October 2018
E-newsletter highlighting grant deadlines, upcoming workshops and available resources for municipal recycling and solid waste leaders.
CT DEEP Webinar

Writing Effective Ordinances:
It's All About the Bags
Monday, October 22, 2018
3:00 - 4:00pm

Hate litter? Want to reduce marine debris? Wish everyone would bring a reusable bag from home? Want to create an incentive for folks to not use single-use bags? Want more plastic bags and film to be recycled? Wish all bags had recycled-content in them?  Once you have your goals in place, how do you get others to support it?  How do you educate and inform your neighbors?

Please join us and learn more about writing effective ordinance language to help you meet your goals and lessons for how to get a local ordinance passed in your community.

Sherill Baldwin, CT DEEP
Jennie Romer, Esq.
Liz Milwe, In The Bag (invited)
Jeanine Behr Getz, BYO Greenwich (invited)

Who Should Attend?
 •Recycling/Sustainability coordinators; DPW/Sustainability Directors
 •CT environmental leaders & activists
 •Members of recycling/solid waste/sustainability commissions/committees
 •CT Environmental Educators, teachers and school representatives

Prepare for the webinar

For more information contact Sherill Baldwin
CT DEEP Webinar

CT Municipal Compliance Check-In

Monday, October 29, 2018
2:00 - 3:00pm

Review CMMS goals and target dates, minimum requirements for municipalities, quantifying waste diversion and waste reduction. In addition, a review on municipal ordinances and their role in waste reduction, the annual municipal recycling report and survey and statewide capacity issues.

Peter Brunelli, CT DEEP

Facilitated by Jennifer Weymouth, CT DEEP

Who Should Attend:
  • DPW/Sustainability directors
  • Recycling/Sustainability coordinators
  • Chief-elected officials
  • Members of recycling/solid waste/sustainability commissions/committees

CT Glass Collection Pilot Overview
(Adapted from Chris Nelson's powerpoint, Glass Collection Pilot Overview presented at SWAC, September 25, 2018)

Historically, glass was first collected for recycling separately by color. Then glass colors were mixed together and eventually mixed glass of all colors was with other containers when most communities changed to dual stream collection; collecting containers in one bin, fiber (paper) in another. With industry-driven comingling of all recyclables aka single stream or mixed recycling becoming the norm, glass-related cross-contamination has also become the norm. Glass processed at Material Recovery Facilities (MRF) is often contaminated with small bits of plastic, metal, paper and organics and pieces of glass can contaminated bales of other commodities. As a result, a new category "MRF glass" was born, to distinguish it from cleaner glass from the bottle bill/deposit program or secondary glass processing facilities.

In Connecticut, MRF glass is often used as "alternative daily cover" (ADC) at landfills. Using glass as ADC is not considered recycling in Connecticut. However, pursuant to CGS 22a-208z, crushed glass can be used as cover material if the glass cannot be marketed as a cullet for remelt.

2018 has been a tough year for all recyclables, but especially glass. The closing of the Adragh Glass Bottling facility in Mass was a big blow. Strategic materials has strong markets still but only for bottle bill glass. Although the "value" of glass in a mixed ton has remained somewhat level over the years, glass appears to be getting blamed for the rising costs for the tipping of mixed recyclables.

Last legislative session  Public Act 18-181 calling for revisions of certain environmental programs passed and is effective October 1, 2018. Section 12 outlines a new initiative that requires the Department to authorize a two-year pilot program for the collection of glass upon the request of a municipality.

DEEP has drafted guidelines for municipalities to follow when submitting an Glass Pilot Participation Application. Pilot programs should include detailed information regarding several elements of a glass diversion pilot program.

Pilot Program Elements
  1. Overview
  2. Data Collection & Metrics
  3. Glass Recycling Convenience
  4. Pilot Compliance with Existing Recycling laws
  5. Fiscal Costs & Benefits of a Pilot Program
  6. Outreach/Education
  7. Pilot Partners

The purpose of this Pilot Program is to evaluate alternative options for glass collection that result in more glass actually being recycled (an not ending up as ADC). At the same time, any pilot programs should not end up being a step backwards, resulting in more glass disposed of in the trash. This is a key concept since glass is a designated (mandated) recyclable material. 

DEEP has no funding to assist towns with a pilot program. Potential pilot towns should propose a robust pilot plan that responds to the application questions in great detail. 

Glass Pilot Participation Application - coming soon

Contact Chris Nelson with any additional questions.
What's IN? What's OUT?
Recent Questions from CT residents
Can I Recycle Plastic Can Carriers - 4 pack on beer?

These items are OUT of Connecticut's mixed recycling program. While some versions have "Please Recycle" on them, others have chasing arrows, these are not acceptable in the mixed recycling program.

Kudos to this company, for making this product out of 100% recycled high density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic. Buying recycled and supporting companies that make products or their packaging from recycled feedstock is a great way to help strengthen local market development.


Acceptable in CT's mixed recycling program
Baby wipe containers - are these okay?

My first response was yes - they are IN! But then a colleague (a mother) pointed out that baby wipes come in different types of containers.

The hard rigid plastic containers that baby wipes are sold in are IN - acceptable in the CT's mixed recycling program.

The soft "stretch" plastic film are OUT and should go in the trash. 


 These should go in the trash!
CT In the News
Local waterways cleaned up by river conservancy (Journal Inquirer, September 28)
South Windsor Wants to Bring Bio-Recycling To Town (Hartford Courant, September 26)
Catching Recyclables Before the Football Game (UCONN Today, September 17)
Little farmers learn to plant and grow at Yale Farm ( Yale Daily News, September 17)
International Coastal Cleanup Day Saturday (Aspetuck News, September 13)
Recycler's Expansion Bid Sparks Environmental Justice Debate (New Haven Independent, September 11)
Bag ban into effect Wednesday (Greenwich Times, September 10)
Waste facility plan proves controversial (Yale News, September 5)
Study to focus on plastics in Sound (Greenwich Times, August 27)
     Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, October 17, 2018 - 7:00-9:00pm - Zero Waste Schools Coalition meeting , Middlebrook School cafeteria, 131 School Road, Wilton. Hosted by Wilton Zero Waste Schools. For more information visit WZWS website or email Tammy Thornton , Coalition Chairperson.

NEW! Monday, October 22, 2018 - 2:00-3:00pm - Writing Effective Ordinances: It's All About the Bags webinar. Speakers: Jennie Romer, Esq. and Sherill Baldwin. Hosted by CT DEEP.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018 - 9:30-11:30am - Solid Waste Advisory Committee Meeting . CT DEEP, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT.  Additional Information, including agenda . In person or virtually. All welcome. Hosted by CT DEEP.

NEW! Monday, October 29, 2018 - 2:00-3:00pm - CT Municipal Recycling Compliance Check-In webinar. Join Pete Brunelli and Chris Nelson to review municipal requirements, goals and target dates. Hosted by CT DEEP.

October 30-31, 2018  The Future of MRFs conference, NERC's Fall Conference. Rocky Hill, Connecticut. Hosted by the Northeast Recycling Council.

October 31, 2018  - 11am - 12:30pm Global Best Practices: Packaging EPR's Role in Advancing the Circular Economy webinar, NERC's Fall Conference. Rocky Hill, Connecticut. Hosted by the Northeast Recycling Council.
Have an idea or topic for future municipal recycling conference call/webinar? Let us know what you and your colleagues would like to learn more about. Contact Sherill Baldwin .
CT DEEP | Source Reduction & Recycling Group | 860-424-4193 | www.ct.gov/deep/recycle