Cheers to Earth Month
For those of you who know me, I think every month is Earth Month which is why I love my job. I get to encourage kids of all ages to be stewards of this incredible earth by helping them (and hopefully inspiring them) to be the best environmental champions they can be.
There are many ways schools can celebrate Earth Month. Maybe your school has signed up for the Recycle Rally challenge or your students have submitted posters to Vermont's Green Up Day contest. This year CSWD is focused on reducing food waste, a topic near and dear to my own heart. We will be offering a backyard compost workshop and a public tour of our compost facility to help folks understand the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling food waste.
Here are two more great ideas on how to get your school involved:
Food Waste Prevention Week Poster Contest
Plastic Free Lunch Day
I am very excited to collaborate with several other solid waste experts throughout Vermont this year to bring another opportunity of learning in the Earth Month EduSeries starting March 27th. You can get more info and register your class in the Upcoming Events section below. I hope you will join us.
No matter how you celebrate Earth Month, your efforts to raise awareness about our responsibilities to take better care of this magical planet are appreciated.
Peace & Good Health--Recycle Rhonda