All LMS users will be required to take the following mandatory online training:
- CT HMIS Privacy and Security (est. duration 20 min.)
- CT HMIS End User Agreement (EUA) (est. duration 12 min.)
The CT HMIS training curriculum has been designed to adhere to the requirements outlined in the HMIS Policy & Procedure Manual while also automating and streamlining the process as much as possible. The Privacy and Security training has been removed from all Instructor Led Courses (ILC) so that it can be taken once by each user and will not be repeated in every role based course. The End User Agreement (EUA) is also required in order for users to access the CT HMIS database. This form can now be reviewed and filled out electronically via the LMS. A PDF copy of the EUA will be attached to each user’s account and can be downloaded at any time from their course transcript. Once these mandatory courses have been completed, users will have access to the complete CT HMIS Catalog of available courses.
An additional feature that was developed to assist users with their CT HMIS training was a completely NEW and improved LMS Training Database for the CaseWorthy application. Our amazing development team created a dynamic training database that can be accessed by all CT HMIS users at any time to enhance their online self paced training and Instructor Led Courses (ILC).
Below is a summary of the pathway for CT HMIS database users to access the LMS and attend training in order to gain access for their designated role(s) in the CT HMIS database. Please note that items with an asterisk ** are a one time step in the process. Once a user has access to the LMS and the LMS Training database, they can log in and take training as needed.
User Set Up (LMS & LMS Training Database)
**LMS Registration Form (submitted by user or HDC) - All new users will also receive a brief video from the help desk LMS New User Quick Start Video
Designation of Access Form (submitted by HDC and required for new users and existing users that require additional roles in the CT HMIS database)
- **Welcome to CT HMIS Learning Management System (LMS) - email sent to new user
- **CT HMIS Privacy & Security online course
- **CT HMIS End User Agreement (EUA) online course
- **Support team reviews EUA and creates user account for the LMS Training Database (must have DOA for new CT HMIS database users)
LMS Training Platform
- LMS user reviews course catalog for self paced and Instructor Led Courses (Note: At this time, Instructor Led Courses are the required pathway to gain access to the CT HMIS database and additional roles.)
- LMS user enrolls in self-paced or Instructor Led Course relevant to their role required for the CT HMIS database (if user is unsure please contact your HDC)
- LMS user completes any prerequisite courses required BEFORE an Instructor Led Course (NOTE: there are prerequisite courses that the user should take before the Instructor Led Course. These were designed to be taken only once and will reduce the Instructor Led Course time, especially for users that may need to take multiple courses for their roles.)
- LMS user attends Instructor Led Course (Note: The LMS Training Database will be used during this course so attendees can participate with hands-on instructor led training.)
Upon completion of training, Designation of Access (DOA) forms will be processed.
We are excited to bring you this new training platform. As with any major change, at the beginning, it may seem unfamiliar and overwhelming. We will work through this transition together to ensure everyone can access and utilize the LMS. If you have any questions or issues, please email
Thank you.