CSO Newsletter
The Coastal States Organization represents the nation’s Coastal States, Territories, and Commonwealths on ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resource issues.
Spotlight on Coastal Management:
Celebrating Habitat Month
July is Habitat Month and NOAA Fisheries Service is highlighting "Healthy Habitat, Resilient Infrastructure” throughout the month!

NOAA's Community-Based Habitat Restoration grant program is a critical tool for Coastal Zone Management programs. For example, the California Coastal Conservancy, one of California's three CZM agencies, received one of these grants to develop a plan to restore native oysters in San Diego Bay using natural structures as habitat that also serve as a buffer and protect adjacent shorelines from sea level rise and erosion. CCC then leveraged funding from the USFWS Coastal Program, Port of San Diego, and in-kind support from other partners to implement the South Bay Native Oyster Living Shoreline Project installing over 300 reef balls to create oyster habitat and protect South Bay from rising sea levels.

Learn more about this project here.

Follow along with Habitat Month on social media with #HabitatMonth
Welcome to Coastal States Stewardship Foundation Managing Director
Coastal State Organization is pleased to announce the hiring of Lisa Schiavinato as a full time Managing Director for the Coastal States Stewardship Foundation (CSSF). CSSF is a partner organization to CSO, dedicated to supporting our nation’s ocean and coastal resources, and is fiscal sponsor for three Regional Ocean Partnerships. Lisa brings a broad range of experience to this role. She has expertise in ocean and coastal law and policy, program management, grant management, and nonprofit leadership.
Prior to joining CSSF, Lisa worked with Sea Grant programs in Louisiana, North Carolina, and California and with nonprofit organizations across Southern California. Lisa holds a B.A. in Political Science from the University of South Florida and a law degree from the University of Florida Levin College of Law. Lisa is based in California, but she was raised in the Sunshine State of Florida where her fascination for all things ocean and coastal began.
Celebrating 50 Years of Ocean and Coastal Conservation
2022 is a BIG year for ocean and coastal conservation! Not only is it the 50th anniversary for the CZMA, it is also the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, Marine Mammals Protection Act, and National Marine Sanctuaries Act.

Learn more here and follow #OceanAndCoasts50 on social media!

Learn about the CZMA 50th here!
CZMA at 50 Podcast Series

Join CSO's Executive Director, Derek Brockbank, in a five part podcast series to learn about the basis of the act, why it’s important, how it’s changed, and more.

All five episodes of the series are now available! Listen to all of them here or wherever you get your podcasts!
In the States and Regions
West Coast and Pacific
Coastal Commission Reviews Sea Level Mitigation Measures for Arcata-Eureka Highway 101 Corridor
Local coastal experts expect Humboldt Bay’s shoreline to rise by as much as three feet in the next 40 years. One area of particular concern in the Humboldt Bay region is the Highway 101 corridor between Arcata and Eureka, a six-mile stretch of road that could be inundated by seawater if immediate steps are not taken to mitigate the impacts of sea level rise. Caltrans District 1 staff are working to develop a Comprehensive Adaptation and Implementation Plan (CAIP) to protect and potentially realign the Highway 101 corridor to address anticipated sea level rise-related flooding hazards. Caltrans District 1 staff shared an update on their efforts with the California Coastal Commission this week. “The Arcata-Eureka corridor is identified as a critical primary transportation hub because it’s one of only a few alternate routes that we have, contains essential utility lines [and] residential, business and recreational amenities that can be affected by sea level rise and flooding,” Clancy De Smet, climate change adaptation branch chief for Caltrans District 1, said. Read more

First-Ever 3D Maps of Guam’s Reefs Produced Through UOG Partnership
The second phase of an unprecedented effort to produce underwater maps of Guam’s coral reefs has been completed. The University of Guam said in a press release that the initiative is part of a partnership between UOG and the University of Miami, using NASA technology to create 3D maps and reveal what lies beneath the surface. “The project has placed Guam at the global forefront for having the highest resolution and most accurate coral reef maps in the world,” UOG stated in its release. Data and maps from the effort, UOG said in the release, will highlight critical information that will help an overall assessment of the health of the reefs. This can include the rate of bleaching events, the success of coral restoration efforts over time, and how reef structures are affected by climate change and human activity. Read more
East Coast and Caribbean
Easements, Agreements Still In the Works for Wildwood Dune Project
The length of New Jersey, the Army Corps of Engineers has undertaken massive projects to restore sand to barrier island beaches. In many cases, the dredges have returned again and again to pump sand from shallow offshore sandbars or the mouths of inlets, rebuilding the beaches as they erode away. Plans are to add sand in Ocean City, the Strathmere section of Upper Township and Sea Isle City before next summer. Avalon and Stone Harbor have seen four beach projects since 2011, with another project on the way, and dredges have been back to Cape May multiple times since the first beach project in 1991. In addition to adding sand in some areas, the project calls for the construction of dunes along most of the beach, ranging from 6 feet to 16 feet tall and running about 25,000 feet. That’s almost 5 miles of dunes. The state Department of Environmental Protection has been working to reach agreements that would allow the federal project to move forward. Read more

Florida's Vanishing Beaches: The Fight Against Coastal Erosion
Released in June 2022, a study titled "Critically Eroded Beaches in Florida from the Office of Resilience and Coastal Protection Florida Department of Environmental Protection" found hundreds of miles of critically eroded beaches. The report said, "This critical erosion report provides an inventory of Florida's erosion areas on the 825 miles of sandy beaches fronting the Atlantic Ocean, Straits of Florida, Gulf of Mexico, and the roughly 66 coastal barrier tidal inlets." According to the report, out of those 825 miles, 426.3 miles are considered critically eroded. Some areas of the state could face severe issues if erosion is not mitigated. Read more
Great Lakes
Road Commission Mulls Fix to Lakeshore Drive's Erosion Threat
The Allegan County Road Commission is seeking a long-term solution to keeping the stretch of Lakeshore Drive between 126th Avenue and Wiley Road safe for drivers and pedestrians. Perched on top of a dune bluff overlooking Lake Michigan, the road has long been under threat, especially when Lake Michigan water levels rise and erosion of the dune accelerates. Part of the road had to be closed in late 2019 after a deep sinkhole formed, cutting off access to 12 families' homes. After a section of the road washed out in a 2008 storm, two people driving on the road died. Another washout that occurred in the 1980s has never been repaired, separating the southern residents of Lakeshore Drive from the northern. The road commission received a $45,000 "resiliency" grant from a coastal management program to develop some long-term solutions. "It cost us about half a million dollars to repair 200 feet of Lakeshore Drive," said Craig Atwood, managing director of the Allegan County Road Commission, referring to the sinkhole repair that was completed in 2021. "It's not feasible to do that over and over and over again." Read more

Over $1.4 Million In Grants Announced for Coastal Communities
Gov. Tony Evers has announced over $1.4 million in grants for Wisconsin’s coastal communities. The grants, funded through the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program, will support efforts to build sustainable, climate-resilient coastal communities. The grants will be used by local, state and tribal governments as well as planning commissions, universities and nonprofit organizations. All in all, the grants will help support 41 projects which total over $3.4 million. “The Great Lakes are critical gateways to our state and provide fresh water, jobs, recreation, and an improved quality of life for folks across our state, especially those who call our coastal communities home,” said Evers. “From the Apostle Islands to Zoo Beach in Racine, these investments will help ensure we protect our vast and valuable freshwater resources by enhancing sustainability and resilience, and supporting local economies, jobs, and recreational and educational opportunities on our freshwater coasts.” Read more
Gulf Coast
Corps Backs $1.3B Plan to Floodproof Homes, Businesses In Iberia, St. Martin, St. Mary Parishes
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has signed off on a $1.3 billion plan to elevate or floodproof 2,240 homes and businesses in Iberia, St. Martin and St. Mary parishes that are subject to storm surge flooding during tropical storms and hurricanes. Lt. Gen. Scott Spellman, chief of engineers with the Corps, said in a letter to Congress Friday that the financial benefits of the South Central Coast flood risk reduction plan will result in an annual net reduction in flood damages of more than $14 million a year. That plan will protect individual homes and businesses, rather than build additional levees, gates or other structures, he said. Read more

BOEM Identifies First Two Offshore Wind Areas in the Gulf of Mexico
The U.S. Department of the Interior has taken a step forward in identifying wind lease areas in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, expanding its efforts beyond the Atlantic and Pacific seaboards. DOI's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced that it has identified two wind energy areas (WEAs) on the Gulf OCS, both within the giant 30 million acre call area announced in November. The first draft WEA is located about 24 nautical miles off the coast of Galveston. The area for review totals nearly 550,000 acres and has the potential to power 2.3 million homes with clean wind energy. A portion has been removed from the center of the region to account for shrimp-fishing interests. The second draft WEA is located about 56 nm off the coast of Lake Charles, Louisiana. The area for review totals 190,000 acres and has the potential to power 800,000 homes. Read more
Events & Webinars
July 25, 2022

July 27, 2022

July 28-29, 2022

August 4, 2022

August 10, 2022

August 11, 2022

August 18, 2022

August 24, 2022

August 25, 2022

August 30-31, 2022

September 20-23, 2022

September 29, 2022

October 4, 2022

October 25-27, 2022

November 17, 2022

December 4-8, 2022
NOAA Releases Draft Equity and Environmental Justice Strategy
The National Marine Fisheries Service has released a draft Equity and Environmental Justice Strategy. The draft Strategy addresses agency policies and plans, research, and outreach. NOAA requests input on identifying underserved communities, eliminating barriers, and integrating equity and environmental justice into operations, programs, and policies. NOAA is accepting feedback on the draft through August 31, 2022. Read the draft here and submit feedback here.

NOAA Seeks Nominations for Ocean Research Advisory Panel
NOAA is soliciting nominations for members of the Ocean Research Advisory Panel of the Ocean Policy Committee (OPC), a Cabinet-level interagency body mandated by Congress to coordinate ocean, coastal and Great Lakes science and technology and management policy across Federal agencies. NOAA is seeking nominations for members who represent the views of (1) ocean users, State, Tribal, territorial or local governments, academia, and such other views as the Co-Chairs of the Ocean Policy Committee consider appropriate; and (2) members eminent in the fields of marine science, marine technology, and marine policy, or related fields. Nominations are due August 15, 2022. Learn more here.

NOAA releases Restoration Blueprint for Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries released a proposed rule and a revised draft management plan for the Restoration Blueprint—a significant update to Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary’s management plan, boundary, regulations, and marine zones. The Blueprint responds to an urgent need for more resource protection to address increasing uses and threats to the ecosystems of the sanctuary. These proposals synthesize lessons-learned from more than 40 years of on-the-ground science, management, education, and community engagement. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary protects the only barrier coral reef in the continental United States and the largest documented contiguous seagrass community in the Northern Hemisphere, as well as ecologically interdependent mangrove forests, hard-bottom habitat, and maritime heritage resources. NOAA will accept public comment on the Restoration Blueprint through October 26, 2022. There will also be multiple advisory council and public information meetings will provide opportunities for engagement and public comment. Learn more here.

New National Marine Sanctuaries Forever Stamp
The U.S. Postal Service is releasing a new stamp series to celebrate the 50th anniversary of hte National Marine Sanctuaries. The 16 stamps showcase the abundant wildlife, scenic beauty, and underwater treasures that can be found throughout the National Marine Sanctuary System. Learn more here.

FEMA and AARP Release New Resources: Guide to Expanding Mitigation for Older Adults and Disaster Resilience Tool Kit
FEMA and AARP released two new resources: a new Guide to Expanding Mitigation: Making the Connection to Older Adults and a Disaster Resilience Tool Kit that will help local community officials protect older adults in their community. The Guide to Expanding Mitigation: Making the Connection to Older Adults discusses how older adults are disproportionately affected by natural hazards and provides recommendations and tips to reduce that risk. The guide is for emergency managers, planners, local officials, and other community stakeholders that serve or advocate for older adults. The Disaster Resilience Tool Kit helps local community leaders develop strategies that reduce risk and disaster impacts on older adults and create places that work better for people of all ages. Learn more and download the report here and the tool kit here.

USDA Releases Great Lakes Coastal Adaptation Report
The USDA Northern Forests Climate Hub and the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS) released "Strategies for Adapting Great Lakes Coastal Ecosystems to Climate Change." The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NIACS led a binational team of more than 20 regional managers and scientists who contributed their expertise and time over the course of three years to develop this resource with funds provided by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. This tool bridges the gap between general climate science concepts and local conditions. It provides natural resource planners, practitioners, and managers a menu of tangible strategies and approaches for adapting to climate change they can integrate into planning, implementing, and monitoring on-the-ground projects in Great Lakes coastal ecosystems. Learn more here.

2022 Get Into Your Sanctuary Photo Contest
NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries will be accepting photo submissions from May 27th through September 5th, 2022 for the Get Into Your Sanctuary Photo Contest. All photographers are welcome, regardless of skill level, and the organization will be accepting photos in four categories: Sanctuary Views, Sanctuary Life, Sanctuary Recreation, and Sanctuaries at Home. The winning photographs will be announced in October to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the National Marine Sanctuary System. Learn more and submit your photos here.

DUE TODAY: NFWF Announces America the Beautiful Challenge 2022 Request for Proposals
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), through anticipated cooperative agreements from the Department of the Interior (DOI), Department of Defense (DoD), and the Department of Agriculture’s U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), is pleased to announce the launch of the America the Beautiful Challenge (ATBC) 2022 Request for Proposals (RFP). The ATBC vision is to streamline grant funding opportunities for new voluntary conservation and restoration projects around the United States. This Request for Proposals is a first step toward consolidating funding from multiple federal agencies and the private sector to enable applicants to conceive and develop large-scale, locally led projects that address shared funder priorities spanning public and private lands. In year one of the ATBC approximately $85 million will be awarded in nationwide funding to advance the America the Beautiful Initiative and its goals to connect and restore the lands, waters, and wildlife upon which we all depend. Proposals are due TODAY. Learn more here.

Gulf of Mexico Alliance Request for Proposals: Improving Coastal Community Resilience with Green Infrastructure
The Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA) is a partnership of the five Gulf States, federal agencies, academic organizations, businesses, and other non-profits in the region to goal is to significantly increase regional collaboration to enhance the environmental and economic health of the Gulf of Mexico. They have announced a Request for Proposals for green infrastructure projects that will improve community resilience and reduce water pollution in one of the following areas: Aransas, Nueces, and San Patricio Counties in Texas (Corpus Christi and surrounding areas); Brazoria, Chambers, Galveston, Harris and Jefferson Counties in Texas (Houston and surrounding areas); or Calcasieu and Cameron Parishes in Louisiana (Lake Charles and surrounding areas). Up to $41,000 is available for a 12 month project; matching funds are not required. Applications are due by July 29, 2022. Learn more and apply here.

NOAA Notice of Intent to Designate Hudson Canyon As A National Marine Sanctuary
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued a Notice of Intent to begin the public scoping process to consider designating a national marine sanctuary in the Hudson Canyon area approximately 100 miles off the coast of New York and New Jersey. A sanctuary designation would conserve the area’s ecosystems, promote sustainable use, and create new opportunities for scientific research, ocean education, and recreation. NOAA is accepting public comments on this Notice of Intent through August 8, 2022. There is one remaining virtual public scoping meeting on August 3, 2022. Learn more about the proposed sanctuary, and public scoping meetings here.

NOAA RESTORE Science Program Funding Opportunity
The NOAA RESTORE Science Program announced the 2023 funding opportunity. The funding opportunity provides natural resource managers, researchers, and other stakeholders with the chance to compete for funding to conduct a collaborative, previously planned research project that informs a specific management decision impacting natural resources in the Gulf of Mexico. Letters of Intent are due August 15, 2022. Full proposals are due November 15, 2022. Learn more and see the full funding announcement here.
Job Openings
In The States

In The Agencies

In NGOs, Industry, and Academia

Job Boards

The views expressed in articles referenced here are those of the authors and do not represent or reflect the views of CSO.

If you have a news item or job posting to include in future CSO Newsletters, please send an email to: [email protected] with a subject line: "Newsletter Content". Please include the information to be considered in the body of the email.
Please note: CSO reserves final decision regarding published newsletter content and may not use all information submitted.
Coastal States Organization | 50 F Street. NW, Suite 570, Washington, DC 20001 | 202-508-3860 | [email protected] | www.coastalstates.org