CT-AIMH Newsletter Early Spring 2019 "Awakenings"
Registration is Available for the CT-AIMH Spring Conference with Dr. Bruce Perry
CT-AIMH Policy & Advocacy Committee Supports Paid Family Leave in Connecticut!
CT-AIMH Board Vice President and Retired Pediatrician Jerry Calnen with fellow CT-AIMH Board member Jen Vendetti participated in Paid Family Leave advocacy on Inauguration Day at the State Capital.
CT-AIMH Supports Paid Family Leave!  
A foundation of our work with children and families is the promotion of infant and young child mental health by means of protecting and promoting the nurturing relationship between the child and the primary caregiver. Time is required to safeguard such a relationship, yet time is the one thing too many working families simply do not have. That is why the Connecticut Association for Infant Mental Health supports the proposed paid family leave legislation currently before the state legislature.
For more information or to read more about Paid Family Leave:
Please, view the CT Campaign for Paid Family Leave website and/or
ask your state representative or state senator about HB 5003 (House Bill) and SB 1 (Senate Bill). 
Connecticut Infant Mental Health Leaders Publish in Zero to Three Journal
Grace Whitney, Ph.D., MPA, IMH-E (past CT-AIMH board member) and Rebecca Cuevas, LMSW (current CT-AIMH board member) highlight the needs of families with infants and young children who are experiencing homelessness in the March issue of the Zero to Three Journal. In Better Together: An Early Head Start Partnership Supporting Families in Recovery Experiencing Homelessness. Whitney and Cuevas uncover the needs of this vulnerable family population and share programmatic and policy strategies in Early Head Start programs.

Congratulations Grace, Rebecca, fellow authors, Zero to Three staff and all who worked on this publication!

You have opened our hearts and minds to the issues facing families with young children who are experiencing homelessness! Zero to Three Journal- March Issue
CT-AIMH Launches NEW Facebook Page!
The CT-AIMH Promotion & Education Committee has added an online medium to house and disseminate CT-AIMH activities and work, as well as that of our partners!
Be sure to "LIKE US!"
 Thank you Carlita Elias, Heather Bonitz-Moore and
Shannon Queiroga for working on this effort!
Become More Familiar with the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health...
The Connecticut Association for Infant Mental Health (CT-AIMH) is a founding member of the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health, and as a member, CT-AIMH belongs to a community of thirty US states and two countries; Australia and Ireland!

CT-AIMH Members Receive Member Discounts in the MI-AIMH Store!
Check out the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health online store. Please, know that if you are a CT-AIMH member
then you can enjoy the MI-AIMH online store membership prices!

In a previous newsletter, we introduced you to our Board President, Susan Vater, and her work with the Infant-Toddler Developmental Assessment (IDA). We would like to clarify that the IDA was developed by Sally Provence, MD and colleagues at Yale as an interagency project with co-authors Joanna Erikson MPH, Susan Vater Ed.M, and Saro Palmeri MD. The IDA2 Edition added co-authors Kyle Pruett MD and Jennifer Rosinia OTR/L, Ph.D.. For more information, visit https://www.ida-institute.org/about.html.