"CST In Touch"
News from the CST Alliance
Volume 8, Issue 2 - May 2020
Greetings all,
We wish to connect all of our students, colleagues and CST practitioners around the country and the world. We know social distancing, hand washing, mask wearing is having a positive effect on keeping the spread of the virus down, but it may be coming at a great cost in the amount of change in all of our lives. As we all experience these changes in lifestyle, we are experiencing hardship, suffering and great insecurity--physically, financially and existentially. Insecurities cause stress, fear and significant autonomic nervous system response. When people become afraid and frightened, the response is often anger, tensions and inflammatory bodily response. We see examples of that in protests, verbal exchanges across the country and around the world. The reticular alarm systems of all of us are on overload. Large increases in abuse, addiction and violence is resulting in an urgent need for the wholistic health and healing that CST can provide.
So, What About Us? Here is the Update on Our Classes
What can and should we do and when? Here is what the CST Alliance is doing. We have postponed any classes originally scheduled for May and June locally, nationally and internationally. Click the button below to see the latest information. Some of the postponed classes have already been re-scheduled for late summer and fall. The classes we have scheduled are classes we intend to hold, but what we do and when is dependent on state and local guidance as well as how safe and willing the public feels about resuming with our gentle touch therapy. We will have sanitary methods and precautions in place for our clinic and for all classes going forward.
New Video: "Frontline Caregiver Strategies for Patients Approaching Life's Final Transition"
As COVID patients are isolated from family and friends, the caregivers are often the last people to be with patients when they pass away. In this six-minute video recorded on Good Friday I share recommendations for frontline caregivers that find themselves with patients that may be approaching life's final transition. There are a few simple things caregivers can do for their patients like being a good listener and truly hearing their patients' fears and concerns. We can assist patients by inviting universal consciousness into their spirit and saying just a few meaningful, peaceful words as they enter the quiet place of their final transition.
Save on Books: Quarantine Discount - 10 Percent Off and Free Shipping
In this time of quarantine it is an opportunity to evaluate our lives, these changes, our values and beliefs. We can also use this time for personal growth. In that effort to be of educational service in some way,  we are offering all of Don's CST books "Lessons From The Sessions" "Body of Water, Ocean of Mind” and our most recently published, "CST Handbook Compendium" at a Quarantine Discount, 10 percent off and free shipping. All of Don's books are reflective, informational and a motivation to return to nature and the natural healing available with CST. The new Handbook Compendium has examples of our entire curriculum as well as free access to Don's videos highlighting topics in the text. Should you decide to get a book, you can pay online. Please be sure to include your snail mail address for mailing when you order.
Reaching Out Via Zoom
As is the tradition with the CST Alliance, we have lots of open discussion, Q&A and personal sharing in our classes. We are all missing that. I know I am. Our retreats are famous for ending each day with "Cranial Dharma," open discussions on topics of interest. Well, we will soon be bringing "Cranial Dharma" to you via "Zoom."   All Cranial Dharma interactive discussions are free, but the space is limited. Look for start up dates and schedules on the website soon. We have a whole program on "CATS: Compassionate Action in Times of Stress" we may offer as well. We have also posted essays on Antisepsis and manual precautions, "Hands and Hair" and "Distance CST?" on our website under "Don's Circle" (or link now below) along with other current topics of interest for these times. I think we need to begin discussions and ideas about how to open our touch therapy practices and move forward. Together, we can come up with best practices.
Click below to read Don's Circle Numbers 60, 61 and 62
Let's Prepare to Be a Point of Service!
As all of us have observed and witnessed firsthand, our lives have been radically changed. Our very survival has been brought into question. Our communities will need us soon, more than ever before. We will be dealing with chronic pain, stress, emotional and physical holding as never before. Together we can study, discuss a plan and prepare to be of service to our communities. Let's unite so we can move CST forward and be a gentle, kind, compassionate force for healing. We invite you to find a way to join us as we try to make this new world a touch better.
Stay smart, stay safe, stay strong, stay kind and stay home as best you can and get ready to be a point of service in YOUR community.

-- Don
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