CT-AIMH Newsletter Late Fall "Preparing"
Hello Infant and Early Childhood Advocates, Providers, Policy Makers and other Stakeholders! It is surely time to P repare ...to prepare for our coming winter here in the Northeast, to prepare for changes in the local political landscape as we vote on November 5th (tomorrow!), to prepare for the needs of refugee families who will need our help as they settle in Connecticut, to prepare for Endorsement ®, perhaps, and most certainly to prepare for a better and deeper understanding of what it means to be an infant and early childhood mental health professional. Join us this Fall for infant and early childhood mental health activities...wishing you strength in preparing .
Thursday, November 21, 2019, 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
at The Woodwinds in Branford, CT
Embedding the Diversity-Informed Tenets into Your Work with Infants, Children, and Families. Increase Your Self-Awareness & Reflective Capacity about Diversity, and Find Your Voice as a Champion for Children
with Carmen Rosa Noroña, Kandace Thomas, and Rebecca Shahmoon-Shanok
5-day Reflective Supervision (RS) Training Series: Deepens RS Understanding and Skills
Thirty-two participants completed the 5-session Reflective Supervision Series this fall building capacity and competency in infant and early childhood mental health practice and supervision. Congratulations to those practitioners for being a part of the movement to "hold" the workforce and improve infant and early childhood mental health practice. This training series was supported by the CT Department of Children and Families' PROJECT LAUNCH and the CT Office of Early Childhood.
Deb Weatherston, Ph.D., IMH-E® IV and Hanna Brinkhaus, LCSW reconnect at a networking event during the Reflective Supervision series after working together in Michigan.
Infant Mental Health Child Care Provider Training Series in Spanish!
This Fall we have offered two Infant Mental Health series trainings open to any child care staff in Connecticut; a 4-session series in Hartford and a 7-session series in Waterbury. The Hartford series was translated and co-facilitated in Spanish! Training modules include Introduction to Infant Mental Health, Attachment, Brain Development, Temperament, Sensory Integration, Separation, Partnering with Families, The Importance of Play, Attachment Environments, Child Development and Behavior, Screening and Reflective Practice. Anne Giordano, MA, IMH-E® is the lead facilitator for these training events. Karen Martinez and Jolie Garfinkel co-facilitate the Spanish language series. The trainings are offered at no cost to child care staff and stipends were made available to support substitute teachers availing the child care staff to attend.
The Raising of America: Early Childhood and the Future of Our Nation
We would love to share with you this incredible documentary film- two more episodes will be viewed; these are free educational film events sponsored by
CT-AIMH's Promotion & Education Committee. Please join us if you are able.
A huge thank you to our organizational sponsors!
  • The Connecticut Women's Consortium
  • The Coalition for Child Development Education
  • Hamden's Partnership for Young Children
  • Connecticut PTA
Susan Radway, Ed.D.
Executive Director, The Riverfront Children's Center, Inc. and Margaret Holmberg, Ph.D., IMH-E®, CT-AIMH Past President reconnect at The Raising of America documentary film event on October 21st at the Women's Consortium.
The World Association for Infant Mental Health 2020 Congress in Brisbane, Australia
The Brisbane Congress "Creating stories in Infant Mental Health: research, recovery, and regeneration" will convene June 7-11, 2020. Early bird registration until March. Call for abstracts #WAIMH2020 or visit WAIMH 2020 Congress Website
A Plea to Stop Separation at the Border from The Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health
The Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health ® is a global organization that includes infant mental health associations who offer the credential: Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health ® .
Testimony & Statements by Harvard Center on the Developing Child Director Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D.
Watch the recording of Dr. Shonkoff’s oral testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Published by the Immigration Initiative at Harvard as part of its Issue Brief Series
U.S. Congressional Testimony (February 7, 2019)
Delivered at the Hearing on Migrant Family Separation Policy, House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Released by Dr. Shonkoff and the Center on the Developing Child in response to the U.S. separating families at the southern border.
CT-AIMH Leadership and Members attend Zero to Three Conference earlier this month!
Susan Vater, Ed.M., CT-AIMH Board President attended the Zero to Three conference this year along with many other Connecticut professionals!
Susan Vater, Ed.M., CT-AIMH Board President and Jen Vendetti, LMSW, CT-AIMH Board Member crossed paths at The Diplomat Hotel in Florida as Susan arrives to the Zero to Three Conference and Jen leaves after attending the Zero to Three Growing Brain training of trainers. Both serve on the CT-AIMH Board of Directors.
Why do YOU Celebrate Babies?
Celebrate Babies
Each year we take a moment to Celebrate Babies along with the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health and other Associations of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health. During the week of October 21-25th, we asked members to share their reflections. The Survey will continue to be open until November 8th. Two members will be randomly selected from the survey to be our guest at the Fall Conference! Celebrate Babies Survey Link
Connecticut Infant Mental Health Leaders Publish in Zero to Three Journal
Grace Whitney, Ph.D., MPA, IMH-E (past CT-AIMH board member) and Rebecca Cuevas, LMSW (current CT-AIMH board member) highlight the needs of families with infants and young children who are experiencing homelessness in the March issue of the Zero to Three Journal. In Better Together: An Early Head Start Partnership Supporting Families in Recovery Experiencing Homelessness. Whitney and Cuevas uncover the needs of this vulnerable family population and share programmatic and policy strategies in Early Head Start programs.

Congratulations Grace, Rebecca, fellow authors, Zero to Three staff and all who worked on this publication!

You have opened our hearts and minds to the issues facing families with young children who are experiencing homelessness! Zero to Three Journal- March Issue