CSO Newsletter

The Coastal States Organization represents the nation’s Coastal States, Territories, and Commonwealths on ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resource issues.
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Spotlight on Coastal Management:

FEMA Establishes Revolving Loan Fund to Enhance Climate Resiliency

FEMA is launching a new opportunity to fund resilience projects that will make communities safer from natural hazards. While this funding is not exclusively for coastal resilience, it is available for coastal community resilience.

The Safeguarding Tomorrow Revolving Loan Fund program will make $50 million available in capitalization grants to states to fund low-interest loans to local governments for resilience projects that will make communities safer from natural hazards. The program is funded by President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which invests $500 million in the program over five years.

The program will allow jurisdictions to reduce vulnerability to natural hazards, foster greater community resilience to climate change, and reduce disaster suffering. In particular, the new program will help homeowners, businesses, nonprofit organizations and communities fund hazard mitigation projects that reduce disaster risks.

Learn more here.

Celebrating 50 Years of Ocean and Coastal Conservation

Guam Proclaims 2022 in Honor and Recognition of 50 Years of the CZMA

The Honorable Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero, Governor of Guam issued a proclamation at Guam's 7th Annual Assembly of Planners Symposium to honor and recognize 2022 as the 50th Anniversary of the Coastal Zone Management Act.

2022 is a BIG year for ocean and coastal conservation! Not only is it the 50th anniversary for the CZMA, it is also the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, Marine Mammals Protection Act, and National Marine Sanctuaries Act.

Learn more here and follow #OceanAndCoasts50 on social media!

Learn about the CZMA 50th here!
CZMA at 50 Podcast Series

Join CSO's Executive Director, Derek Brockbank, in a five part podcast series to learn about the basis of the act, why it’s important, how it’s changed, and more.

All five episodes of the series are now available! Listen to all of them here or wherever you get your podcasts!

In the States and Regions

West Coast and Pacific

Ocean Corps Proposal Hopes to Give Coast Helping Hand, Provide Jobs for Young People

A workforce corps is proposed by lawmakers to help restore and protect one of the state’s greatest – and most vulnerable – assets, the coastline. Creation of a California Ocean Corps won the support of the California State Legislature last week and is now making its way to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk for a signature. Newsom has until Sept. 30 to sign the bill, which would direct the 46-year-old California Conservation Corps to create the offshoot Ocean Corps in the next four years with the help of grants and local conservation groups in coastal counties. Read more

Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs Announces $2.7 Million to Protect Coral Reefs and Natural Resources

The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs has announced $2,748,689 million in fiscal year 2023 grant funding under the OIA Coral Reef Initiative and Natural Resources program to help protect corals and fight invasive species in the U.S. territories and the freely associated states.  “The funding support we are providing this year will help support coral protection initiatives, participation in the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force as well as the National Coral Reef Fellowship Management Program, protect watershed areas, and so much more,” said Assistant Secretary Cantor. Read more

East Coast and Caribbean

Small Businesses Hit As Climate Change Floods Charleston's Historic District

A forecast high tide is all it can take to prompt Donald Goodemote to shut down Burwell's Stone Fire Grill, one of the countless restaurants and hotels that caters to the droves of tourists that underpin the economy in Charleston's historic district. "We had an incident where we started service at five o'clock as we do every day," Goodemote said. "There was no rain. By 6:30 we had about three to six inches of water throughout the entire restaurant." Normally, flooding prevents guests from reaching Burwell's. But this time, he said it came on so quickly that guests were trapped inside the restaurant. "We weren't able to get guests out," he said. "And then we ended up actually canceling service the following day, because the forecast was very similar." The bustling district was developed on low land susceptible to flooding. Since then, tides have risen locally by more than a foot and flash flooding has become more extreme as warming temperatures have intensified rainfall rates. Read more

Move to reduce Biscayne Bay nutrient pollution advances

A year after the Biscayne Bay Watershed Management Advisory Board was formed to advise the county mayor and commission on issues affecting Biscayne Bay, it has completed or is working on 51 of the 62 recommendations from the Biscayne Bay Task Force, which shut down in 2020. Among these, the group is developing a reasonable assurance plan to reduce bay nutrient pollution. The plan is to set nutrient reduction targets and goals and then put into action projects to meet them, Chief Bay Officer Irela Bagué told Miami Today. To that end, the plan that’s to go to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in September will describe procedures to monitor and report results; offer commitments by stakeholders to meet the proposed corrective actions; explain how the county and municipalities will meet the pollutant reduction goals; and schedule restoration projects, including funding sources. Read more

Great Lakes

Sturgeon Bay Sites Make Preliminary List for NERR Natural Areas

Lands in Sturgeon Bay have made the list of preliminary recommended sites for the natural areas to be included in the proposed Bay of Green Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERR). NERRs are a national network of 30 sites across the coastal U.S., including the Great Lakes, that are designed to protect and study estuaries and their coastal wetlands. Established through the Coastal Zone Management Act, the reserves represent a partnership program between NOAA and the coastal states. NOAA provides funding and national guidance, and each site is managed on a daily basis by a lead state agency or university with input from local partners. For the Green Bay NERR, the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is leading the designation process. Read more

Construction of New Uptown Natural Area to Begin September 9

The Chicago Park District announces the construction of a new Uptown Coastal Natural Area. The six-acre restoration project will transform the turf lawn into a thriving space for people and wildlife through the planting of Illinois native prairie and savanna wildflowers, grasses, and shrubs. The ecological restoration process will create a resting stop for migratory birds, absorb and filter stormwater, and establish a place for nature observation and respite in a section of the Uptown community area that is densely populated and highly urbanized. In addition, the project will reintroduce elements of the original 1930s design by renowned landscape architect Alfred Caldwell, which called for a “naturalistic effect” that relied on native trees, shrubs, and flowers in a layered and informally arranged manner.  In 2021, the Chicago Park District received a $116,110 grant federally funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and administered through the Illinois Coastal Management Program of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. The grant was matched by the Park District for a total investment of $232,220.  Read more

Gulf Coast

Next US Energy Boom Could Be Wind Power in the Gulf of Mexico

With passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which contains US$370 billion for climate and energy programs, policy experts are forecasting a big expansion in clean electricity generation. One source that’s poised for growth is offshore wind power. Today the U.S. has just two operating offshore wind farms, off of Rhode Island and North Carolina, with a combined generating capacity of 42 megawatts. For comparison, the new Traverse Wind Energy Center in Oklahoma has 356 turbines and a 998-megawatt generating capacity. But many more projects are in development, mostly along the Atlantic coast. The Biden administration has identified two zones for offshore wind power development in the Gulf of Mexico, which up until now has been firmly identified with oil and gas production. As part of his climate strategy, President Joe Biden has set a goal for the deployment of 30 gigawatts (30,000 megawatts) of offshore wind generating capacity by 2030 – enough to power 10 million homes with carbon-free electricity. Read more

Rutgers Awarded $12.6 Million Grant to Create Oyster Habitat for Coastal Resilience

The university-led project is in response to a broader effort to protect critical coastal civilian and Department of Defense infrastructure and personnel at risk of climate change. Rutgers has been awarded $12.6 million by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop an oyster-based shoreline ecosystem to help protect coastlines from storm damage, flooding and erosion. The Rutgers-led project, “Reefense: A Mosaic Oyster Habitat (MOH) for Coastal Defense,” will focus on oyster reefs in the Gulf Coast and combine novel cements and concretes with state-of-the-art shellfish breeding and the latest ecological engineering of shoreline habitats. Read more

Events & Webinars

September 13-16, 2022

September 15, 2022

September 20-23, 2022

September 22, 2022

September 27, 2022

September 28, 2022

September 29, 2022

October 4, 2022

October 5, 2022

October 6-7, 2022

October 12, 2022

October 25-27, 2022

November 17, 2022

December 4-8, 2022

December 12-15, 2022


Coastal Geotools - Registration and Call for Abstracts 

Registration is now open for Coastal Geotools, which will be February 6 to 9, 2023, in Charleston, South Carolina. Submit your abstract by October 7, 2022 to present your projects to your peers. Register or submit your abstract here.

FEMA Publishes Support Materials for Emergency Management Partners

New support materials are available to governments to help them apply for a FEMA grant program providing funds to make them more resilient. The materials aid state, local, tribal and territorial emergency management to submitting more successful Hazard Mitigation Grant Program applications. Materials also help them reduce time it takes to receive awards. FEMA anticipates the guides will help HMGP funding reach more communities. The program provides funding to state, local, tribal and territorial governments so they can develop hazard mitigation plans and rebuild in a way that reduces or mitigates, disaster losses in their communities. When requested by an authorized representative, this grant funding is available after a presidentially declared disaster. Learn more here.

CERF 2023 Biennial Conference Call for Submissions Now Open

The Scientific Program Committee for the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation’s 27th Biennial Conference (CERF 2023) invites proposals for Scientific Sessions and Workshops. "Resilience and Recovery" is the conference theme. The Committee is seeking Scientific Session Proposals, Workshop Proposals, and Design Competition Team Proposals. The deadline for submissions is September 19, 2022. Learn more and submit here.

FEMA Announces FY22 BRIC and FMA Notice of Funding Opportunities.

FEMA announced the FY22 Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) for the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) programs. The funding level for BRIC has increased to $2.3 billion for FY22, with FMA funding increasing to $800 million. BRIC’s non-financial Direct Technical Assistance program will also increase to at least 40 communities (from 20) for the FY22 cycle. The application period opens September 30, 2022 and closes on January 27, 2023. Learn more here.

NOAA releases Restoration Blueprint for Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries released a proposed rule and a revised draft management plan for the Restoration Blueprint—a significant update to Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary’s management plan, boundary, regulations, and marine zones. NOAA will accept public comment on the Restoration Blueprint through October 26, 2022. There will also be multiple advisory council and public information meetings will provide opportunities for engagement and public comment. Learn more here.

Job Openings

In The States

Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Management Program - Grants Specialist

Oregon Land Conservation and Development Department, Ocean and Coastal Services Division - Coastal Policy Specialist

Maine Department of Marine Resources - Marine Resource Specialist

Maine Department of Marine Resources - Marine Resource Scientist

Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management - Offshore Project Review Specialist

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Waterways Program - Environmental Analyst

Massachusetts Department of Fish & Game - Offshore Wind Specialist

California Coastal Commission - Coastal Resiliency Supervisor

Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection - Environmental Specialist

Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration, TMDL Section - Environmental Specialist

Washington Department of Ecology, Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program - Shoreline Management Act Compliance Lead

Washington Department of Ecology, Shorelands and Environmental Assistance Program - Federal Permit Manager for Headquarters

California Coastal Commission - Multiple Coastal Program Positions

In The Agencies

NOAA Integrated Ocean Observing System - Management and Program Analyst

ISS Supporting NOAA Integrated Ocean Observing System - Program Analyst

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Restoration and Recovery, Branch of Coastal and Marine Resources - Supervisory Fish and Wildlife Biologist

Department of Housing and Urban Development, Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development - Environmental Protection Specialist

USACE Engineering Division, Hydraulics, Hydrologic, and Coastal Branch - Lead Civil Engineer (Hydraulic)

USACE San Francisco District, Water Resources Section - Civil Engineer (Hydraulics)

USACE ORISE Fellow - Analysis of Coastal Wave Impacts on Shoreline Protection Structures

In NGOs, Industry, and Academia

National Wildlife Federation - Coastal Resilience Program Manager

Clean Ocean Action - Debris Free Sea Coordinator

Environmental Defense Fund - Manager, Climate Resilient Coasts and Watersheds

The Nature Conservancy - Coastal Nature Based Solutions Strategist

The Nature Conservancy - Albemarle-Pamlico Sounds Program Director

Job Boards

Office for Coastal Management State Programs

Sea Grant Careers Page


The views expressed in articles referenced here are those of the authors and do not represent or reflect the views of CSO.

If you have a news item or job posting to include in future CSO Newsletters, please send an email to: [email protected] with a subject line: "Newsletter Content". Please include the information to be considered in the body of the email.
Please note: CSO reserves final decision regarding published newsletter content and may not use all information submitted.
Coastal States Organization | 50 F Street. NW, Suite 570, Washington, DC 20001 | 202-508-3860 | [email protected] | www.coastalstates.org
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