The Coastal States Organization represents the nation’s Coastal States, Territories & Commonwealths on ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resource issues.
Spotlight on Coastal Management:
Pennsylvania Coastal Resources Management Program
Pennsylvania has two coastal areas: 77 miles of coastline along Lake Erie and 112 miles of coastline along the Delaware Estuary. Coastal zone management balances development and protection of the vital natural resources that support thriving coastal communities and economies. The
Pennsylvania Coastal Resources Management Program
has been helping communities plan for an uncertain future since program approval in 1980. Projects such as the Bluff Recession and Setback program help keep people, property, and resources safe while planning for future recreational and economic development. Historically high lake levels provide a challenge for coastal dependent uses and the Pennsylvania CRM Program continues to provide technical assistance and resources to help address the issue.
Learn more about issues impacting the state and the great work by the Pennsylvania Coastal Resources Management Program click
In the States and Regions
$97M in RESTORE Act Funding for 5 Gulf Coast States
County governments in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas are currently eligible to apply for “Direct Component” funding under the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act) Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund. Established under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act in connection with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Direct Component funding is for eligible construction and real property acquisition activities, including projects with or without a non-federal share for another federally funded project.
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NJ Preparing Shore Towns for Rising Sea Levels
New state initiative aims to help 15 Shore towns develop strategies to combat rising sea levels, which are expected to increase significantly over next decade.
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Three-decade study links Florida Keys’ Coral Demise to Mainland Runoff
A landmark 30-year study of ailing coral in the Florida Keys shows nutrient-supercharged water from as far north as Orlando is contributing to the death of an ancient ecosystem that evolved to thrive in a fertilizer-free environment.
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South Carolina Objects to Company’s Permit Application for Seismic Blasting off Coast
The S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control on Monday told oil and gas exploration company WesternGeco and the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management that the company’s proposed seismic testing plan is inconsistent with the state’s coastal zone management program.
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Washington Conservation Corps opens 300 environmental positions statewide
From Onsite Septic Repair to Stormwater Infrastructure
Ecology’s Water Quality Program is offering more than $183 million in financial assistance for 106 high-priority clean water projects across the state. The funding includes $169 million for 105 new projects and $14 million to fully fund a project from last year’s list.
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Waterkeepers Address Estuaries as The First Line of Defense Against Devastating Storms
There are major changes to the Clean Water Act (CWA) that some believe will imperil numerous river systems, lakes and the coasts. Ahead of these changes, several key U.S. waterkeepers provided testimony to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure’s Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment on Protecting and Restoring America’s Iconic Waters.
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CSO Partner Testifies on the Hill and Showcases work of Coastal Program
ASBPA Executive Director, Derek Brockbank, testified
before the House Transportation & Infrastructure committee
in the hearing “Water Resources Development Acts: Status of Implementation and Addressing Future Needs.” See the Written ASBPA testimony
, which includes contributions from and highlights the work of the Washington coastal program.
NOAA, partners predict large summer harmful algal bloom for western Lake Erie
NOAA and its research partners are forecasting that western Lake Erie will experience a significant harmful algal bloom (HAB) this summer.This year’s bloom is expected to measure 7.5 on the severity index, but could range between 6 and 9. An index above 5 indicates blooms having greater impact. The severity index is based on bloom's biomass – the amount of algae – over a sustained period. The largest blooms occurred in 2011, with a severity index of 10, and 2015, at 10.5. Last year’s bloom had a severity index of 3.6, while 2017's was 8.0.
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NOAA report: Growth in U.S. Ocean Economic Sectors Continues to Outpace Overall Economy
The latest economic figures in NOAA’s report on the U.S. Ocean and Great Lakes Economy indicates that tourism and recreation was the top employer in the ocean economy in 2016. This sector contributed $124 billion in gross domestic product, the highest of all the ocean and Great Lakes economy sectors.
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August 1, 2019
September 15-18,2019
September 18, 2019
September 24 - 25, 2019
October 8 - 9, 2019
November 3 - 7, 2019
November 4 - 8, 2019
November 4 - 8, 2019
July 5 -10, 2020
Regional Resilience Toolkit: 5 Steps to Build Large-Scale Resilience to Natural Disasters
A new toolkit was created by EPA and FEMA, in partnership with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission/Association of Bay Area Governments (MTC/ABAG). The Regional Resilience Toolkit provides:
- A coordinated process for meeting different state and federal planning requirements.
- Communication and outreach tools for engaging a broad coalition of partners across an entire region.
- Guidance for project teams to conduct vulnerability assessments, write required plans, and implement projects.
- Clear information that can be used with decision makers and community leaders to guide the overall action plan and ensure its successful implementation.
- Detailed appendices with worksheets to help inform and guide work.
- Examples of resilience action from around the country.
Fall 2019 Maryland Climate Leadership Academy Programs Announced
This program is designed to help participants build competencies to effectively integrate climate change into their decision-making and professional activities, as well as to advance their entrepreneurship and leadership skills. Leveraging a combination of on-demand online training resources and in-person cohort training, this workshop series will prepare attendees for the CC-P® exams and satisfy most elective requirements for the credential.
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Margaret A. Davidson Graduate Fellowship
It’s an exciting new fellowship program for graduate students at the national estuarine research reserves. One two-year fellowship opportunity will be available at each of the 29 coastal sites.
Through a research project, fellows will address a key coastal management question to help scientists and communities understand coastal challenges that may influence future policy and management strategies.
The research reserves represent the apex of estuary science. At
these coastal sites
, fieldwork, research, and community engagement come together to create the scientific advances that change our communities and our world.
Reminder - Pre-Proposals DUE on JULY 30
NOAA Fisheries is pleased to announce the 2020 Saltonstall-Kennedy (SK) Grant competition is open for applications.
NOAA Fisheries announces the the FY20 Saltonstall-Kennedy (S-K) Federal Funding Opportunity and inviting applicants to submit pre-proposals by July 30, 2019 . This year, the priority focus areas are:
- Promotion, Development, and Marketing
- Science or Technology that Promotes Sustainable U.S. Seafood Production and Harvesting
All interested applicants must submit a Pre-Proposal to the grant opportunity, NOAA-NMFS-FHQ-2020-2006111, posted at
. Pre-proposals are due via
by 11:59 pm, Eastern Time, July 30, 2019.
Webinars on the Community Rating System
The CRS Webinar Series provides training opportunities to communities that are not yet participating in the Community Rating System or local government staff that are new to the CRS, and to local government staff with experience in the CRS. The Series includes basic introductory sessions and more advanced topics, most averaging about an hour in length.
- August 20 Introduction to CRS
- August 21 Watershed Impact Adjustment Maps (Activity 450)
The views expressed in articles referenced here are those of the authors and do not represent or reflect the views of CSO.
If you have a news item or job posting to include in future CSO Newsletters, please send an email to: with a subject line: "Newsletter Content". Please include the information to be considered in the body of the email.
Please note: CSO reserves final decision regarding published newsletter content and may not use all information submitted.
Coastal States Organization | 444 North Capitol St. NW, Suite 638, Washington, DC 20001 | 202-508-3860 | |