CST In Touch - CSTA Springs Into Summer!
News from the CST Alliance
Volume 6, Issue 3
"Moving craniosacral therapy forward!"
Dear CST Friend:

Spring has seen the CST Alliance spring forth in wonderful ways this year. Having just finished another small BE1 class in my clinic yesterday, I paused to reflect on all of the amazing CST activity of the last few weeks:

  • Faculty members Gary, Gina, Charise, and I have all had great classes in our locales -- Canada, the Carolinas, New York, Maine, and Pennsylvania.
  • Sarah and I presented at the Maine Spring AMTA Conference introducing CST to 50 massage therapists.
  • CSTA-CP Certified Practitioners and LMTs Charise Rogosky and Carol Ann Kelsey-Smith represented us at the AMTA Connecticut Conference on April 28.

Our "CLI Class" (Craniosacral-Lymphatic Integration) is receiving exceptional reviews. BE2 level and above students are finding that they can immediately apply what they learn and the improvement in fluid flow body-wide is really startling. Scroll down to learn more about our next CLI class in June.

All of us have been living  our  passion teaching and moving CST forward. I am humbled and grateful to have a core group of fabulous teachers and blossoming student teachers who have found the same joy in sharing the profound power and gentle healing potential of CST. We are helping to make the world a touch better.
I wish you all a fabulous spring into summer. I will be posting some new Cranial Circle essays soon so check us out periodically on the website and remember any student can contact any of our teachers by phone or email with clinical questions. We are available.

Happy Day,
Don Ash, PT, CSTA-CP
NCBTMB #451232-10
New York State Approved
Carol Ann Kelsey-Smith, LMT, CSTA-CP and Charise Rogosky, LMT, CSTA-CP representing the CST Alliance at the AMTA Connecticut Chapter Conference in Bristol, Connecticut on April 28.
This may be your year to experience the transformational life learning offered in the "CST Around Death and Dying" class on the magical island of Star on August 5-8. Learn more
We find employing intentional touch on the lymphatic side of the CSF circulation enhances the effects of each CST session. Our next CLI class will be in Rochester, New Hampshire June 22-24.
The "CST Exploration" workshop on Sunday, April 8 was part of the AMTA Maine Chapter Annual Meeting in Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Don Ash taught the workshop to 50 massage therapists with Sarah Ash assisting.
Two May Classes - Pennsylvania and New Brunswick, Canada:

May 18-20 -  CST Basic Elements 2 "The Cranium"  (BE2)  - Reading-Wyomissing, Pennsylvania - Instructor: Charise Rogosky, LMT, CSTA-CP
May 25-27 -  CST Basic Elements 1 "Rhythm and Dural Tube"  (BE1)  - Moncton (Dieppe), New Brunswick, Canada - Instructor: Gary Keeling, BPE, BSc (PT), CSTA-CP
Learn more about us at our website: