January 2020
E-newsletter highlighting grant deadlines, upcoming workshops and available resources for municipal recycling and solid waste leaders.
CT Organics Law - UPDATE

J anuary 1, 2020 triggered a change in the commercial organics recycling law ( CGS Sec. 22a-226e ). The law says that commercial food wholesalers or distributors, industrial food manufacturer or processor, supermarket, resort or conference center, that ALSO generate a projected annual volume of 52 tons or more per year of source separated organic material, AND you are located within 20 miles of a  permitted recycling facility  that can accept that material, then you must ensure that those materials are recycled.  
First, determine that your business is in fact subject to the commercial organics recycling law (see above). Even if it is not subject to the law, the more food scrap a business reduces or diverts from disposal, the greater their savings can be. There are a number of ways that a business can comply with the law.

These can include any combination of the following:
  • Reducing the generation of wasted food through more efficient food service operations. Some entities have been able to reduce their food residuals by half through these efforts;
  • Donate servable food to shelters, food pantries, and food rescue operations;
  • Use an on-site system to compost or anaerobically digest food scrap;
  • Work with your current hauler or another hauler to send separated food scrap for animal feed;
  • Work with your current hauler or another hauler to send separated food scrap to an anaerobic digestion or composting facility.

If you have questions, please contact  Caren Harder at 860-424-3277.
Organics Recycling Webinar Series
Hosted by DEEP

Preventing/Reducing Food Waste and
Recovering Food for People

JANUARY 27, 2020
2pm – 3:30pm

  • Max Mlinar, Phood, Inc. – applications for food service industry, cafeterias and schools
  • Lori Martin, Haven's Harvest – food recovery
  • Michelle McCabe, FEED, The Council of Churches for Greater Bridgeport - 'value added' to recovered food

Upcoming Webinars:

FEBRUARY 24 at 2pm – 3:30pm
Changes to CT's Organics Recycling Law: Are You In Compliance?
Registration Coming Soon

MARCH 16 at 2pm – 3:30pm
Collecting food scraps for composting and/or anaerobic digestion
Registration Coming Soon
2020 CT Recycling Conference

Thursday, January 30, 2020
8:00am - 4:00pm
The Hartford Club, Hartford, CT

·     We are excited to announce our keynote speaker: Curtis Spalding, the former EPA Region 1 Administrator under President Obama, is now at Brown University's Institute at Brown for Environment and Society.
·     Our panel preview of the 2020 Session of the CT General Assembly will include Senators Will Haskell (D) and Craig Minor (R) and Representaives Mike Demicco (D) and Stephen G. Harding (R). With three of the four top leaders on the Environment committee, you'll get tremendous insight into this session's challenges.
·     Opening remarks from CT Speaker of the House Joe Aresimowicz , who recently appointed the House Speaker's Blue Ribbon Panel on Recycling.
·     Jonathan Gold of the Gold Group and Kristen Brown of WasteZero will face off on the pro's and con's of "pay as you throw" programs.
    Our panel discussion "MRFs, Municipalities and Tip Fees" is sure to draw interest from city and town officials looking to forecast their recycling budgets. Panelists include Tom Gaffey (MIRA), Tom Devivo (Willimantic Waste), Jonathan Murray (Murphy Road Recycling), Jen Heaton-Jones (HRRA) and John Phillips (West Hartford).
·     What is the future of the Bottle Bill here in Connecticut? Listen to Chuck Riegle of Tomra, Steve Changaris of NWRA and Kevin Budris of the Conservation Law Foundation discuss how the Bottle Bill fits in 2020 and what could be done to improve how it works.


Adding Food Waste to a Yard Trimmings Compost Facility

The Center for EcoTechnology and BioCycle developed this resource in response to inquiries each organization received from municipal operators considering adding food waste to yard trimmings composting sites.

The Community Toolkit helps operators determine whether introducing food waste to their operation is a good fit. Topics covered include: why an operation may want to expand, evaluation of the existing site, best practices for composting food waste, collection and hauling consideration, regulatory requirements, types of food waste, economic considerations, and compost markets.
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging & Paper Products
NEW Fact Sheet

NERC, in collaboration with the Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association (NEWMOA) have published a new fact sheet about Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging and Paper Products: The Basics.

This new resource is part of a join initiative to provide an unbiased educational basis for conversation and decision-making about Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging and Paper Products (EPR for PPP). This fact sheet is designed to communicate basic information about this complex topic. 
Missed the Packaging Webinar Series hosted by NERC?

Canadian Packaging EPR webinar, October 24. 2019 Recording

US Regulatory Strategies for Packaging webinar, September 11, 2019 Recording

European Packaging EPR webinar, December 5, 2019 Recording.
Archived Municipal Recycling Coordinators E-News and Webinars

Missed the last newsletter on product stewardship or a recent webinar? Look for archived webinars and e-newsletters on the CT DEEP webpage.
What's IN? What's OUT?
Recent Questions from CT residents & Added to RecycleCT Wizard
CT In the News

Connecticut Screen Printer Creates Zero Waste Shop (Advertising Specialty Institute, December 5)

Why you pay 10 cents for paper bags in CT (Middletown Press, November 21)
CT sues over illegal asbestos site (Yale Daily News, November 19)
‘Witching hour’ accidents (The Wilton Bulletin, November 14)
Town of Wilton Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Poster Contest (Wilton’s HamletHub, November 1)
 Upcoming Events: 

January 7th & 28th - February 18, 2020 - 6:00pm - 9:00pm - Worm Composting Workshop Series. Worm Composting: A Practical Training for Your Farm. River COG, 145 Dennison Road, Essex, CT. For more information. Hosted by CT NOFA.

January 9, 2020 - 8:30am - 12:30pm - Sustainable Waste Management: How Do We Get There? Quinebaug Valley Community College, Danielson, CT. For more information. Hosted by NECCOG.

January 21, 2020 - 1:00pm - 2:15pm - Best Management Practices for Community Composting Team Building webinar. For more information. Hosted by NERC.

January 28, 2020 - 9:00 am - 11:30am - Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) meeting. CT DEEP, Hartford. For more information, including how to join remotely. Hosted by CT DEEP.

January 30, 2020 - 8:00am - 4:00pm -  2020 Connecticut Recycling Conference. The Hartford Club, Hartford.  For more information . Hosted by the CT Recyclers Coalition.

February 4, 2020 - 7:00pm -  What's IN, What's OUT recycling presentation. Wilton Public Library, Wilton. For more information. Hosted by Wilton Go Green.     

March 4, 2020 - 6:30pm -  What's IN, What's OUT recycling presentation. Avon Free Public Library, Avon. For more information. Hosted by Avon Free Public Library.   

March 23, 2020 -  CT Compost Conference. CCSU, New Britain, CT.  More info TBA. Hosted by a coalition of CT NOFA, CT ARCD and other compost enthusiasts.

March 29, 2019 - 11:00am - 4:00pm -  Zero Waste Faire & Sustainable Living Expo. Wilton High School Field House, Wilton.  For more information.

March 30, 2020 - 6:30pm -  What's IN, What's OUT recycling presentation. Lucy Robbins Welles Library, Newington. Hosted by Newington DPW.    

April 21-22, 2020 NERC's Spring '20 Conference . Rocky Hill.  For more information Hosted by the Northeast Recycling Council.

April 28-29, 2020 Community Based Social Marketing. Bridgeport. For more information. Hosted by the Long Island Sound Study.    
Have an idea or topic for future municipal recycling webinar? Let us know what you and your colleagues would like to learn more about. Contact Sherill Baldwin.

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. To request an accommodation contact us at (860) 418-5910 or [email protected].
CT DEEP | Source Reduction & Recycling Group | 860-424-4193 | www.ct.gov/deep/recycle