the 2022-23 renewal cohort. We are looking forward to sharing recommendations and having the opportunity to work with another large cohort of nearly 20 schools. To this end, we understand that there have been numerous preview windows this year for all schools to review our evaluations at different stages, and we appreciate your thorough partnership during these opportunities to ensure that the evaluations are accurate.

As always, if you have any questions or feel like there is an opportunity for the CSO to be helpful, please do not hesitate to reach out directly. 

With thanks,

Peng Chao

Acting Chief, Charter Schools


Ensure to review pertinent upcoming deadlines and updates below. Deadlines will be in red for reference. Feel free to contact [email protected] with additional questions.


Calendar of Collections

The Calendar of collections for SY 2022-23 has been released to the sector, and can be accessed here. Please refer to the following recent/upcoming Calendar of Collections reminders and deadlines for the month of May:

  • Current Year Approved Board Minutes- Quarter 3: Sunday, May 1, 2022
  • Statements of Financial Interest: Sunday, May 1, 2022
  • Transportation Calendar (email directly to your Transportation Analyst): Friday, May 27, 2022

2021-22 ACE and ACE-R

The CSO looks forward to sharing final versions of 2021-22 ACE and ACE-R (renewal) reports with the sector this spring. Preview windows will progress on the following schedule:

  • May 2-6, 2022: schools in the 2021-22 Renewal Cohort
  • May 23-27, 2022: all other schools

Schools will see metrics for all 3 domains of the Charter School Performance Framework (Academic, Organizational, and Financial). During the preview window, schools can share comments regarding newly-added ratings. The CSO will review comments and provide responses by May 13 for schools in the 2021-22 Renewal Cohort and by June 10 for all other schools.

2022-23 Renewal Kickoff

The Charter Schools Office is excited to launch the SY 2022-23 Renewal Cohort. The renewal process provides the CSO and schools the opportunity to meaningfully engage and reflect on the performance and progress that has occurred during the charter term. To begin the process, we would like to invite schools in the 2022-23 renewal cohort to a virtual Kickoff meeting. The CSO will be hosting two identical meetings, and we encourage CEOs, School Leadership Teams, and Board Chairs to attend. Please RSVP using the links below:

To ensure that renewal-related communication reaches all the appropriate parties, please take a minute to complete the Renewal 2022-23 Points of Contact Form. We encourage you to submit questions via the kickoff registration forms, but if there is anything requiring immediate attention, please reach out directly to Biridiana Rodriguez ([email protected]), Director of Quality & Accountability, and Seun Oke ([email protected]), Senior Project Manager, who lead the renewal process.

PHL ConnectED Year 3, Outreach Awards, and Digital Literacy Classes

To support continued PHLConnectED operations for a third year, the PHLConnectED team will be in communication with schools regarding Year 3 expected contributions. For more information regarding Year 3 operations and next steps, please refer to the March PHLConnectED slidedeck linked here. Questions can also be directed to [email protected]

In addition the City has announced that 9 eligible PHLConnectED charter schools will be awarded $2,500 on a rolling basis upon completion of PHLConnectED outreach activities. Activities need to be completed by May 31, 2022, and additional information can be found here.

In addition, the City has announced that digital literacy courses offered by the PHLConnectED Caregiver Digital Literacy Initiative grantees are now posted. Caregivers of students in grades pre-K through 12 can enroll in classes to earn certificates in essential computer skills, essential software skills, and using technology in daily life. More details can be accessed here.

Calendar Rollover and Student End-Dating

The Infinite Campus Charter Module will open for SY 2022-23 on July 12, 2022. In order to facilitate calendar rollover, schools were expected to complete the calendar submission survey here by Friday, April 29, 2022. If your school has not completed this form yet, please do so as soon as possible. As a reminder, you can review the CSO Charter Calendar & Rollover Process slide deck here and a memo for all schools detailing the process and deadlines here.

In the calendar rollover memo linked above, you can also find detailed information about the process for end-dating students in Infinite Campus. This process is critical for ensuring accuracy with charter school payments and student data management, so please review it carefully to ensure SY 2021-22 end-dating occurs appropriately for applicable students.

Spring School Safety Training Opportunities

The Southeastern PA Regional Task Force School Sub-Committee will host two types of school safety training in April and May. PREPaRE-Comprehensive School Safety Planning training sessions will be held in-person, and are open to school-based staff serving as Emergency Management designees. In addition, a train-the-trainer Standard Response Protocol training sessions will be offered virtually.

Please note – these trainings are open to all schools in IU 26, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. More information and registration links can be accessed via the announcements linked here and here.

Freedom Schools Literary Academy

The Center for Black Educator Development is seeking Black high school sophomores, juniors, seniors, college students, or paraprofessionals interested in becoming educators or working with K-12 students for their Freedom Schools Literary Academy. Through the Academy, paid apprenticeships will provide opportunities for promising future educators to work with a select corps of experienced educator-activists who teach, model, advise and mentor educator-apprentices.

Ideal applicants are committed to educational justice and open to taking on challenges, engaging in courageous conversations, and responding to constructive feedback. Must be solutions-oriented and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment. Please visit the Center’s website here for more information about how to apply.
Voter Education with City Commissioner Deeley

In an effort to empower the education sector with knowledge of the voting and electoral process, The Office of City Commissioner and Chairwoman Lisa M. Deeley is offering Voter Information Sessions both virtually and/or in-person upon request, as a way to engage with school communities. Please read the letter linked here for more information, including how and where to request a session.