Colorado Safer Schools Initiative (CSSI)

No March Meeting

Next Meeting: April 25, 3:30 - 5:00pm

Dear CO Safer School Initiative Participants and Friends, 

With the busy times of Spring Breaks and the legislative session, there will be no CSSI meeting in March. We will resume our regular meetings in April.

In lieu of a March meeting, we want to offer you an update on the legislation related to school safety. The list below includes bills related to mental health support, educator safety, and community partnerships. Please note that this list may not include every piece of legislation and does not indicate any stance on the bills. We are simply paying attention to these noteworthy bills and wanted to bring them to your attention.  

2024 Colorado Legislation

HB24-1136 - Healthier Social Media Use by Youth: The bill mandates the Department of Education to create a resource bank of evidence-based materials on social media's mental health effects for children and teens in state schools, expanding student wellness programs and engaging stakeholders. Additionally, it requires social media platforms to display warnings to users under 18 who spend excessive time online during late hours.

HB24-1320 - Educator Safety Task Force: The bill would create the Educator Safety Task Force within the Office of School Safety, tasked with reviewing and recommending actions to improve the safety and well-being of public school staff, addressing issues such as laws affecting them, shortages of special education professionals, incidents of aggressive student behavior, and insufficient funding, proposing administrative and statutory changes accordingly.

HB24-1310 - School Safety Measures: The bill would allow school districts, charter schools, or cooperative service boards to hire or contract individuals as school security officers, who must follow specific guidelines and training protocols, including carrying handguns on school premises if they meet certain requirements.

SB24-034 - Access to School Based Health Care: The bill would broaden the school-based health center grant program to include funding for evidence-informed, school-linked health-care services such as primary, behavioral, oral, and preventive health care, delivered through tele-health, mobile services, and referrals to clinics near school grounds.

HB24-1216 - Supports for Youth in Juvenile Justice System: The bill would establish a bill of rights for K-12 students involved with the juvenile or criminal justice system, ensuring they receive a graduation plan, proper credit for completed coursework, and opportunities to participate in school activities or career pathways as per state board of education regulations.

HB24-1331 - Out of Time Grants Program: The legislation aims to establish the Out-of-School Time Program Grant Program (Grant Program), designed to offer grants to qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. These grants would support the provision of academic enrichment and associated services to public school students outside of regular school hours.

SB24-001 - Continue Youth Mental Health Services Program: The bill proposes to extend indefinitely the "I Matter" program, officially known as the Temporary Youth Mental Health Services Program, which is currently set to expire on June 30, 2024.

HB24-1123 - Funding for School Safety Firearm Detection Systems: The bill creates the School Safety Firearm Detection Funding Program in the Office of School Safety, providing funds for school firearm detection software. Local education providers must apply for funding, which is disbursed based on application order, to purchase and operate the software, alerting personnel and first responders to visible, unholstered firearms on school property.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Berrick Abramson at [email protected] or Sue Sava at [email protected]

We look forward to seeing everyone in April!


Berrick, Sue, Jamita, Carrie, Evan & the entire PEBC & Confluence PSG team.

Confluence Policy & Strategy Group | Public Education & Business Coalition

Safer Schools Initiative