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Logo: CT State Library Division of Library Development

Monthly News & Updates

August 2022 | Vol. 6 No. 8

Initiatives & Announcements

Middletown Library Service Center – We’re Open AND No Appointment Needed!

Beginning Monday, August 1st, visitors to the Middletown Library Service Center (MLSC) no longer need an appointment.  

Visitors are kindly asked to check in and out at the front window with our new Administrative Assistant, Suzanne Vick. 

Visitors to MLSC are welcome to browse the collection, check out items, and return materials during our open business hours of 8 am-4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.  

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Photo of sign with text: Come In We're Open

DEEP Seeks Comment on Broadband Spending Plans 

The State of CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), the agency responsible for overseeing the broadband program to be funded by the federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program, has opened a comment period

As you know, the BEAD funding is intended to support broadband infrastructure deployment and your town may want to comment on this aspect of the program. However, the Notice of Funding Opportunity for the BEAD program includes a section about potential spending called “Non-Deployment Uses” (pp. 39-40). This section says that eligible non-deployment uses may include, but are not limited to, training on digital safety, telehealth services, implementation of digital equity plans, broadband sign-up assistance and technology support, multi-lingual outreach to support adoption, prisoner education, digital navigators, and direct subsidies toward broadband subscription. Another eligible use of BEAD funds around broadband adoption includes programs to provide affordable internet-capable devices.

The deadline for written comments is August 26, 2022. CT Libraries and Partners for Digital Equity (CTLPDE) will be sending a comment template in the second week of August.  


  • Sign up if you are interested in joining CTLPDE.
  • For questions about CTLPDE, contact Christine Gauvreau, [email protected] or (860) 704-2224. 
Logo: CT Libraries & Partners for Digital Equity, A program of the CT State Library

E-Rate News

1. Did you apply for an E-Rate discount for internet service? Do you use the CT Libraries Fiber Consortium Request for Proposal and Form 470 for ISP? 


  • Please fill it out, put it on your library’s letterhead, and send by US mail to Christine Gauvreau, Middletown Library Service Center, 786 South Main Street, Middletown, CT 06457 by August 15, 2022. DO NOT send to Deborah Schander, CT State Librarian in Hartford.  

2. The CT State Library will no longer be posting a Request for Proposal or Form 470 for fiber builds to the library. The state grant program is no longer accepting applications for non-discounted dark fiber IRU costs and so we are removing ourselves from the competitive bidding process for fiber construction. The CT State Library WILL continue to post a Request for Proposal and Form 470 for internet service for all CT libraries that file a Letter of Agency with us.  

New CT Pages!

Watch the new CT Pages and meet Leshawn McFarlan, Adult & Information Services Librarian for Careers, Education and Financial Literacy Services at the Ferguson Library in Stamford who shares her experience creating and delivering a suite of financial literacy and career and college readiness programs. Leshawn offers Budgeting 101 covering things like spending habits, budget creation, and all about credit as well as Resume Keywords for Online Job Applications. And there is more coming! Leshawn is launching Financial Literacy for Families (teach kids with piggy banks and chores!) and growing the class roster with partners to cover topics like loans, social security, and more. Wonderful learning opportunities for us all! 

CT Pages is a channel for sharing community engagement success stories by libraries with and for their communities. We partner with CT libraries to create and release short video conversations with the library staff who make things happen. 

Do you have a creative program, service, activity, partnership, or project that you want to share with your library neighbors? We are always seeking submissions for consideration – Submit your idea!

Graphic: CT Pages logo with 2 graphics of job, financial, education and career icons. Other details in the main text.
Logo: CT State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

CT Library for the Blind Outreach Request Form

Interested in learning more about the services and resources of the Connecticut State Library for the Blind (LBPH) and how they can benefit your library patrons? LBPH offers virtual and in-person outreach sessions for library staff. Sessions can be offered to individuals, departments, or the entire staff of a library. 

To learn more or schedule an outreach session for your library, complete the LBPH Outreach Request form, now available on the LBPH website. LBPH staff will follow up with outreach form submissions within 1-2 business days to discuss your request.

Photo: BARD smartphone display in person's right hand

Digital Equity News

From the IMLS to the Digital Inclusion Community 

Dear Community:

The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Fiscal Year 2023 Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) for National Leadership Grants for Libraries and Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Programs are currently accepting applications.

IMLS is an independent agency of the United States federal government established in 1996. It is the main source of federal support for libraries and museums within the United States, having the mission to create strong libraries and museums that connect people with information and ideas.

IMLS over the past several years has strategically funded a wide variety of institutional types in the area of digital inclusion/digital equity. IMLS’s efforts in this area have been to promote the use of technology, expand broadband access, and focus on digital literacy (skills) training directly mapped to outputs/outcomes for economic and workforce development; proper and equitable distribution of medical/health information; and the promotion of anchor institutions to facilitate education and an informed civic population.

Please let me know if you have questions about opportunities for funding digital inclusion and digital equity via IMLS. If you’d like to schedule a date/time for formal consultation please use this link:

For direct information about IMLS funding:

Sincere thanks,

James Neal

Senior Program Officer

Logo: Institute of Museum and Library Services

Professional Development & Continuing Education

Workshops & Programs

How to Complete the 2022 Public Library Annual Report

Wednesday, August 17 | 3-4:15 pm


Maria Bernier, State Data Coordinator, will provide an overview of the 2022 Public Library Annual Report: how to use the Excel form, changes to questions and form layout, what goes where, and some common mistakes and misconceptions. The 2022 Annual Report form will be released in mid-July and is due on November 1 by 4:00 pm.

Graphic: Because CT's Libraries Want to Remain Ahead of the Curve.

Making Instructional Videos with WeVideo

Thursday, August 18 | 9:30-11 am 


If your library has databases or apps available for patron use, chances are you’d like to make a video explaining how to access them. Learn to make instructional videos to promote your electronic resources using the WeVideo online site with this hands-on workshop. Learn about the WeVideo environment, then try two different techniques to make instructional videos. Since this is a small group class, participants will need a computer with a camera and microphone so they can share thoughts and ask questions throughout the class. This is a beginner class - it is helpful if participants are comfortable with downloading things from the internet and adding web browser plugins.

Participants will receive info about signing up for a free WeVideo account before the workshop. 

Logo: WeVideo

Intro to Canva

Tuesday, August 23 | 9:30-11 am 


Learn how to make logos, web images, and flyers using the online design site Canva. In this hands-on workshop, participants will learn about the Canva environment and design elements. Participants will work on their own designs during the workshop and will finish the class with projects they can use at their library. Since this is a small group workshop, participants will need a computer with a camera and microphone so they can share thoughts and ask questions throughout the class. This is a beginner class for those who have little to no prior Canva experience.

Participants should sign up for a free Canva account before the workshop. 

Logo: Canva

Become a CT State Library for the Blind Hub Library

Wednesday, August 24 | 11 am-12 pm


Wednesday, August 31 | 2-3 pm


The Connecticut State Library for the Blind (LBPH) seeks to partner with public libraries across Connecticut to establish up to six LBPH “hub” libraries. Join LBPH Director, Matt Geeza, in this virtual webinar to learn about the CT State Library’s vision for the LBPH regional hub libraries. Webinar attendees will learn about LBPH services and resources, how serving as a LBPH hub library will benefit local patrons of the host libraries, and how the CT State Library will support the hub libraries and their staff. There will be a presentation as well as time for Q & A.

Logo: CT State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

Visit our calendar

Top 5 Trainings for FY2022 in CT State Library Niche Academy

  1. Front Line Customer Service: A Six-Week Course – 652 views
  2. Customer Service Strategies – 448 views
  3. Addressing Homeless Issues – 229 views
  4. Survival Spanish for Library Staff – 176 views
  5. De-Escalation: Recognizing and Responding to Tense Situations – 149 views

Explore all the offerings in the Connecticut State Library Niche Academy. Choose from hundreds of tutorials in this growing collection. 

Logo: Niche Academy

Library Data You Can Use

One-on-One Tech Consultations

Reminder: Start counting these now to report in next year’s state Annual Report

Count any interaction between a library staff member and patron, whether scheduled or unscheduled, where the staff member spends a considerable amount of time tutoring or teaching the patron about information technology or digital literacy skills. Examples include computer or device (such as e-reader or smartphone) tutorials, assistance with creating an email or social media account, instruction on how to make video calls, help navigating websites or online applications, or instruction on using specific software. Do not count assistance with the library copier/printer.

One-on-One Tech Consultations are a subset of Reference Transactions, so you’ll also include these interactions in your total count of Reference Transactions, question 2.16 on the Annual Report. 

Photo taken from behind of a man and a women each with a laptop sitting at a table.

CT Digital Library

Logo: researchIT CT. Free Online Resources. A Service of the CT State Library.
Logo: LearningExpress, Workforce Solutions

researchIT CT – Workforce Solutions Subscription Extended!

Thanks to funding provided to the Connecticut State Library through Library Services and Technology Act, we extended access to Workplace Solutions from EBSCO free to public libraries through September 2023. Learn about this amazing free resource.

LearningExpress Workforce Solutions (featuring Job & Career Accelerator) contains hundreds of resources to help users achieve high school equivalency, explore jobs and careers, prepare for occupational certification exams, and develop the core knowledge and skills that are essential to workplace success. 

If you already linked to Workforce Solutions on your library website, there is nothing you need to do. If haven’t linked to this resource yet, public libraries can find their link. If you have any questions or need information about Workforce Solutions, or any other researchIT CT resources, please contact Brad Bullis at [email protected].

Logo: eGO CT State Library
Logo: The Palace Project
Logo: Community Share Program by Baker & Taylor

The eGO CT Program – Free eBooks for Public Libraries and Schools! 

The Palace Project for public libraries continues to expand, and we currently have 68 libraries that are live in the Palace app and sharing this amazing free resource with their patrons. A total of 149 libraries are live in the app. If you are unsure of your library’s status, check the list of libraries in the Palace Project app or contact DLD.

DLD purchased 252 new items during the month of July and we will continue to purchase additional content. We focused on biographies and mysteries this month, with 87 titles in eaudiobook format for you and your patrons.

This summer DLD will continue to work with Baker & Taylor to connect Follett Destiny schools here in Connecticut to eGO CT content purchased by the Connecticut State Library as part of the eGO CT Community Share Program

For about more information about the eGO CT Program, please contact Brad Bullis at the Connecticut State Library/Division of Library Development, [email protected].

Children and Young Adult

Banner with text Camp Sparkler Summer 2022, Families: Learn and Play Together. Graphic with hexagon containing pine trees, sun, compass in navy, green and gold.

Go Camp Sparkler!

Camp Sparkler is well underway and families across CT are starting to learn through play with us! And just in case you haven't heard, these stories and songs all summer long are by our very own CT librarians! 

Photo of toddler holding a drawing standing on a path taken from above with graphic border.
Same photo of toddler with new moon and space background and astronaut helmet and stars on top with graphic border.

Here are some updates for you on this fun new way to engage families across Connecticut in play-based learning all summer long: 

  • More than 150 parents have browsed through the camp activities already!
  • We've sent personal notes via Sparkler to all who have browsed or completed activities. Those who have finished their first activity have earned their "seed badge."
  • One 3-year-old in Manchester went on a Space Mission, and her mom gave permission to share this picture of her daughter!
  • One 3-year-old boy in Milford played "Countdown." His mom noted that his family practiced doing the countdown to "lift off" in multiple languages!
  • The first Toddler and Littles storytimes in collaboration with the CT State Library opened with Kym Powe sharing stories and songs related to the theme of the week - meteorologist for toddlers, and astronaut for littles!


New Titles: Books on CD Collection

New Titles are now available in the Middletown Service Center’s Books on CD Collection including All CT Reads titles! (These titles are also available in the Palace Project app!) Find these titles and more in our catalog.

Audiobook cover: Cosmic Queries: StarTalk's Guide to Who We Are, How We Got Here, and Where We're Going by Neil deGrasse Tyson and James Trefil
Audiobook cover: Our Italian Summer by Jennifer Probst
Audiobook cover: This Town Sleeps: A Novel by Dennis E. Staples
Audiobook cover: Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy

New Professional Development Titles

Book cover: Uncommon Quotes for Library Lovers  by American Library Association
Book cover: Compact Copyright: Quick Answers to Common Questions by Sara Benson
Book cover: Library Design for the 21st Century: Collaborative Strategies to Ensure Success Edited by Diane Koen

These are just some highlights! We've got lots more professional development titles in our collection - browse more new titles and search our catalog!

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Stay Connected! Join our Email Lists

Our many email discussion lists for the library community help you connect with your peers. Conntech has the greatest reach across the state, and both Goodnightmoon for children's services and Speak for YA services have lively discussions and professional interchange.

Scout the full list and subscription information.

Graphic: Connecting web of dots and bars

Middletown Library Service Center

Open Hours: Monday-Friday | 8 am-4:30 pm 

MLSC will be closed Monday, September 5 in observance of Labor Day.

MLSC staff, whether in the office or telecommuting, are responding to voicemail and e-mail during business hours of 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday, except for state holidays.

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