Volume 4, Issue 3, Summer 2022

CWRTP Training Modality Research Report

Kelley Harris - Program Specialist

Child Welfare Research and Training Project

Iowa State University

Our work at the Child Welfare Research and Training Project did not slow down during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We were busier than ever, transitioning all training to a virtual modality using Zoom. After mastering virtual training for nearly a year, we transitioned back to in-person training. Transitioning back and forth between modalities prompted the question, “does modality impact learning outcome?”

In the items reviewed for this report, there was no significant difference in learning outcomes based on modality. The post-test results were similar in both the virtual and in-person modalities and learners evaluated both modalities equally.  

Each modality has its benefits and challenges. Virtual training increases attendance and accessibility for our statewide audience. In-person training has the human connection and engagement that is not feasible through a computer screen.

“Good training is good training, regardless of how it is provided -anonymous participant.” Our team is equipped with experts who can make any training impactful regardless of modality. We, as a team, are currently utilizing both modalities and continue to grow and learn.

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Quarterly Call Recap

Effective Child Support Customer Service eLearning

Our second quarterly CSTP call of 2022 took place on May 19th at 1pm CST. Holly Sherrard and Mia Sena from Public Knowledge® presented: Effective Child Support Customer Service eLearning.

Public Knowledge® offers a wide variety of eLearning and training opportunities for professionals from in-person, online, and hybrid training solutions to provide the best possible learning outcomes. Through all our courses, we explore soft skills and technical skills to further your abilities to deliver services. We value educating the people who are making a difference in the Child Support Sector. That’s why we created innovative, one-of-a-kind eLearning courses personally designed by Child Support Professionals. They are highly interactive and packed with valuable information which accelerates content retention.

During the presentation, we will explored how to avoid undesirable outcomes in future interactions and how to foster more positive interactions with customers, co-workers, and even personal relationships. We also introduced the principle of unintended bias and explored its meaning, enabling us to see that, while unintended bias is part of the normal human experience, it must be recognized and transformed into cultural competence to neutralize its impact on the delivery of child support services.

You can find links to access our past Conference Calls, volunteer to present at a call, or register to attend our next call (August 18th at 1 pm CST) below.

Recording Archive
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Call Registration
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CSTP Advisory Committee!
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On May 23rd, we had our first CSTP Networking Call! We had a productive conversation about different authoring tools and softwares. These meetings serve as an opportunity for us all to get to know one and other better, share successes, and ask advice from other members on how to improve Child Support trainings. These calls are meant to be open for anyone to share, so there will not be a formal presentation, however, at the end of each call we will pick one topic that we plan to touch on, so if someone would like to prepare something to share, they can. Our next call will be September 22nd, at 1 pm CST and we will discuss our different onboarding curriculum. We hope to see you there!

Meeting Notes
Call Registration
We have CSTP participants in all 50 states!
Click on the map to connect with other members on our LinkedIn page.
Professional Development Opportunities

NCSEA Leadership Symposium 2022,

August 7-10, 2022

Charlotte, NC

Training Magazine’s TechLearn Conference 2022

September 20 - 22, 2022

Austin, TX

NSDTA 2022 Annual Education Conference,

October 16 - 19, 2022

Spokane, WA

DevLearn 2022

October 26 - 28, 2022

Las Vegas, NV

WICSEC 2022 Annual Training Conference

November 6 – 10, 2022

Santa Fe, NM

Training Magazine’s Training 2023 Conference & Expo

February 13 -15, 2023

Orlando, FL

Digital Learning Annual Conference

February 13 -15, 2023

Austin, TX & Online

Learning Solutions Conference & Expo,

April 12 - 14, 2023

Orlando, FL

ATD International Conference & Expo,

May 21 - 24, 2023

San Diego, CA 

ERICSA 2022 Annual Training Conference,

May 22 - 26, 2023

Savannah, GA

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