The Coastal States Organization represents the nation’s Coastal States, Territories, and Commonwealths on ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resource issues.
Spotlight on Coastal Management:
Virtual Learning With NOAA's Digital Coast
NOAA's Digital Coast has a suite of recorded webinars, trainings, and educational videos on various coastal zone management topics which are great for virtual learning. Check them out
2020 National Coastal and Estuarine Summit
Restore America’s Estuaries and the Coastal States Organization co-host
The National Coastal and Estuarine Summit
. We bring together the coastal restoration and management communities for integrated discussions to explore issues, solutions, and lessons learned in their work. The Summit explores cutting-edge issues in coastal restoration and management and highlights the latest research through interactive sessions, plenary speakers, and poster presentations.
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Proposals for Oral Presentations are due on
April 17th
! Learn more
In the States and Regions
Tool Projects Flood-Damage Risks to Coastal Homes
Coastal property owners in Rhode Island have a new tool to help plan for the impacts of climate change. The state Coastal Resources Management Council and the University of Rhode Island have released a smartphone app that allows property owners to estimate the amount of flood damage to their homes and businesses caused by a major storm. The free StormTools app allows users to quantify how sea-level increases in coming decades could ramp up damage and in turn calculate the amount of protection that could be offered by raising structures above floodwaters.
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UVI-DPNR Project Aims to Assess Coastal Vulnerability
Sea level rise and coastal erosion are mounting global concerns, but the extent to which each is affecting shorelines in the U.S. Virgin Islands remains unknown. By the end of the century, climate change scientists predict that all coastal beaches could disappear, but what do these global projections mean for the territory? To answer this question, scientists at the V.I. Department of Planning and Natural Resources and University of the Virgin Islands are teaming up to develop a locally relevant Coastal Vulnerability Index
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Duluth Seaway Port Authority awarded $10.5 million infrastructure grant
The Duluth Seaway Port Authority has been allocated a $10.5 million MARAD Port Infrastructure Development grant, Approximately 800 vessels and 35 million short tons of cargo move through the Port of Duluth-Superior each year, making it the Great Lakes’ largest tonnage port and one of the nation’s top 20. The port supports 8,000 jobs and contributes $1.4 billion in business revenue to the regional economy.
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A Proud Lake Michigan Beach Town Battles Erosion and One of the Country’s Newest National Parks; ‘It Really Comes Down to the Survival of Our Town’
Harbors constructed decades ago disrupted the natural flow of sand. That, combined with near-record high lake levels, diminished ice cover, and major storms, has caused severe damage like that seen
in Chicago
and other Great Lakes coastal areas. In a town flanked by steel mills and one of the newest national parks — where ownership between the beach and water is split — stakeholders are at odds.
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How Wave Power Drives Coastal Erosion in Hawaii Quantified by Researchers
Researchers at MIT and elsewhere have found that, in Hawaii, the amount of energy delivered by waves averaged over each year is a good predictor of how fast or slow a rocky coastline will erode. If waves are large and frequent, the coastline will erode faster, whereas smaller, less frequent waves will result in a slower-eroding coast.
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Coastal Commission Asked to Codify Help for Communities
Marin’s seaside villages wrote to the California Coastal Commission last month with feedback on the agency’s draft strategic planning document, which sets management priorities for the next five years, and had one primary request: the plan must further protect and relieve the villages from growing droves of recreational visitors.
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$1.25M Awarded to Battleship's Living with Water Plan to Reduce Flooding
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has awarded Battleship North Carolina $1,250,000 for its Living with Water project to address flooding and increase resiliency.The grant will help restore more than 800 feet of shoreline and 2 acres of wetlands, upgrade the Battleship site’s stormwater collection and management system, and elevate the parking area. The nature-based infrastructure aims to mitigate the risks posed by ongoing tidal flooding and improve water quality in the Cape Fear River.
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Jefferson Parish Funds Tree Planting Project Near Lafitte to Stem Coastal Erosion
Volunteers planted about a thousand bald cypress trees in the Barataria Basin near Lafitte last week in a bid to reduce coastal erosion. The $20,000 project was a partnership between Jefferson Parish and Jefferson Beautification Inc., a nonprofit focused on tree planting, and was funded by discretionary money from the office of Parish Council District 1.
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March 31 - April 3, 2020
Multiple Dates April, 2020
April 14, 2020
May 19, 2020
June 7 - 11, 2020
July 5 - 10, 2020
October 4 - 8,
New Report - Softening Our Shorelines: Policy and Practice for Living Shorelines Along the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts
Softening Our Shorelines is designed to promote the broader application of living shorelines across the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. National Wildlife Federation partnered with the Coastal States Organization to review the use of living shorelines across these regions and analyze policies and permitting requirements that may provide incentives—or barriers—to the broader use of these ecologically friendly shoreline protection techniques. The report provides a state-by-state summary of policies relevant to living shorelines and offers recommendations and best practices for how federal and state agencies can promote the increased application of living shorelines. Read the report
New Virtual Training: Introduction to Lidar
Quickly learn the basics of lidar in this virtual training, including how lidar is gathered and how to put it to good use. The interactive style of this module will help get you get up to speed on lidar data products—without the technical jargon. Skip to the information you need to do your job, while cutting out the portions you already know or don’t need. Topics include a typical project workflow, lidar lingo, and the kinds of questions lidar data can answer. Learn more and register
Long Island Sound Futures Fund 2020 Request for Proposals
The Long Island Sound Futures Fund (LISFF) is seeking proposals to protect and restore the health and living resources of Long Island Sound (Sound). Approximately $3 million is expected to be available for grants in 2020. The program is managed by National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Long Island Sound Study (LISS), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Proposals are due
June 2, 2020
. Learn more
Request for Proposals: Long Island Quality of Water Integrated Data System
The Long Island Regional Planning Council is inviting proposals from qualified candidates to provide direct assistance, coordination, and administration for the Long Island Quality of Water Integrated Data System project. Proposals are due
April 20, 2020
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Funding Opportunity: National Coastal Resilience Fund
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) has announced the National Coastal Resilience Fund Request for Proposals (RFP) for 2020. NFWF will make investments to restore and strengthen natural systems so they can protect coastal communities from the impacts of storms, floods, and other natural hazards and enable them to recover more quickly, and enhance habitats for fish and wildlife. Pre-proposals are due
April 8, 2020
. Learn more
Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation Regional Workshops
CERF announces the availability of funding to support regional workshops in collaboration with CERF’s Affiliate Societies on high priority scientific and management issues of regional importance. These pilot workshops are intended to explore ways in which the Affiliate Societies and CERF can work together to translate and apply coastal and estuarine science to important regional issues. Workshops should take place between August 2020 and June 2021. Proposals are due
May 1, 2020
. Learn more
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Coastal States Organization | 50 F Street. NW, Suite 570, Washington, DC 20001 | 202-508-3860 | |