Action Requested: Urge Congress to Support Medicare Providers

Last week, CSRO alerted the rheumatology community to an opportunity for action at the federal level for the Supporting Medicare Providers Act of 2022 (H.R. 8800), which would provide relief for the large Medicare Physician Fee Schedule reimbursement cuts that are currently set to take effect on January 1, 2023. 

Introduced by Congressman Ami Bera, MD (D-CA-07) and Congressman Larry Bucshon, MD (R-IN-08), H.R. 8800 would provide a one-year “hold harmless” payment to offset the looming reductions in the Fee Schedule. The bill also seeks to establish a “Sense of the Congress” that the Department of Health and Human Services and the Congress should commit to:

  1. ensuring financial stability and predictability in the Medicare physician payment system;
  2. promoting and rewarding value-based care innovation; and
  3. safeguarding timely access to high-quality care by advancing health equity and reducing disparities.

CSRO is calling on you to help urge Congress to act on this bill. There is still time – make your voice heard by taking action today!


From our Partners: Upcoming Opportunities

Please note: the below are opportunities from our partners, and have no affiliation to CSRO.

Work Force Expansion Award: Mentored Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant

The Rheumatology Research Foundation (RRF) is offering the Mentored Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant (NP/PA) Award for Workforce Expansion to increase the supply of rheumatology healthcare providers. The $25,000 award provides resources, skills, and attitudes needed by NP/PAs to facilitate their integration into a rheumatology practice. Applications are due December 1, 2022 learn more here.

2023-2024 Grant Cycle: Arthritis National Research Foundation (ANRF)

The ANRF is looking for early-career investigators, focusing on areas such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Pediatric Rheumatology, Juvenile Arthritis, Lupus, Psoriatic Arthritis, Gout, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Scleroderma, Fibromyalgia, Uveitis, and other related Rheumatic diseases to apply for a research grant. Applications are due by January 20, 2023 more information available here.

November 29 Webinar: Value-Based Care

Designed for both physicians and staff, join the National Organization of Rheumatology Management (NORM) on November 29 for a webinar to review and analyze value-based contracting. Registration available here.

November 30 Roundtable: Patient & Provider Perspectives on Biosimilars Uptake

Join the Arthritis Foundation, American College of Rheumatology, National Psoriasis Foundation, and American Academy of Dermatology Association for a roundtable on November 30 to discuss patient and provider insights into best practices for patient-centered biosimilar adoption. Registration is required learn more and sign up here.

Stay in the know: Receive State-Specific Updates

As the new legislative session gets underway, be sure you are set up to receive alerts about the issues impacting the rheumatology community in your area.

Click here to add your state and zip code to your email profile today!

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Rheum for Action: A Reflection of CSRO's 2022 Advocacy Efforts

With the end of the year fast approaching, CSRO's Immediate Past President and Vice President of Advocacy & Government Affairs, Dr. Madelaine Feldman, reflects on the successes and frustrations CSRO has seen in 2022 with health policy legislation and regulation and insurance companies, and discusses how this should be used as a catalyst for the year ahead.

Read more in the latest edition of Rheum for Action, CSRO's advocacy column produced in partnership with Rheumatology News (PDF available here).

Read the Article

Connect with CSRO: Follow Us on Social Media

Follow @CSROAdvocacy on Twitter and Facebook and Coalition of State Rheumatology Organizations (CSRO) on LinkedIn to receive real-time updates on relevant legislation and advocacy efforts, along with news and events.

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Legislation Around the Country

What's Happening in the States

CSRO tracks legislative activity relevant to the rheumatology community and their patients – click here to view a full status report.

Be sure to check out our interactive legislative map tool for additional information about current policy in your state.


Accumulator Programs

  • HB 135: Sponsor testimony heard in Senate Health committee

CSRO Resources for You

  • Payer Issues Reporting Form
  • Request assistance with any payer relation issues that may be impacting your patients or office.
  • Legislative Map Tool
  • Find your state on our interactive map tool to learn about current or proposed policy and ways you can take action to make an impact.
  • Action Center
  • Use CSRO's Voter-Voice engagement platform to easily communicate and engage directly with your elected officials.
  • Policy Correspondence Archive
  • Easily access all of CSRO’s policy letters submitted to payers, state, and federal governments as an informational resource.
  • Career Center
  • Locate the perfect fit whether you're looking for new career opportunities or trying to find the right candidate.

Please visit the CSRO website for other news and updates, and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions at [email protected].

Founded in 2003, CSRO is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to improving patient access to care nationwide - donate today.

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