Volume 4, Issue 2, Spring 2022
A Message From the CSTP Coordinator
Jenny Parker - Instructional Designer,
Child Welfare Research and Training Project
Iowa State University
We have had quite a few new members join CSTP in the last few months. Every time I see a new member joining, I am so thrilled! I myself am new to the world of child support training, which is why I am so excited to get to know you all. I've recorded a video message, which gives all the details on how to get involved with CSTP. This partnership is great because of all of you! If you still have questions, please reach out to me at jparker1@iastate.edu. I hope to hear from you soon!
We are looking for more members on our
CSTP Advisory Committee!
Click on the button below to sign up!
Quarterly Call Recap
Parentage: The Child Parent Security Act from New York
Our first quarterly CSTP call of 2022 took place on February 10th at 1pm CST. Ann-Marie Yeates from the New York State presented: Parentage - The Child-Parent Security Act (CPSA). This training program was a continuation of November’s presentation by Atticus Ranck and Rob Curry, “Everyone Deserves to have a Family.”.

The Child-Parent Security Act (CPSA), signed into law on April 3, 2020, took effect on February 15, 2021. The CPSA legalizes gestational surrogacy and provides a simple path to establish legal parental rights for parents who rely on assisted reproductive technology (ART) to have children.

You can find all of the past CSTP Calls using the link below. Join us for our next quarterly call on May 19th, at 1 p.m. CST.
If you are interested in volunteering to present on a future call, please fill out the CSTP Submission form below.
A Look Ahead
Our next quarterly conference call will be presented by Holly Sherrard and Mia Sena from Public Knowledge® on: Effective Child Support Customer Service eLearning.

Public Knowledge® offers a wide variety of eLearning and training opportunities for professionals from in-person, online, and hybrid training solutions to provide the best possible learning outcomes. Through all our courses, we explore soft skills and technical skills to further your abilities to deliver services. We value educating the people who are making a difference in the Child Support Sector. That’s why we created innovative, one-of-a-kind eLearning courses personally designed by Child Support Professionals. They are highly interactive and packed with valuable information which accelerates content retention.

Join us on May 19th when we show highlights from Effective Child Support Customer Service eLearning. We will explore how to avoid undesirable outcomes in future interactions and how to foster more positive interactions with customers, co-workers, and even personal relationships. We will also introduce the principle of unintended bias and explore its meaning, enabling you to see that, while unintended bias is part of the normal human experience, it must be recognized and transformed into cultural competence to neutralize its impact on the delivery of child support services.
We have CSTP participants in all 50 states!
Click on the map to connect with other members on our LinkedIn page.
Professional Development Opportunities
April 20 -22, 2022
Orlando, FL

May 15 - 18, 2022
Orlando, FL 

May 22 - 26, 2022
New Orleans, LA

August 7-10, 2022
Charlotte, NC

September 20 - 22, 2022
Austin, TX
October 26 - 28, 2022
Las Vegas, NV

November 6 – 10, 2022
Santa Fe, NM

February 13 -15, 2023
Orlando, FL

February 13 -15, 2023
Austin, TX & Online
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