Hello CSS Teens & Parents -
We are officially halfway through summer vacation! I hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather. School may be out, but we've been busy planning lots of fun and great opportunities for you, our teens. Read on for all the updates.....
Madrichim Registration
We have some new and exciting opportunities for our teen madrichim this year. These will include Sunday Morning Classroom helpers, the Madrichim sub pool, Wednesday Hebrew helpers, Yearbook Committee, Tech Team, Bimah Club leaders and MORE.
Be sure you are registered as a Madrichim to get all the updates. A survey to gauge your interests will be sent out to all those registered. This assists us in placing you in a position that will make you happy and benefit all!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! All Madrichim are required to attend training on Sunday, September 8th from 9:30am - 11:00am. All Madrichim parents are asked to attend for the final 15 minutes from 10:45am - 11am. New Madrichim will remain for additional training from 11am - 11:30am. More details will follow soon!